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@megatronicthronbanks @goku12
There is no need for a new browser, Firefox is right there, open source and works great.


@laurailway @goku12
Agreed. Would be nice if we weren't in this monopickle though.

Excessive Minimalism

@laurailway @megatronicthronbanks @goku12

Yeah, and funded by Google.

What will it happen to Firefox when Google decides to stop pretending they aren't a monopoly and stops giving money to Firefox to be the default search option on Firefox upon a fresh install?

I'll tell you what they'll do, they'll run around begging for contributions, fire half their work force and be eventually assimilated.

I love Firefox, I use it daily, but Google is king, like it or not.

Gokul Das

@excess @laurailway @megatronicthronbanks Google is king because the crown was handed to them on a silver platter. Firefox may be dependent on them. But for the moment, they are pro-user compared to chrome by a huge margin. Neglecting Firefox because it's not perfect is a very counterproductive stance to take.

Meanwhile, there are other solutions in the works. Perhaps this is the wakeup call needed for the world to start supporting those efforts.

Excessive Minimalism

@goku12 @laurailway @megatronicthronbanks

As I mentioned, I use FF daily and is my browser of choice. I'm extremely happy with it (my RAM is quite happy too).

But I'm using it because Google is letting me... momentarily. Thinking otherwise is naive.

Gokul Das

@excess @laurailway @megatronicthronbanks That argument is very defeatist, IMO. It's just a surrender without a fight.

Firefox has enough forks already. There will be enough momentum even if Mozilla goes under. And as I said - there are other alternatives in the making. It's either that, or just forget the entire web.

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