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as a security practitioner, i can no longer legitimize telegram given their latest behavior of attacking actual legitimate secure messaging tools

i was already planning to delete my account at the end of the month over the nazi thing, but i am not going to tolerate a bunch of useless rich-ass techbros (durov and musk in this case) bullying @Mer__edith who is one of the most empathetic people in this industry and who runs an absolutely solid team who cares extensively about the safety and security of the users of their product

i don't care if "all the furries are still there" anymore. i won't be. i'm done with this.

as a security practitioner, i can no longer legitimize telegram given their latest behavior of attacking actual legitimate secure messaging tools

i was already planning to delete my account at the end of the month over the nazi thing, but i am not going to tolerate a bunch of useless rich-ass techbros (durov and musk in this case) bullying @Mer__edith who is one of the most empathetic people in this industry and who runs an absolutely solid team who cares extensively about the safety and security...


Unbordered it is, thanks for all the feedback!

(y'all make my job so easy, our project wouldn't go far without your feedback and impact ❤️)

Григорий Клюшников

Do make the scrollable things extend to the edges of the screen though. That clipping looks odd. Or, if you can't, do this:


Edit: Unbordered won! (I liked bordered more, but the people spoke and I listen)

I need your opinion, I can't decide between bordered or unbordered sections, which do you prefer?

Bordered vs Unbordered

(reply with your choice)

#askFedi #pixeldev

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Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup I'd probably go unbordered, but with some form of horizontal rule to separate content (e.g., border between)

Tarcísio Surdi

@dansup no border and maybe add a gradient to the sides in order for it to look more scrollable, removing the need for the “swipe for more” text


Putting the final touches on the new Pixelfed app!

Might ship an early preview APK later tonight 👀

Sam Lehman :nixos:

@dansup perfect time to have just created an account


We are working on a new feature to self-label media as AI generated

In addition, we're building this into feeds and discovery so you can opt-out of AI generated media posts with a single click!



Implemented album carousels in the new Pixelfed app!

Helio Loureiro 🇧🇷

@dansup one suggestion: several pictures are trimmed to fit on the squared size. So you have to click on it to see completely.

It might break the UX look&feel, but to have the picture displayed properly would be very nice, using width as reference.


The new Pixelfed app camera and compose experience is much better ✨

Shipping soon 🚀

#pixelfed #pixelfedApp #reactNative

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup what happens if you're taking a photo of something light coloured? Can you still see the shutter controls?


@dansup Would you put music enabled to the app?


Browsing comments from the feed is so nice, really looking forward to shipping the redesigned app!



Like it's taken me years to get good at frontend dev, backend dev, project management, marketing, user support and also realizing how I can use my growing following to benefit other people and projects

And now it's all coming together and I couldn't be happier 😁

Building @pixelfed and everything else is a dream I've had for so many years and now I'm just in awe of the fact I'm actually doing this.

Never stop believing in yourself ❤️


Most forks fail because you need a core developer to maintain the project

There are dozens of misskey forks, and most of them fail after a few months or a year (calckey ->firefish)

You can't just fork something and live off hopes and dreams

This is why I believe it's in my best interest as the core maintainer of Pixelfed to work with our community as much as possible to eliminate the need for a fork

Such a vibe when you reach this, I love it, fuck egos, we all equals, lets goooo 🚀


Koen de Jonge - SynQ

@dansup this is the unbreakable spirit I would like to see in all #opensource development and especially in everything that entails #fediverse

We are no programmers, but system administrators and we love to do our part! @fediversity

We have funding for a few years and we love to make everything federated a big success.


Yeah I've seen a few fedi devs sell out, some sell soapboxes to presidents and others bring their failed misskey forks to the fintech world

The one thing they all had in common was they never actually wrote their own project, they forked an existing project and added some lipstick

Meanwhile us other fedi devs are still here, not chasing trends or money.


Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

"some sell soapboxes to presidents"

I see what you did, there.... 😉


I'm not perfect, which is why I listen to feedback and implement it accordingly.

Let me give you an example, @kyva commented on a post I made mentioning our onboarding flow is far from perfect.

Instead of ignoring them, or trying to justify it, I asked for their feedback.

They responded with mockups that solve the issue, so I let them know we'll be implementing this in our new app!

I just finished it, and can't wait to ship the new app!!

Keep the feedback coming! ❤️

I'm not perfect, which is why I listen to feedback and implement it accordingly.

Let me give you an example, @kyva commented on a post I made mentioning our onboarding flow is far from perfect.

Instead of ignoring them, or trying to justify it, I asked for their feedback.

They responded with mockups that solve the issue, so I let them know we'll be implementing this in our new app!

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Fink :antifa:

@dansup @pixelfed @kyva Do the instances have a short description? If so it would be helpful to show that, that I can see why I'd want to choose one over the other.
If not: that would be a nice feature in general for Fedi instances :)

Jorge Saturno :niboe:

@dansup @kyva thanks for listening to the users. kyva is actually hosting the most reliable pixelfed server for the Spanish-speaking community 🧡

Robert Boler

@dansup @kyva Thank you for having the humility and wisdom to accept feedback— particularly when it comes to inviting new folks to the federated web. 💙


Winter please, so tired of this wildfire smoke

I feel like I'm living in the prequel to Extrapolations, and every time we're hanging out or partying, I always bring up that show because nobody watched it and it's like a damn time machine into the future

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Chris Gervais 🎸🥁💻

@dansup I thought it was a great show but hard to watch and then look out the window. More people should see it

Moto :rainbowinfinity:

@dansup Thank you for the recommendation! Just watched the first episode and … yeah. It’s *riveting.*

Jérémie Ducastel

@dansup looks awesome and never heard of it, thanks for the discovery !


Recently started watching Extrapolations and I'm obsessed

Trying to get my friends and family to watch it is another story, they don't care

"We only have one home, this one" #Extrapolations

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Jeremiah Lee

@dansup You have convinced me to watch it! Looks fascinating.


Just a week later after I posted this, my city was at risk for evacuations due to approaching wildfires.

It’s surreal


@dansup How many series there is on Apple tv that are worthy to see?


So there is a wildfire near me that has grown over the past few hours and lead to the evacuation of surrounding homes

It's now too smokey to even see the night sky, just my luck!

(Don't worry about me, the fire is about 30km away, but we are in for another scary wildfire szn)

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

@dansup We can only hope that one day governments will realized that they need to fund forest fire presentation programs that do prescribed fires (for example)


I can't see any aurora borealis right now in northern Alberta, Canada

But I do see all your amazing pics, keep em coming!

(Don't worry about me, northern lights/aurora borealis are very common up here, literally nobody I know here really cares about this one because they are so common, but it's super cool to witness them appear in uncommon places and to see all the excitement)

Stanislaus Grumman 🇵🇸 :berd:

@dansup We've seen them (very faintly, but still) in Spain!!!!!!!


I'm debating reviving my official pixelfed hosting service idea, it's not a regular host service though!

Rather you'd bring a S3, Hetzner, Linode, DigitalOcean API key to our service

We would provision or otherwise manage (1-click updates, automated backups) your instance while allowing you to maintain total control over ownership of the underlying server and data

I'm thinking $5-20 a month for this, and it would allow admins a new level of peace of mind while maintaining total control


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Jerry Lerman

@dansup I maintain many personal servers (Mastodon, email server, Bluesky PDS, DNS, VPN, WordPress, Nextcloud, Peertube) and several more!, that I'd welcome having a Pixelfed instance that someone else would maintain for me. I'm just out of spare time.

I've thought of setting up a Pixelfed instance, but just haven't had the weekend time to do it.

So, yep, I'd sign up.

Yves Luther

@dansup I am a totally happy @mastohost user and always wished for a similar offer for my own pixelfed instance. Please make it happen Dan!

Jason Cosper

@dansup Great idea! SpinupWP does this for WordPress if you need inspiration.


Pixelfed really needs some corporate sponsors to help fund everything we are doing

If you know of potential sponsors that want their website or logo listed on,, and please let me know!

It's getting expensive to fund all these out of pocket, and as it stands I may have to limit myself to Pixelfed only if we can't get more financial support.

Kévin ⏚

@dansup I went to see if you already had one, but rather than a Corpo could try crowdfunding through Liberapay and Ko-Fi


@dansup not financial but @devs (Fastly) has the fast forward program with which their offer there services (like CDN) for free for open source projects that qualify.
They have interest in the fediverse and already sponsor my instance


While working on the Pixelfed mobile app refactor, I found the issue causing “broken” or missing comments, it’s not a federation bug, but rather a hardcoded limit of 20 comments (on the MastoAPI)

Working on the fix, and a new pixelfed API for better comment pagination.

#pixelfed #pixeldev

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