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Deniz Opal

It depends on which way inclined they are. No judging.

Barcode for Philip K Dick's book "Do androids dream of electric sheep" unfortunately printed as "Do androids dream of Dick"

@selzero This must be a different aisle from regular scifi?

Deniz Opal


Nope. It's regular Sci Fi.

The book is Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick.


@selzero Lol, got that, just playing alongโ€ฆ๐Ÿ˜‚


@selzero @wendinoakland

To be honest, it reads like one of those biography book titles that try to be cheeky.


@selzero Been laughing about this for three minutes now ๐Ÿ˜‚, thanks for the fun! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Aldo Bruno

Hollywood will turn into a movie titled Gay Blade Runner

Dan Ciruli :verified:

@selzero OMG I wish there had been room for "Electric" in the title line

Enara :potion_genderfluid:โ”

@selzero I remember going into a bookstore in Buenos Aires that sells books in English a couple of years ago, and I asked for "anything by Philip K. Dick" and the cashier looked at me like if I had said the word Dick to her.

Sandra Lindsey

@selzero Well I know of at least one android who does because I've read An Unexpected Attachment by @RubyJones

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