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Shit like this is happening ALL THE TIME with proprietary software like Google Chrome. They have the power. You don't.

If you use proprietary software, you are receiving end of a power dynamic. You MUST be prepared to be screwed over.

Free software must win.

Dawid Rejowski

@Wuzzy @nixCraft

This time It's more complicated.
Chromium is free software, but even then every browser (except Firefox and Safari) are just building on it. Thus not having dedicated team for core development they are screwed to anything Google do.

I Google's hands even free software can give control 🙆


@didek @nixCraft Yeah the fact that too many browsers are Chromium-based is a HUGE problem. I don't like Chromium because of the built-in Google spyware antifeatures that you'd have to remove first.

The problem (I think) is also that the web is demanding a HUGE number of features these days; so coding a new browser from scratch would be a herculean task.

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