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nixCraft ๐Ÿง

Google confirms they will disable uBlock Origin in Chrome in 2024 ๐Ÿคก


@davidd @nixCraft


users block ads on YT and content creators need to be paid

companies pay Google to sponsor ads on search results, nobody is clicking them anymore, companies stop paying Google



@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft

Those content creators already make vastly more than I do... It's already not fair. I have no concern for them because of my ad block.


@Soullioness @bbbhltz @nixCraft

Iโ€™m happy with paying for good content but Iโ€™m not happy with Google disabling uBlock for power.

It will make a (hopefully large) number of users not to use Chrome anymore.


@aes__ @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft where do you get that idea? It's obviously a higher paying job. I'd be grateful to make half of what my favorite creators make.


@Soullioness @aes__ @davidd @nixCraft

Per 1000 ad views, advertisers pay a rate to YT. YT then takes ~45% and the creator gets the rest.

Length and subject influence the rate. Something like $1.50 to $30.00 USD per 1000 videos.

So, in order to make big money, you do need to be *at least* a macro-influencer in a specific category, and make consistently long videos (>8 mins.) that have sponsors and are watched by people without adblockers.


@Soullioness @aes__ @bbbhltz While the big creators do indeed make a lot of money, smaller ones do - in most cases - not.

canleaf08 โŒ˜ โœ…

@aes__ @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft Why should my computer catch a virus or I should watch 5 minute ads ยซ to support creators ยป?

Natasha Nox ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

@Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft It's always like that for jobs with high publicity (unless there are mafias involved, like the music label industry ๐Ÿ™ƒ).
It'd like to highlight that this ain't the artists' or video producers fault ("content creator" is a shitty word), but once again an inherently borked system. Having so many people being able to produce videos, music etc. even for niche stuff is absolutely awesome.

Darren :verified:

@Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft the joke is if you pay for YT Premium you still get ads in the content as the creators have sponsorship and in video ads. If YT blocked ALL ads in content then maybe it would be worth paying for

Stephan Eggermont

@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft nothing to do with content creators. They get paid peanuts


@StOnSoftware @davidd @nixCraft but YT will argue that they are doing it for them


@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft I donโ€™t mind seeing ads, but I mind being tracked and analysed by them


@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft

Few things in life are more useless than You Tube โ€œcelebrities.โ€

Well, BTS and all its offshoots, too.

Gilles Bonnet

@davidd @nixCraft ads are now everywhere... I'll switch to another browser.. time to clean internet


@davidd @nixCraft The whole business model of Google is based on selling targeted ads. uBlock hides ads and blocks some data trackers. It's only natural to block this extension, as it hurts the business.


@nixCraft I guess 2024 is when I stop using Chrome.


@canleaf ah yes, the antivaxxer who left Mozilla to make a cryptocurrency browser. No worries Brave was never an option for me.

canleaf08 โŒ˜ โœ…

@ecksearoh He is also a homophobe who donated to an political cause against marriage equality.


@canleaf power reveals who you really are, and he's a human turd.


@ecksearoh @nixCraft why wait? Firefox is a better browser right now.


Why not now already?

I'd recommend, if it needs to be chromium-based.
It really *is* a great browser!

Otherwise Firefox, or a fork of it, like LibreWolf or Mullvad.



@fasnix Because of the speed and the ease of use. I have things I use Chrome for, and other things I use Firefox for. Thanks for the suggestion but I will never use Vivaldi. But I will probably replace Chrome with the Microsoft equivalent it uses the same extensions and I know how to tune it.


What speaks against VivaldI?

Edge becomes more and more AdWare.
The only ones profiting from that is Microsoft, not you as a user.


@fasnix I have no issues with Edge, I know how to secure it. I have no interest in ever using Vivaldi, thank you for your concern.


Soooo uBlock will just gind a way round, and in the meantime Chromium will step up

Gokul Das

@megatronicthronbanks @nixCraft The declarative solution based on MV3 will never be as good as what uBlock does now. As someone put it, "This is roughly the equivalent of taking a heuristic malware blocker and making it depend solely on file names or file checksums". They will just override it eventually.

And, a chrome derivative won't make a dent in Google's power to corrupt the web. People need to throw out anything based on chrome or blink - starting yesterday.


@goku12 @nixCraft Yeah but nerds don't put up with ads. :) It'll be fixed.

Gokul Das

@megatronicthronbanks @nixCraft I'm not at all worried about nerds. They know the solution. They just needed a push - which this one might be.

What I'm worried about is that websites may start blocking non-chromium browsers. Some already do. The only way out is for alternative browsers to have a large enough market share. All the world's nerds are not going to be enough for that.


@goku12 @nixCraft But there's a big problem now which is:

Nobody can write a new browser from scratch. The requirements are not sane any more.
They are bigger than game code-bases. You need 10s of millions in R&D budget and an army of devs.
Weeel, it's not completely a not never everer ...


@megatronicthronbanks @goku12
There is no need for a new browser, Firefox is right there, open source and works great.


@laurailway @goku12
Agreed. Would be nice if we weren't in this monopickle though.


@megatronicthronbanks @nixCraft Chrome has severely restricted the access of plugins. They won't find any other way, except to bring out their own browser with this built in.

Stefan Ritter :verified:

@nixCraft But I love Chrome so much. It has:

* customization features
* self hosted sync server
* low memory

Oh wait, that's Firefox.

Rob Chapman :ohai: โœ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿง

"....It's not clear how much money Google and publishers lose because of ad blockers, but the companyโ€™s claim that Manifest V3 will help developers create better ad blockers seems somewhat unlikely, at least based on what some experts have said....."


@nixCraft Are they that eager to lose market shares?


@nixCraft Why is anyone still using this shit browser and why was anyone ever using it when there are better options available? Firefox, Brave, Mullvad, DuckDuckGo, Vivaldi, LibreWolf, etc. There is no reason strong enough to overcome the fact that Google is a surveillance company. Stop being such lazy shitheads already.

Jonas Bjรคrnstedt


because most people don't care. they get a browser with windows, chromebook, their mac, and then they use that browser. @nixCraft


@obsolescentsapien @nixCraft they will most likely remove it from Chromium, too, which will result in other chromium based browsers, like Brave, Vivaldi, Edge,โ€ฆ loosing that as well. Aren't they using the same plugin repo, too? I think Firefox and LibreWolf are the real alternatives here.

Brian May ๐Ÿง

@duco @obsolescentsapien @nixCraft I might be wrong, but it sounds like they are removing it from the browser, not the repo. If they change chromium, the change can always be reverted because it is open source. If they change the repo, they can always change the chromium to use another source for the plug-in.


Except, of course, if as a company you rely completely on the "Google Universe".
Which I personally find a stupid idea!
(Same gied for Edge and their Apps.)


Clรฉment CG

@obsolescentsapien @nixCraft I use Firefox since many years.
But I have to admit that it's slightly slower than Chromium (I don't know if it is Firefox's fault or if it is because people develop websites optimized for Chromium only now)
Firefox takes time to implement new CSS features compared to Chromium browsers.
Some criticaly needed apps in the browser only run on Chromium browser (MS Teams etc.).
So โค to Firefox, it's still my daily driver, but I need a Vivaldi install on the side also.

Neil Craig

@nixCraft uBo is better on Firefox anyway due to the DNS API.
Moz FTW.
Also, don't forget DNS-based content blockers if you have or can get the kit - Raspberry Pi + AdGuard is great.


@nixCraft @tdp_org this doesn't work with google though, hence the existence of uBO.

ร‡a tombe bien, jโ€™utilise pas chrome ๐Ÿคฃ

@nixCraft they are going to make adblockers more powerful again...


@nixCraft yeah and after that YouTube will mysteriously stop working on Firefox based browsers...

Koos Looijesteijn

@barthol5280 @Nixcraft Hah yeah adding images in the GSuite was broken for literally years. I don't even think it was intentional, but something broken only on Firefox is def not going to be prioritized to be fixed


@nixCraft what is a Google Chrome? :)))) (FF user here)

Marcel ๐Ÿ›ก โ™ป โœจ

A difficult choice awaits, what will it be in 2024?
Vivaldi (deGoogled Chrome)
Firefox (Mozilla)
Mullvad browser (Firefox privacy enhanced)


@nixCraft All the more reason not to use Chrome ever again.

Hispa โ™ป๏ธ

@nixCraft People confirm they will disable Google Chrome in 2023. :awesome:

Arnaud Launay โœ…

@nixCraft Google confirms we will stop using Chrome in 2024. Next, YouTube allowed only on Chrome.

There's a // with IE in the 2000's I think.

Aron Gergely

@nixCraft I am waiting for the day when one gets literally burned at the stake for using adblock.

Network-wide blocking via DNS filters is still an option though, like


@nixCraft the only thing this guarantees is an upsurge in the uninstallations of Chrome.


@nixCraft Google's effort to thwart ad blockers demonstrates it's an advertising sales business and that search, youtube, and everything else it does are devices to leverage content Google does not create as a sea upon which to float billable ads.

None of us are obligated to accept Google's ads "because content creators need to be paid". The ads are there because 1) Google can't figure out another way to make money, and, 2) Most of the "content" Google platforms isn't worth paying for.

jakob ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡น โœ…

@Purple_Lilith @nixCraft

Firefox and Thunderbird sind it was Netscape Navigator...
(short time of some month with googles chrome, when it was new)

edualc1011 ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ:linux:

I"m using Ungoogled Chromium on Linux (as a secondary browser: my main browser is Vivaldi)
I suppose that uBlock origin works well in Ungoogled chromium...


@nixCraft Vivalidi Browser is the choice for you in 2024 latest

Teop Versant

@nixCraft By mid 2024 they will have another method that will do the same thing. Only this time you will never know.


@nixCraft Chrome needs to fall under Google's usual "though it has many users, we discontinued this project because we got bored" rules that closed so many of their other products


@nixCraft The bigger question is why are people still using the google reconnaissance platform...I'm sorry...Chrome browser, when there are far more private browsers out there that allows UBO or similar protection out of the box.

Der Pepe The biggest problem I see is that the chromium-based alternatives such as Brave and Vivaldi will not be able to get mv2. They are already desperately pointing out that they would then improve their own blockers. Only uBlock Origin offers much more than pure adblocking. I wouldn't want to do without it.

Angela Scholder

@nixCraft Well, I've not used Chrome for over a year anyway.
It's not even for testing purposes on my computer anymore.

However, curious what the impact will be on Cromium based browsers... Not only the blocking uBlock Origin.

Felix Urbasik

@nixCraft If they actually pull this off it will create a wave of people switching to #Firefox. To the average user they look the same and they work the same, but one will have ad blocking and the other one won't.


@nixCraft what a wonderful way to get people to move to Firefox

Echo ๐ŸฆŠ

@nixCraft If you are not using Firefox, what are you doing

Fred Beat

@nixCraft I confirm I will disable Chrome right now.

Hexxy The Grouch

@nixCraft Things you can do to (I think) make Google's job harder beyond switch to Firefox:
- uBlock (of course)
- Noscript
- Privacy Badger
- DNS ad blocking
- Don't log in to your google acct other than to pull mail. Sign out for general Youtube usage or a private window seems to isolate between signins.
- Have Firefox purge all cookies and cache on close. For extra fun, close the browser when logging out of gmail.
- Firefox Containers (been informed about this one, but seems legit.)

Robert Clark

@nixCraft I switched to Firefox many years ago as soon as manifest v3 was originally announced. It was pretty clear at that point that the eventual goal was to do something like this. Iโ€™ll be donating to the Mozilla foundation now.


@nixCraft That's fine, it's their browser. But I wonder if this also effects Chromium based browsers. (or Freetube)


@nixCraft Google decided that promoting and improving adblockers wasnโ€™t enough and they also need to promote Chrome alternatives.


@nixCraft my PiHole go brrrrrr.

Also I'm happy to welcome Firefox back as my primary browser.


@nixCraft the problem is Google blocking extensions that block ads is it pisses off the people who have the technical know how to change browsers.

I understand why they think this is a good idea, but it seems incredibly short sighted.

There's reasons people jumped to chrome why give them reasons to jump off.

Shadow D. Wolf :therian:๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

@nixCraft Yawn. AdGuard runs as a service outside the browser, so it will continue to work no matter what Google (or anyone else) does, blocking ads in any browser, and also ads in non-browser apps.

Thomas Broyer

@nixCraft Fwiw, I feel like uBlock Origin Lite might be all that I need.


Shit like this is happening ALL THE TIME with proprietary software like Google Chrome. They have the power. You don't.

If you use proprietary software, you are receiving end of a power dynamic. You MUST be prepared to be screwed over.

Free software must win.


@nixCraft Google still โ€˜bout dat ad money. Just in case anyone didnโ€™t know, Google (Alphabet) has and always will be an advertising business.

Oceanotter :verified_paw:

@nixCraft lol. Lmao. Yeah switched to firefox earlier this year.

Jon Ramos

@nixCraft time to sideload or use another browser


@nixCraft Stopped using Chrome and Chrome-based browsers many months ago when they announced they were taking ad blockers to task.

Telmo ๐Ÿฆ•

@nixCraft i confirm i did disable chrome in 2023

Montgomery Gator

@nixCraft well, the battle plan seems pretty clear.

The era of shock ads is upon us. I really hope Google likes angry school officials yelling about tub girl ads on the 4th graders Chromebooks.

Tanys Foster

Aha, so they announce to the world their intention to do anti-competitive practice. And we have evidence now for massive antitrust lawsuit?

Gabriel Adrian Samfira

@nixCraft I see the struggles that people using Chrome go through, and it feels like there's a bit of Stockholm syndrome happening there.


@nixCraft guess I'm binging in firefox from now on.


@nixCraft I'll carry on using Firefox with uBlock Origin then


@nixCraft I am all in on Firefox. Best browser out. @mozilla

Alex :misskey: Sorry Google, I'm already using โ€‹:firefox:โ€‹ โ€‹:awesome_rotate:โ€‹

Yee Chie

@nixCraft Hopefully more people will now switch to Firefox or Librewolf.


@nixCraft my answer to Google is simple they wonโ€™t win this battle.

At the end of the day, no one wants to browse the Internet without their digital protection, as itโ€™s full of STDs.


@nixCraft also the best browser to choose for all the Vivaldi fans is Firefox based, you can make it yourself if youโ€™re so inclined.


@nixCraft Wow, what a lovely gift that Google just gave to Firefox.. :ablobcatheart:


@nixCraft Let's hope this results in a massive drop in Chrome market share.

FoxMaSk ๐ŸŒต

@nixCraft don't care what will happen to chrome as I use FF +uBlock since age and now proton VPN to enforce the fight ๐Ÿ˜

Celinho :catjam:

@nixCraft It's not even close to being able to use Chrome yet in 2023. Deserves a wooden beating


@nixCraft And users like me will disable Chrome on our computers. Extremely shortsighted move by Google.


@nixCraft "Google confirms they will push people to forks of Chromium in 2024."


@nixCraft This is going to massively increase the workload of the IT department at almost every company and government office in the world. Ads are THE major vector for malware in organizations that are otherwise competently protected.

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