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@davidd @nixCraft


users block ads on YT and content creators need to be paid

companies pay Google to sponsor ads on search results, nobody is clicking them anymore, companies stop paying Google



@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft

Those content creators already make vastly more than I do... It's already not fair. I have no concern for them because of my ad block.


@Soullioness @bbbhltz @nixCraft

I’m happy with paying for good content but I’m not happy with Google disabling uBlock for power.

It will make a (hopefully large) number of users not to use Chrome anymore.


@aes__ @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft where do you get that idea? It's obviously a higher paying job. I'd be grateful to make half of what my favorite creators make.


@Soullioness @aes__ @davidd @nixCraft

Per 1000 ad views, advertisers pay a rate to YT. YT then takes ~45% and the creator gets the rest.

Length and subject influence the rate. Something like $1.50 to $30.00 USD per 1000 videos.

So, in order to make big money, you do need to be *at least* a macro-influencer in a specific category, and make consistently long videos (>8 mins.) that have sponsors and are watched by people without adblockers.


@Soullioness @aes__ @bbbhltz While the big creators do indeed make a lot of money, smaller ones do - in most cases - not.

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@aes__ @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft Why should my computer catch a virus or I should watch 5 minute ads « to support creators »?

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft It's always like that for jobs with high publicity (unless there are mafias involved, like the music label industry 🙃).
It'd like to highlight that this ain't the artists' or video producers fault ("content creator" is a shitty word), but once again an inherently borked system. Having so many people being able to produce videos, music etc. even for niche stuff is absolutely awesome.


@Natanox @Soullioness @davidd @nixCraft

>"content creator" is a shitty word

we can all agree on that

The OwlChemist

@Natanox @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft “Content Creators” who *base their livelihood* on predatory platforms like YT, Insta, etc are as much a problem as the platform itself.

I respect artists/creators who live by Patreon etc instead of ad money. I have little to no respect for those who suckle the teet of enshittification.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@owlchemist @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft That's short-sighted. While I agree many people with high follower counts on those platforms aren't there for any good reason (especially Instagram is a shithole), there are thousands of awesome creators on f.e. Youtube. You can't change a system or make people move to a better one without the very people inside it, at least the good ones who do resist the corruption to the best of their abilities.

The OwlChemist

@Natanox @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd
I’m not saying all content creators are garbage. I’m saying specifically the ones who base their livelihoods on predatory systems are.

If one’s chosen job can’t exist without exploitation or predatory practices in the production chain, it should not exist.

This does not include people who make their livelihood outside that system. And I understand *most* jobs in capitalism shouldn’t exist as they currently are.

@owlchemist @Natanox @Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft now if only patreon, specifically, weren't itself so enshittified...
Darren :verified:

@Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft the joke is if you pay for YT Premium you still get ads in the content as the creators have sponsorship and in video ads. If YT blocked ALL ads in content then maybe it would be worth paying for

Musa Nony

@Soullioness @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft
Content creators have too many ads currently. Then there's the sponsor crap. Then the merch hawking. Constant push to sell, sell, sell. At a point where I forget what I wanted to watch.

I'll stick to Firefox.


@jadugar63 @Soullioness @davidd @nixCraft you mean that message about NordVPN wasn't just for me? Dang.

By the way, this entire thread is sponsored by Nebula.

Stephan Eggermont

@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft nothing to do with content creators. They get paid peanuts


@StOnSoftware @davidd @nixCraft but YT will argue that they are doing it for them


@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft I don’t mind seeing ads, but I mind being tracked and analysed by them

@sothawo @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft if this were tv, where the commercial break and ad lengths are strictly defined and writers and editors are specially trained to pace things to smoothly transition in and out of the commercials, i might not mind (that the ads themselves are bad is a completely separate issue)

the way youtube does it it's like someone's nostalgic for early 2000s jumpscare pranks but doesn't know (or maybe knows a little *too* well) what their appeal was
@sothawo @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft if this were tv, where the commercial break and ad lengths are strictly defined and writers and editors are specially trained to pace things to smoothly transition in and out of the commercials, i might not mind (that the ads themselves are bad is a completely separate issue)

@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft

Few things in life are more useless than You Tube “celebrities.”

Well, BTS and all its offshoots, too.


@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft I believe that all advertising is harmful to society and should be banned. Blocking ads is me joining the greatest consumer boycott of our time and my political speech.

Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft There's 'supporting creators' and 'wasting time'. The latter comes in a form of playing overly long and highly jarring ad, that on the first watch makes me angry, on the consecutive repeats makes me make a vow to never buy their product. I don't get how hard it is to make ads where the #ux isn't close to using a coarse sandpaper as TP.

@aamurusko79 @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft i suspect the design is to make it highly unpredictable and for the ad to appear just as you want to stick around to watch the thing you wanted to watch, instead of being able and mentally prepared to take the time to go to the bathroom, grab a snack, etc. the way people did with TV
Gilles Bonnet

@davidd @nixCraft ads are now everywhere... I'll switch to another browser.. time to clean internet


@davidd @nixCraft The whole business model of Google is based on selling targeted ads. uBlock hides ads and blocks some data trackers. It's only natural to block this extension, as it hurts the business.


I'm amazed this move surprised anyone. I'm amazed it took Google this long. Since nobody appears to be paying attention, I'll say it again: use Firefox, fuckwits.
@davidd @nixCraft


@nixCraft @davidd I like to think it is because people prefer to pay for adblocker than youtube premium

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