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Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft There's 'supporting creators' and 'wasting time'. The latter comes in a form of playing overly long and highly jarring ad, that on the first watch makes me angry, on the consecutive repeats makes me make a vow to never buy their product. I don't get how hard it is to make ads where the #ux isn't close to using a coarse sandpaper as TP.

1 comment
@aamurusko79 @bbbhltz @davidd @nixCraft i suspect the design is to make it highly unpredictable and for the ad to appear just as you want to stick around to watch the thing you wanted to watch, instead of being able and mentally prepared to take the time to go to the bathroom, grab a snack, etc. the way people did with TV
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