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Some fedi admins make fedi happen, others break fedi. Not all of them are good, and not all of them are bad.
If you want to choose your community and who can talk to you then you don't need someone else to do this work. There is no need for fedi admins if you use a single-user instance.

If so many admins put so much effort into making decisions for other people then let's decentralize this case too. Let's get rid of admins at all. And let everyone decide.

1 comment
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@nk as much as I would love fedi to be ever more decentralized, I am also a sysadmin and I understand how much work running an instance, even a single user instance, takes.

So I will continue to appreciate the feid admins, and you do you.

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