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While you can disable comments on @pixelfed (and it federates), we are working on better comment controls. ✨

Soon you will be able to limit comments to mutuals, accounts you follow, and more!

#pixelfed #commentControls


@dansup @pixelfed What about the ability to keep people from boosting your posts? 🤔


"We have enormous freedom. That’s not a gift that was given to us, it’s a legacy that was left to us by centuries of struggle. By centuries of people that most of whose names are completely forgotten, the ones who created the freedom and the rights we now have, and that will be taken away unless you constantly defend them."

- Noam Chomsky


So cool to see @nlnet officially join the fediverse using

Thanks for supporting so many amazing #fediverse projects, including @pixelfed

(in fact, our project was the first fediverse project funded by nlnet ✨)

Jippi 🇩🇰

@dansup @nlnet @pixelfed nice! They should get upgrading though, their release is ~9 months old (0.12.2) with most recent release being 2 days old

(their release:


Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).
We've been stealthily present in the Fediverse behind the NGIZero handle but have now finally set up our NLnet instance. With special thanks to @nlnetlabs for their patience :).
Another way we've been involved is we've funded many fantastic ActivityPub related projects. See the image for a visual overview.

Happy to be here and looking forward to meet you in this pleasant space.


Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).

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ᵒᵏ wakest

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs glad to see you here finally! Might be nice to unmask *who* is posting to the account.

Martijn Vos

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs

I had no idea @nlnet was into funding so much development these days. I know you mostly from the early internet/usenet days in NL.

As it happens, I've got some ideas about open communication networks that are a bit broader than the usual social media, that I'd love to work on but probably never will. But now I'm thinking I should maybe write a proposal for you. Even if it's just to refine my ideas.

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@dansup @pixelfed Did you ever get feedback about the font sizes? Whenever I see your Pixelfed screenshots, I really like the overall aesthetic, but also notice that all the texts seem way too small to me. It’s a bit hard to tell without actually using the app myself though. ✌️


It was nearly two years ago that I wrote this article[1] about the EU #ChatControl surveillance directive on behalf of the @cryptpad team.

Very little has changed since then. Experts in technology, law, and policy all agree that the proposal undermines basic European rights, that it will be abused by authoritarian member states, and that the proposed tech solutions cannot possibly do the job the supporting legislators have claimed.

Nevertheless, they have persisted, claiming the support of "expert testimony" that overwhelmingly consists of unsupported claims by lobbyists associated with law enforcement and defense contractors who stand to benefit financially from its implementation.

A vote is expected to take place on June 19th. These have been scheduled and delayed multiple times already, but this it feels like they might get away with it. There is a lot going on in the EU at the moment, and people are both distracted and tired from fighting this for so long.

I'll try to make resistance easier by collecting some suggested actions below, with links.


It was nearly two years ago that I wrote this article[1] about the EU #ChatControl surveillance directive on behalf of the @cryptpad team.

Very little has changed since then. Experts in technology, law, and policy all agree that the proposal undermines basic European rights, that it will be abused by authoritarian member states, and that the proposed tech solutions cannot possibly do the job the supporting legislators have claimed.

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Kristoff Bonne 🇪🇺 🇧🇪

@ansuz @cryptpad I agree with the fact that encryption is a fundamental part of democracy.

But the problem is that I have not seen proposals on how to handle a situation where encryption is used by actors who want to undermine democracy, hiding their actions via encryption.

E.g. A foreign state actor using telegram in a combined randsomware-against-hosptitals and disinformation campaign, this to cause social unrest and inlluence people to vote tor more-extremist parties.

ansuz / ऐरन

good morning, #EU residents. have you written to your elected representatives about #ChatControl yet?

EDIT: comments should be addressed to the offices of "permanent representatives" listed on this page:

I don't know for sure that these offices are elected. start with these contact points, after that you can still feel free to contact your MEPs, but start here

𝙊𝙩𝙩𝙤 𝙅. 𝙈𝙖̈𝙠𝙚𝙡𝙖̈

@ansuz @cryptpad It should be noted that Finland seems to be on the fence after these cosmetic changes. "Won't anyone think of the Children?"


Just a note saying how my #Fediverse experience has been made immeasurably richer for being able to take in and engage with carefully curated #Threads users, #BlueSky bridged users, #WordPress ActivityPub enabled blogs, Federated #Podcast episodes, #PixelFed photos, and Peertube videos. All from one Mastodon account. This works.

And I'm grateful for the moderation tools to mute, block and curate all of this, and the Mastodon lists to make them all digestable and not just info overload.

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Larry Staples

@tchambers Many times a #Bluesky user seems to be replying to or reposting something I can’t see. I assume it’s because the poster is not bridged. Disheartening. Does not seem to be as bad with #Theads.


@tchambers That sounds really exciting. So far I have stuck to the Twitter/Reddit way of using this medium but we'll see what the future will bring

Carlos Solís
@tchambers And don't forget RSS feeds bridged to the Fediverse!
Hugo Trentesaux ⏚

@dansup hum 🤔
too clever for me? Need explanation ><

Devil :verified:

@dansup Could you be so kind to offer an .apk to the Pixelfed app? I don't want to use Google Play Store


Just shipped a new mini side-project for Pixelfed + Laravel Forge + Cloudflare.

This tool enhances your @pixelfed server security by automatically updating your server's firewall to allow only Cloudflare IP ranges, effectively blocking unauthorized requests.

This can ensure that only legitimate traffic reaches your server, reducing the risk of attacks and unauthorized access.

Simply add 2 env vars and setup the scheduler, and it will auto-update 😎



Just shipped a new mini side-project for Pixelfed + Laravel Forge + Cloudflare.

This tool enhances your @pixelfed server security by automatically updating your server's firewall to allow only Cloudflare IP ranges, effectively blocking unauthorized requests.

This can ensure that only legitimate traffic reaches your server, reducing the risk of attacks and unauthorized access.

Melroy van den Berg

@dansup @pixelfed while I like this improvement very much. Due to the recent events regarding cloudflare I'm not planning to use cloudflare at all. Not now or in the future. Their sales tactics and the way the company is treating customers is instantly bad.


@dansup @pixelfed Can’t log into using @vernissage Is it related to this? Only .social is affected.


Deletes are forever, archive to hide

View archived posts on your profile, and unarchive with a single tap ✨ #pixelfed #archive


@pixelfed fajnie że tlumaczycie takie rzeczy


While you can disable comments on @pixelfed (and it federates), we are working on better comment controls. ✨

Soon you will be able to limit comments to mutuals, accounts you follow, and more!

#pixelfed #commentControls


@dansup @pixelfed What about the ability to keep people from boosting your posts? 🤔


Why does safari hate mastodon advanced mode???

I just accidentally boosted something when I meant to favourite it, I know its not mastodons problem because this never happens on chrome

like, idk what the safari team did recently, but you can def notice how it breaks sites when you keep the tabs open, steve jobs is rolling in his grave!!

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@dansup ha! There's a reason I don't know any Frontend devs that like Safari - I've had to put in so many hacks because of Safari bugs (doesn't help you need a freaking IPhone to test).


@dansup Recommend filing a bug for it

The team is always looking for things that don’t work:


I'm learning swift to implement on-device translations, hashtag and alt-text suggestions!

don't worry, kotlin is next 😎

When it comes to adding features like these, I draw the line at on device processing when possible.

Privacy is fundamental, and I'm only willing to implement features like this if they can be implemented using native apis, we will never use ChatGPT or 3rd party APIs period.

#pixelfed #privacy

Mari 🏳️‍🌈

@dansup Swift is one of my favorite languages but I don't like apple anymore xD


@dansup Honestly, I thought you know Swift already. From your posts it seemed you primarily test and develop on operating systems of Apple and then extend the apps to Android. What technologies did you use? React Native?


This song is stuck in my head, on repeat all night 🔥

Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Okay #np #fediplay


Just shipped a new mini side-project for Pixelfed + Laravel Forge + Cloudflare.

This tool enhances your @pixelfed server security by automatically updating your server's firewall to allow only Cloudflare IP ranges, effectively blocking unauthorized requests.

This can ensure that only legitimate traffic reaches your server, reducing the risk of attacks and unauthorized access.

Simply add 2 env vars and setup the scheduler, and it will auto-update 😎



Just shipped a new mini side-project for Pixelfed + Laravel Forge + Cloudflare.

This tool enhances your @pixelfed server security by automatically updating your server's firewall to allow only Cloudflare IP ranges, effectively blocking unauthorized requests.

This can ensure that only legitimate traffic reaches your server, reducing the risk of attacks and unauthorized access.

Melroy van den Berg

@dansup @pixelfed while I like this improvement very much. Due to the recent events regarding cloudflare I'm not planning to use cloudflare at all. Not now or in the future. Their sales tactics and the way the company is treating customers is instantly bad.


@dansup @pixelfed Can’t log into using @vernissage Is it related to this? Only .social is affected.


I'm back!

I took a lil break from Mastodon today to focus on the app 😅

I'm going to wrap up Groups and the new @pixelfed app this week, and then I can jump back to @loops and @supapp

Y'all are going to love the new app, it just keeps getting better and better ✨

Michael Bishop ☕

@dansup @pixelfed @loops @supapp

Looking forward to Groups. When can we test it out?


@dansup do you plan do monetize pixelfed?


Taking a break from mastodon, see ya when I see ya


He doing a sneek, probably practising for @loops

#cat #loops


Next week is hackathon week at @pixelfed HQ where we compete for the best project

I'm planning on experimenting with a more efficient transport protocol for federation between Pixelfed servers, and will be documenting my progress during the week!

#pixelfed #pixelfedHackWeek

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