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Dr. Quadragon ❌

If you're an EU citizen (probably also need to be over 18), please take a moment to sign this ​:neocat_heart:​
It's an initiative meant to stop videogame publishers from making their games unplayable once support ends

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ч.Т.Д.: Те, кто, выпрыгивая из штанов (иногда буквально), ссылаются на биологию в вопросах гендера и пола, как правило, биологию-то знают на крепкий тройбан.

(я с вами, посоны)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

В истории с Иман Халиф забавляет, что критики-консерваторы, которые обычно железно стоят на принципе "какая писька от рождения - такой и гендер навсегда", в данном случае переобулись и вот этим же людям не нравится настоящая женщина (от рождения биологически, по паспорту и по самоидентификации) лишь потому, что у неё циферка в анализе немного не такая.

И вот она в одном заголовке интерсекс, в другом "биологически мужчина", а кто-то и вовсе прямо мужыком называет. Как так, что за фигня, что с устоями.

В истории с Иман Халиф забавляет, что критики-консерваторы, которые обычно железно стоят на принципе "какая писька от рождения - такой и гендер навсегда", в данном случае переобулись и вот этим же людям не нравится настоящая женщина (от рождения биологически, по паспорту и по самоидентификации) лишь потому, что у неё циферка в анализе немного не такая.

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Dmitry ☮️


Потому, что для того, чтобы такая циферка в анализе появилась нужна ГЗТ (Гармоно заместительная терапия), а после ГЗТ она или он навсегда становятся трансами недоделанными. Смотря в какую сторону ГЗТ. Послушай ее голос в интервью.

Я как раз консерв в этом вопросе. С какой писькой родилось, тем и должно быть до конца жизни (и опираюсь я на биологию, принципы формирования плода, гормонов и т.д.). ГЗТ чрезвычайно вредная и опасная штука. Даже под наблюдением очень дорогих специалистов.

Dmitry ☮️


хотя... кстати, смотрю фотки. Похоже, если там и была ГЗТ, то очень щадаще... Я знаю двух атлеток на ГЗТ - вот там жесть. Хорошие девчонки, но со своими тараканами и уже не совсем девчонки.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

There is a wrestler, Khelif, who transphobes are getting angry at, for having elevated testosterone (even though she was on meds that lower T), and claiming she's XY. I don't know if the XY thing is true, but even if it were, it would be an inactive Y since she was born with a uterus and stuff.

But it reminds me of something interesting one of my professors mentioned years ago in college,

#trans #biology

Alex :yikes:

which is that it's likely LOTS of people have sex chromosome abnormalities and we just don't know it, because not everyone gets their chromosomes looked at. And a lot of early assumptions about sex chromosomes--like that it automatically leads to infertility or mental slowness and stuff--is likely biased because the only people getting tested were people who had some kind of health issue prompting the test.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

На Земле под действием гравитации нагретый воздух поднимается и расширяется, и огонь приобретает форму капли. В условиях микрогравитации на МКС огонь имеет форму шара. Сгорающее вещество встречает молекулы кислорода, свободно перемещаясь во всех направлениях, создает сферическое пламя.

Голубой цвет обусловлен образованием небольшого количества сажи, которая при низкой температуре светится только в инфракрасном диапазоне.

Iron Bug
никогда не думала об этом. но и огнетушитель тоже не сработает. он будет испускать пузыри с пеной.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

I see the freedom at the end of the road
I've heard so many lies and I've taken the blows
Give it to me, take it from me nobody knows
Sick of being used and I'm gonna explode



@drq I know you're gonna like it, in case you don't already know this song 😉

Dr. Quadragon ❌
Pleroma 2.7.0 is OUT

Tons and tons of small changes and fixes both in frontend and backend. Best read through the changelog, it's long.

See the announcement at
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Почти сто пятьдесят лет прошло с тех пор, как художник и фотограф Эдвард Мейбридж с помощь сложной фотосъёмки доказал, что галопирующая лошадь время от времени летит по воздуху. Или, иными словами, у лошади на бегу постоянно повторяется момент, когда ни одна нога не касается земли. Недавно в журнале PeerJ вышла статья, в которой то же самое пишут про бегемотов.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@vkc "Tolerance is not a moral precept; it's a social contract." When people break that contract, they lose the benefit of that tolerance.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Stop bool-ying the enbies.

Григорий Клюшников

don't subject them to computer vision processing because that often involves binarization

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I love Internet, but the state of things on the Web is not very promising, to be honest:

- people don't pay for stuff with money
- there's no free lunch, stuff has to come from somewhere
- software devs and service providers have to resort to ads to get money to keep the lights on
- ad industry devours software and services alive

Mozilla/Facebook deal is not THE disease, it's a symptom.

I love Internet, but the state of things on the Web is not very promising, to be honest:

- people don't pay for stuff with money
- there's no free lunch, stuff has to come from somewhere
- software devs and service providers have to resort to ads to get money to keep the lights on
- ad industry devours software and services alive

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@drq what if there is someone underaged (means - under 18, legally on site, over 16). and payments online are only 18+ . what to do then ? 😁

@drq Oh, come on. Ads are not the problem. Paid access is not the problem. It all existed before. Magazines and other press, entertainment, various facilities like parks and toilets... It can be free, it can be paid, it can be sponsored.

The fucking problem we have is how ads and data mining got out of hand. I have no problem with ads themselves - but not tracking ads. I have no problem if some website (or real life facility) asks me to register - but please don't fucking fingerprint and track me without my knowledge and consent. It is like having hidden cameras installed everywhere. I have no problem if some service costs money - I might buy it or not but please make the deal clear and upfront. No hidden fees, etc.

Imagine all of this is effectively banned. No more tracking ads, no more profiling, no more data brokering. It just doesn't exist anymore. Will the Internet fall apart? No, it will not. It will be more like what we had twenty years ago. Maybe Facebook will become premium service. Maybe Cloudflare won't be free anymore. Maybe you won't be able to get TERABYTES of storage, unlimited videoconferencing and shit for free.

But the Internet will be there. And it will be nice enough.
@drq Oh, come on. Ads are not the problem. Paid access is not the problem. It all existed before. Magazines and other press, entertainment, various facilities like parks and toilets... It can be free, it can be paid, it can be sponsored.

Hypolite Petovan
I beg to slightly differ, people pay online stuff with money, see Patreon and Twitch subscriptions. However they are discriminate in what they’re paying for. The reality is that we’re churning out more content than what people are ready to pay for. On the other side, marketing departments are showered with money because it’s hard to link campaigns with actual results, so there’s an arms race between companies. So there’s a natural fit between content creators starving for money and moneyed marketing dept. starving for content.
I beg to slightly differ, people pay online stuff with money, see Patreon and Twitch subscriptions. However they are discriminate in what they’re paying for. The reality is that we’re churning out more content than what people are ready to pay for. On the other side, marketing departments are showered with money because it’s hard to link campaigns with actual results, so there’s an arms race between companies. So there’s a natural fit between content creators starving for money and moneyed marketing...
Dr. Quadragon ❌

The conversation regarding whether Harris is Black or Black enough isn’t one that “good white folx” have

No matter your ethnicity, you’re RARELY questioned regarding the TYPE of white you are or if you’re white enough

Your agency to check “white” on any form is NEVER questioned

A Toni Morrison quote regarding the function of racism is distraction
berserk du soleil

@KimCrayton1 it's also interesting how severe their fear is of anyone having more than one quality or identity. As a queer person I relate to how racial and ethnic identity should also be a complex spectrum treated with respect and even wonder (first Black woman and first Indian-American at once!!), but white conservatives hate that more than anything as they try to binary-fy us all.

T.J. Crowder

@KimCrayton1 Very well said. The only questions I've ever gotten about what kind of "white" I am have been casual curiosity, not an assessment of my value, my right to be in a place or do a thing. I feel that privilege. #racism

With the quote in the alt text for any who can't read it (my instance limits text too much to just put the text in the toot):

“The function, the very serious function of racism, is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language and you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be one more thing.” - Toni Morrison
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