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Open on la gleki mlatuWebsite:
Physics alt:
Alignment (order of precedence):
falsificationist/neopositivist, chaotic neutral, utilitarian, progressive
Language (order of preference):
jbo, en, fr, de
Personal infoAbout:
gen z theoretical physicist + hobby programmer (I use NixOS btw) I like cats 🐈 #physics #theoreticalphysics #programming #linux #rust #nix #nixos #lineageos #FOSS #privacy #lojban #quenya #sindarin #tengwar
Wall 1 post
@ammoniumperchlorate @prahou
Oh gosh, I feel like Im a mix of those 2 types aaahh
@ammoniumperchlorate @prahou had a roommate like that once. After I told him about my self-hosting hobby, he said "I'm a bit of a geek myself!" And then he showed off his iPhone, as well as his collection of Google smart home devices.
He offered to share access to them with me. I politely declined...