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Dr. Quadragon ❌

How do I explain to a client that it will just be cheaper to throw away all of his shitty code and start anew?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

He has spent 15 years writing the shittiest PHP in the entire existence thinking he's doing development and puts a lot of sentimental value on it. He gets very emotional when I tell him that at this point the project is unmanageable, a lot of it has enormously stupid security issues like unescaped SQL queries, entire parts of it are physically unable to run because they are ridddled with errors, that copying and pasting stuff 16 times is not how you do programming, the structure is nonexistent, and with this level and amount of problems we'll spend more time fixing all this crap than rewrite this from the ground-up.

Talk about sunk cost fallacy.

He has spent 15 years writing the shittiest PHP in the entire existence thinking he's doing development and puts a lot of sentimental value on it. He gets very emotional when I tell him that at this point the project is unmanageable, a lot of it has enormously stupid security issues like unescaped SQL queries, entire parts of it are physically unable to run because they are ridddled with errors, that copying and pasting stuff 16 times is not how you do programming, the structure is nonexistent, and...


@drq showcase the difference on a small sample?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

У Карличека, блять, все хорошо, ему намана.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Не, правда, рад за мужика, но все же... До чего же ушлый тип. Хорошо, что он за нас. (хотя и не всегда выполняет что наобещал)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Я кажется нашел слово, которое описывает сети, подобные Fediverse.

Почему бы нам не назвать это "Экосистемой"? Вроде подходит.

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@drq слишком "корпоративный" термин в контексте технологий, имхо. Как атака на лексику корпоратов - отлично. Но усилий многовато имхо потребует.


что угодно можно назвать "системой" эко или не эко...
понятие которое безлико и ничего не добавляет к объяснению что такое федиверс

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Turns out you don't need billionaires to do some blogging. Who knew!

Alexey Skobkin

Turns out you need a billionaire to use Mastodon!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

People are realizing that most of the stuff that was provided to them by the Big Tech (for the benefit of Big Tech, everything else be damned), they can easily do themselves. That it's not actually all that special and complicated. Moreover, they can decide which part of that they do and don't want, add their own stuff to that and experiment with the form and the content, all by themselves.

With enough political will and technical prowess on our side, slowly but surely, the Fediverse, from an "alternative" social ecosystem, will become "familiar", then "well-known", then "standard", then, with any luck, "the default".

The writing is on the wall. Has been for decades, in fact.

People are realizing that most of the stuff that was provided to them by the Big Tech (for the benefit of Big Tech, everything else be damned), they can easily do themselves. That it's not actually all that special and complicated. Moreover, they can decide which part of that they do and don't want, add their own stuff to that and experiment with the form and the content, all by themselves.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

StreetComplete needs more marketing around it.

hkc (Carbonated)

@drq pov: one billionaire buys google and gmaps and people migrate to streetcomplete

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq было бы ещё прикольно выдавать разноеи количество звёздочек за разные квесты. Например за актуализацию данных об организации побольше, потому что они на OSM в крайне печальном состоянии, но при этом ойей как востребованы :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:


@drq What's that? :blobcatthinking:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Stop listing VNC servers and clients as TeamViewer alternatives, THEY ARE NOT.


@drq I agree, it's so annoying! but... is it actually not?


@drq so, do we have any open source alternatives?


@drq actually, if you mix something like yggdrasil and vnc...

Dr. Quadragon ❌


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@drq так сделай себе трэкбол на кастамной клавиатуре)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Так, все, вроде бы заработало как надо.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Успел съездить в Бронницы и забрать документы на участок.

Докторской даче - быть!


@drq Можно будет летом наслаждаться видом бронницких триатлонистов, мешающих людям спокойно ловить рыбу рано утром 😀


@drq вписку в первый день устроишь? :DDDD

Enigma Voice

@drq дача - это хорошо. А когда она недалеко от дома - ещё лучше.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Snaps are the Mir display server in the world of software packaging formats.

It literally has no real reason to exist other than "it's not Wayland or Flatpak and it's Canonical's own, so suck it".

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq is Canonical microsoft of Linux so? :blobcatgooglytrash:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I think, the most valuable skill for a developer or project manager is to learn to throw stuff out.

I now work with a guy who's a major code hoarder, and whom I fight tooth and nail for every piece of shit in the repository, regardless if it's referenced elsewhere or not.

And some of this shit is not just dangerous, but outright flammable. I found 148 unescaped SQL selects over the whole project.

At this point "being hacked" is less of a "cybercrime" and more like a "natural selection" sort of thing. Like leaving your password on a post-it note on your desk or something.

I think, the most valuable skill for a developer or project manager is to learn to throw stuff out.

I now work with a guy who's a major code hoarder, and whom I fight tooth and nail for every piece of shit in the repository, regardless if it's referenced elsewhere or not.

And some of this shit is not just dangerous, but outright flammable. I found 148 unescaped SQL selects over the whole project.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

By the way, what I respect about Go - is that it strives to exclude the situation where you have unreferenced entities. If you're gonna import a lib, or declare a variable, or whatever else, you MUST use it somewhere down the line, otherwise the project just wouldn't build.

I love it when the tools are built in such ways that they shape good habits. Mandatory indentation is one of the reasons I loved Python so much.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I'm picking apart my client's codebase for refactoring. As expected, there's a lot of duplicates.

But duplicates are easy. fdupes lists them quick. The real, actual problem is near-duplicates! The files that differ by couple of lines, but otherwise are identical. How do I find them? Is there any tool for that?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

У моего клиента - синдром Плюшкина.

Он _НАСТАИВАЕТ_ на сохранении каждого куска говна в репозитории, не важно, связан он с проектом или нет.

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq ну так, в истории гита все равно всё останется

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@ZySoua Псс... Тут fellow Estonian зашел в чат:


Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mushroomer А ты случайно не тот Машрумер, который композитор?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Поскользнулся, упал, потерял сознание, очнулся - GITS.

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