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Dr. Quadragon ❌

What's the purpose, you might ask?

Well, first of all, spite. They VERY MUCH don't like users being able to repair their devices, (or for that matter have any leverage or meaningfully being a part of any conversation at all) - because that gives them power over their devices, which Apple had tried its damnedest to rest from them ever since the invention of the iOS business model (because it pretty much relies on an individual having as little power as possible, and that's how they make money). But by the new legislation, they have to provide tools, even if at barest minimum possible. And they're mad about it, and they are not afraid to show it.

Second, but most important - it's an attempt to divert people from repair bu making it appear completely unappealing, sketchy and dangerous endeavour, distancing themselves from it as much as possible, while still maintaining some legal credibility - but not much, just so far as it flies under the most people's radars.

What's the purpose, you might ask?

Well, first of all, spite. They VERY MUCH don't like users being able to repair their devices, (or for that matter have any leverage or meaningfully being a part of any conversation at all) - because that gives them power over their devices, which Apple had tried its damnedest to rest from them ever since the invention of the iOS business model (because it pretty much relies on an individual having as little power as possible, and that's how they make money). But...


@drq of course it is on purpose. They're being forced into doing that against their will. Apple mindset is owning their devices and software, you're merely a user. They'll make self-service repair painful.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Toby Fox - Deltarune - Empty town в аранжировке The Second Narator

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Мир, Труд, Май, товарищи!

Сегодня воскресенье, а значит - мы смотрим кино!

В голосовании на сегодняшний Fediverse Movie Night победил вариант Wall-E, который предложил @kafazen Любовь и роботы, но вроде как без смертей (дисней же...) - но зато с тараканом.

Встречаемся в 21:00 по Москве!


Dr. Quadragon ❌

If all the shitstorm today is about @paniq's toot, please consider the fucking context, and separate it from what's actually being said for once, you people.

Paniq didn't come here often before Twitter buyout, so he may not know the specifics. And yes "Mastodon" not being the whole Fediverse is a specific that's hard to recognize for a novice.

The sentiment for normalizing asking people for their Fediverse address and starting conversations about it is a perfectly valid one.

Leonard Ritter

@drq there is no shitstorm. all is well. i had _one_ very healthy debate with a user about fediverse specifics.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Надо спать. Но не хочется вообще.

Спасибо чувакам с прошлой работы за сломанный режим, охуенно разбудили сегодня в 7 утра.

Dr. Quadragon ❌


Никогда не играл в Персону, но охуенно.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Так, те мусора как-то недобро на меня смотрят. Пойду-ка я.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Сука, их тут три машины. По съебам, однозначно.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Не надо отвечать на хуйню, хуйню следует игнорировать.

Это я себе.

Alexey Skobkin

Хуйня какая-то. Напишу-ка я коммент.


@drq а как насчет репостить хуйню ? Помоему отличная идея :ageblobcat:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

How do I explain to a client that it will just be cheaper to throw away all of his shitty code and start anew?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

He has spent 15 years writing the shittiest PHP in the entire existence thinking he's doing development and puts a lot of sentimental value on it. He gets very emotional when I tell him that at this point the project is unmanageable, a lot of it has enormously stupid security issues like unescaped SQL queries, entire parts of it are physically unable to run because they are ridddled with errors, that copying and pasting stuff 16 times is not how you do programming, the structure is nonexistent, and with this level and amount of problems we'll spend more time fixing all this crap than rewrite this from the ground-up.

Talk about sunk cost fallacy.

He has spent 15 years writing the shittiest PHP in the entire existence thinking he's doing development and puts a lot of sentimental value on it. He gets very emotional when I tell him that at this point the project is unmanageable, a lot of it has enormously stupid security issues like unescaped SQL queries, entire parts of it are physically unable to run because they are ridddled with errors, that copying and pasting stuff 16 times is not how you do programming, the structure is nonexistent, and...


@drq showcase the difference on a small sample?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

У Карличека, блять, все хорошо, ему намана.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Не, правда, рад за мужика, но все же... До чего же ушлый тип. Хорошо, что он за нас. (хотя и не всегда выполняет что наобещал)

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