The auth credentials you can't change or intentionally lose is not really a great security model. @drq …and still, can absolutely be a valuable security tool: На работе задали заняться SIP-телефонией. Ох, как мне не хочется в это говнище лезть... Долбанный Астериск надо собирать из исходников. Он в прямом смысле требует subversion для сборки. @drq в Германии это прогрессивная технология. В любом техническом магазине dect и sip трубку найти можно. Я уж думал не затащить ли SelfPrivacy sip-server. Но Астерикс не хотелось бы, на заре карьеры наебался. Неужели альтернатив внятных не появилось? As always, domestic abuse is _the_ flagship infosec threat model, the one where the victim has the least resources, the least recourse, where they're closest to immediate physical harm. That this industry has failed at and mostly abandoned the idea of even pretending to try dealing with a threat model that's difficult and unprofitable and mostly hurts women is not news, but this new Windows Recall feature is next-level professional negligence. @mhoye I got called an "AI hater" for pointing out exactly that (and the potential abuse by law enforcement) in and ... in a chat-thingie. I love working in tech. :this_is_fine: (but, to be fair to them, "AI hater" *is* correct.) @mhoye change the xkcd cartoon from govt agents beating someone with a wrench to an abusive husband beating someone with a wrench, and maybe these sheltered nerds will believe it. I've seen a lot of people rightfully discussing the privacy implications of Windows Recall but not as many mention that this "feature" is going to lead to people unintentionally breaking NDAs when their Recall data gets leaked from a malware. привет, ! 🔍 Описание Это изображение представляет собой скриншот записи в социальной сети. На белом фоне чёрным шрифтом написан текст: «В деревне Кукуево столкнулись Бентли и Ламборджини. Прибывшие на место сотрудники ДПС два часа фотографировались». 📝 Текст на картинке В деревне Кукуево столкнулись Бентли и Ламборджини. Прибывшие на место сотрудники ДПС два часа фотографировались. It's funny how there is now a plethora of tools and engines that make game development easier and more efficient, and the corporations are still like "ThE GaMeS aRe ToO ExPeNsIvE tO mAkE". |
@Rhodium103 👍💯👍🤣
@Rhodium103 😅
@Rhodium103 "4 out of 5 software developers enjoy the code review process"