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Deniz Opal

So you have a Rolex to tell the time. My watch can also tell the time.

Can your Rolex do this?

Robert W. Gehl

@selzero I HAD THAT WATCH!!!! I had one of those! I think it was like 1987 or so. What a trip down memory lane

Les Orchard

@rwg @selzero I, too, had that watch but my teacher took it away and I never got it back 😠

Paul Watts :1892:

@selzero OMG I just been transported back 40 odd yrs...... Boom that kinda hurt. I loved this sooooo much. I think it was red though....


@selzero every once in a while I think about these and I wish I had an updated, more modern one.

Deniz Opal


What we get: Apple tracks fitness data across wearables

What we want: make the wearable transform into a little robot.

Jarjan (He/Him)

Brilliant! Then the robot can do your workout for you! 😁

Zombie Gopher

@selzero I remember this watch! It was awesome! Also, I'm old 😛


@selzero <in robotic voice> "Rolex in disguise "

Luca Sironi
@selzero is it still working from the 80's ? 😍
The Frog



I completely forgot those existed!



@selzero OMG my brother had one of these! Every Christmas that he got a new Transformer it was my job to put the stickers on.

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