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Hexxy The Grouch

@nixCraft Things you can do to (I think) make Google's job harder beyond switch to Firefox:
- uBlock (of course)
- Noscript
- Privacy Badger
- DNS ad blocking
- Don't log in to your google acct other than to pull mail. Sign out for general Youtube usage or a private window seems to isolate between signins.
- Have Firefox purge all cookies and cache on close. For extra fun, close the browser when logging out of gmail.
- Firefox Containers (been informed about this one, but seems legit.)

João Tiago Rebelo

@hexxy_the_grouch Firefox Containers are a godsend, I can vouch for them. I have one container for Google services I still use from time to time (mainly YT) and they never see any other usage from me. I do the same with Microsoft and Meta. The other solutions you mention do the rest of the hard work.

Sir Matthew, Black Knight 🇺🇸

@hexxy_the_grouch @nixCraft
I go one step further than using containers for isolating my logged in sessions with sites like Google, Facebook, et al:
There's an addon called Temporary Containers that automatically isolates each new tab in FF to a container generated on the fly. Anything I want more persistent I'll just right-click and select "Open in New Container Tab" for something I manually made a container for, like a logged in gmail session.

Sir Matthew, Black Knight 🇺🇸

@hexxy_the_grouch @nixCraft
There's also an addon called Facebook Container to isolate Zuck's services. Another one worth considering.

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