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Deniz Opal


If we developers say we will fix something. WE WILL FIX IT.

No need to keep nagging us every 6 months. Geez.


@b3nb3n @selzero Speaking of emails, this exact issue also affects Thunderbird - I hope it gets the fix as well (the version I've got is still affected, but it's a tiny bit behind)


@selzero we'd happily fix the bug you reported yesterday, but you insist we fix the bug you reported just 3 minutes ago ASAP first. Ho hum.

When your sprint planning lasts all of 36 minutes before you get a couple of highly critical fast tracked issues dropped on top...

#it #softwaredevelopment #scrum #agile

Tesla ⚡

@selzero at this point, the requester died from old age no?

Deniz Opal


They were on Opera waiting for this bug fix till the end.


@selzero @teslawf i’m imagining the bug reporter having a kid since the report, who grew up to fix the bug


@bunnyhero @selzero @teslawf I am pretty sure I heard of the person who fixed this being younger than the bug report... it might have been something else tho
edit: older than the bug, but *just barely*


@teslawf @selzero What's worse is that I think the person who fixed it is a young dev who recently joined the team, and this was one of the first bugs he fixed because it annoyed him personally.

At least that's what I understood at the time.


@selzero I hated that bug so much I'm so glad it has been fixed

grob 🇺🇦

@selzero was going to lol at it being fixed 29 days ago when it was opened 22 days ago. Hmm, different lol after all.


@selzero Your bug fixes are only 22 years behind? Pah, lightweight.

Klaus Frank

@selzero Is this the bug that caused press articles about the developer that fixed it being born after the bug was initially reported?

PrivateGER :owo: ​:neocat_shocked:​ this bug is older than me, what the fuck

holly | fearless era :neocat_flag_nb: the funny thing is the 'fix' broke something else.

i can no longer properly screenshot any dropdowns in firefox. pressing print screen or the hotkey to capture an area with flameshot will close all dropdowns and hide all tooltips that are displayed. if fast enough, the dropdown or tooltip will be at 10-20% opacity when the capture kicks in

the 'fix' probably needed 22 more years of testing :p

Vitchu :neocat_flag_lesbian:

@selzero This bug annoyed me a decent bit but I didn't realize it was older than me 😭
Should've respected my elders

@selzero oh really ?, nice to have it, in my multi-multi monitor setup with tiling wm it causing problems sometime..
:projetstodon: Shalien

@selzero IS that the thunderbird issue that guy learned to code espcially to fix ?

Eragon Il love the fact that despite changing the whole rendering engine and moving from GTK 2 to 3… the bug still persisted.

Tanganronpa It's been so long I got used to it, I almost don't want it to go away.

Erik Ableson

@selzero Looks at my to-do list. Yeah, that looks about right…

Rainer König

@selzero And don't forget: Developers don't need deadlines, it is ready when it is ready.

Irenes (many)

@selzero THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! we've been among the many people frustrated by it over the years

le kendall :infinity_rainbow:

@selzero @irenes

Me: but Mozilla hasn’t even been around for 22 years, how is this…

Year: *is 2024*

Me: 💀

Irenes (many)

@ephant @selzero seriously the tooltip thing has been such a thorn in our side. we're really glad it got action.


@selzero sort of incredible the OS didn't fix this for them in the meantime really

Astra :neofox_confused:​

@selzero oh jesus, it's been so long i honestly thought it was intended behaviour

Felix Urbasik

@selzero It took me a while to realise that it says "years" there.

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