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15 posts total
Deniz Opal

Their problem with protestors is not that they "disturb the peace". It's that they disturb the violence.

Deniz Opal

Adulthood has its pros and cons.

On the one hand, there comes a time when you see people bearing grudges against you, even after months of not interacting with them, and you don't feel bad, your core emotional reaction is to feel sorry for them, for suffering in the dungeon in their minds they have built and sentenced themselves to.

On the other hand, no one asks you what your favorite dinosaur is anymore. People don't care.

It's triceratops you heartless bastards.

It all evens out I guess.

Deniz Opal

This is a placebo toot.

Studies have shown that toots will still get interaction, even when clearly labeled "placebo toot".

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@selzero needs a trigger warning, my best friend died of a placebo overdose


@selzero wait, is this a $1 placebo toot, or a $10000 placebo toot. I'm told that matters...

Deniz Opal

"Where do you see yourself in three years?"

"3 years? By that time I'll be dropping poisonous scorpions into rich people's climate change bunker air vents."

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Joseph Hertzlinger

... thereby providing them with raw material for chemical weapons ...

Probably a winter crop

@selzero to har is not ok for the scorpions. Probably too cool and no food.

Deniz Opal

Back in the olden days when I wanted to record a VR video, I had to *make* my own VR camera, with a bunch of Go Pros.

Deniz Opal

So you have a Rolex to tell the time. My watch can also tell the time.

Can your Rolex do this?

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@selzero OMG my brother had one of these! Every Christmas that he got a new Transformer it was my job to put the stickers on.

Deniz Opal

Tributes to Metropolis (1927) within Bladerunner (1982) both movies giants of their era, revolutionizing cinema, esthetics, and story telling.

#scifi #cyberpunk #movies #moviestodon #oncinema #OCATC #PopcornClassic #FiveBags #AndALittleAndroid


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The Homespun Days

@selzero that's really cool. I did not know those tributes were in there. Thanks.


@selzero I noticed a lot of similarities between the two films. Not a coincidence!

Deniz Opal

So apparently Google is blocking uBlock from Chrome.

I hereby rebrand Google Chrome as "Google Firefox Downloader".


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Maddad โ˜‘๏ธ

@selzero @schmidt

That tells us that uBlock is working quite well.๐Ÿ‘

Google is a virus... ๐Ÿ’ฉ


@selzero @schmidt There is something else Google should worry about. In almost all of Europe (ie Council of Europe areas rather than just European Union areas) Have article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which is the right to privacy. Google could face an UNLIMITED fine if it breaches that. Council of Europe includes countries such as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the UK who are outside the EU.

Deniz Opal

I sometimes get the impression that the Netflix algorithm has gained sentience and is trying to express itself in a "a have no mouth and I must scream" type trapped hell.

Deniz Opal

It depends on which way inclined they are. No judging.

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Enara :potion_genderfluid:โ”

@selzero I remember going into a bookstore in Buenos Aires that sells books in English a couple of years ago, and I asked for "anything by Philip K. Dick" and the cashier looked at me like if I had said the word Dick to her.

Sandra Lindsey

@selzero Well I know of at least one android who does because I've read An Unexpected Attachment by @RubyJones

Deniz Opal


If we developers say we will fix something. WE WILL FIX IT.

No need to keep nagging us every 6 months. Geez.

Deniz Opal

The Book Wheel was an invention from the 16th century for people that needed multiple tabs open before browsers were invented.

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Rich Casey

@selzero i canโ€™t stop thinking about this.


@selzero the good ole days! โค๏ธ


@selzero I've heard of these before! The idea is still very cool!

Deniz Opal

Isaac Newton inventing the woke agenda in 1669.

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