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Valerie Aurora

I laugh/cry every time I see people complaining that the volunteer organizer of a blocklist compilation isn’t polite or collegial or nice. I’ve been in the “business” of fighting harassment and discrimination for a long time and news flash: the people who do this stuff are not happy fun get-along pleasant people! If we were, we wouldn’t do things that make the nazis mad. Creating an annotated blocklist sourced from a variety of instances makes the nazis super mad! What “nice” person does that?

Valerie Aurora

If we weren’t driven by some internal sense of justice, we would be like the rest of the happy chill people who are fun to banter with and backpedal furiously the instant someone criticizes them. You all benefit from the misery that the unpleasant stubborn difficult people go through to create and defend online boundaries that keep out shitty people - who do know when to flatter and agree and insinuate so they can get access to victims.

Valerie Aurora

So someone didn’t respond to a helpful technical tip with gushing gratitude and positivity. I’ve been there - it’s hard when you receive constant bullshit criticism to feel anything other than rage when someone tells you that you are Doing It Wrong. I’ve learned a lot of ways to pass on information I think someone wants to know in ways that don’t trigger this response. If you’re not on the receiving end of the DDoS and death threats, I suggest you take that work on yourself.

Valerie Aurora

Learn to distinguish between someone who has uncompromising moral standards and is brave enough to stand up for them in the face of attacks and threats from very scary dangerous people, and someone who enjoys hurting other people. It’s true that sadists and power-hungry people often masquerade as justice-seekers. It’s your job to learn the difference in behaviors. One difference is the second is more likely to be pleasant to you if you’re “important” in some way.

Valerie Aurora

The person who is equally grating and annoying to the admin of a powerful instance, some nobody on the internet, and a person who is used to receiving politeness and respect due to their privilege is more likely to be someone doing good work that benefits society than the person who is pleasant to only the powerful and privileged. So if you have some privilege or power, take a hard look at your own preferences and biases towards people who make you feel good.

Valerie Aurora

This is all to say: let people doing hard unpleasant difficult social justice work be hard, unpleasant, and difficult themselves!!!



@vaurora here's something: They may not be 'nice,' but they ARE 'kind,' which is much, much more important.

Kind people don't let shitheads do shithead things to people.


@vaurora excellent rant, NOT THAT YOU ASKED FOR APPROVAL!

Valerie Aurora

@Lizette603_23 how dare you 😂 thanks, it was enjoyable rant


@vaurora hah! It was on this end as well. I get a good feeling when intelligence puts its damned foot DOWN.

L.J. is the cis Minipang

@vaurora I wish this were obvious to everyone, but considering the number of people I've seen on leftist/progressive fedi who think being nice to Nazis will make them turn away from Nazism...

Nicole Parsons


The efforts at tone policing by Republicans aren't efforts at establishing common standards of civility.

They're efforts to establish a standard of deference to Nazis, bigots, and the rich & powerful.

Deference isn't mutual respect, it's its antithesis.

It is the worship of power & a demand that everyone worship the moneyed & powerful.

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊

Things go badly when we tolerate bullies on our side. I give them the hugest amount of leeway I can, though.

GaslitNation host Andrea Chalupa said this recently:

"We don't allow bullies on our side. We absolutely bully nazis."

As someone who has been an online bully, then changed behavior but then also used the rationalization of being "an attack dog or enforcer for good" to continue being a bully in a way that was more than biting nazi hands. I 100% agree that the larger conservative play is to normalize "fake nice" while they continue their cruelty. The secondary play is to paralyze our side from having effective internal discussions about the toxic and harmful people in our midst.

I watched a friend who I absolutely know to be a decent, non-nazi, non-racist friend get treated very badly by one of our blocklist building attack dogs. Someone I trust spotted a different incident of the same behavior from that same person.


Things go badly when we tolerate bullies on our side. I give them the hugest amount of leeway I can, though.

GaslitNation host Andrea Chalupa said this recently:

"We don't allow bullies on our side. We absolutely bully nazis."

As someone who has been an online bully, then changed behavior but then also used the rationalization of being "an attack dog or enforcer for good" to continue being a bully in a way that was more than biting nazi hands. I 100% agree that the larger conservative play...

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊

Writing vaguely without naming who I mean, but saying enough for the savvy set to figure it out feels off, too. Anyway, for me it isn't really about that individual and I've already stated that the harrassment against them is motivated by racism and fascism.

I'm not going to self-censor, especially about the broad topic of not tolerating bullies on our side (except for the nazi punching carve out), because I'm afraid of a bad-faith backlash (which I am worrying about, but oh well).

I believe in militancy. I believe in self-defense. Other "I really mean this in good faith" incantations.

Writing vaguely without naming who I mean, but saying enough for the savvy set to figure it out feels off, too. Anyway, for me it isn't really about that individual and I've already stated that the harrassment against them is motivated by racism and fascism.

I'm not going to self-censor, especially about the broad topic of not tolerating bullies on our side (except for the nazi punching carve out), because I'm afraid of a bad-faith backlash (which I am worrying about, but oh well).

Bernie Does It

@toolbear @Npars01 @vaurora Sometimes the only way to fight a Nazi is with violence, but you better be 100% sure they really are a Nazi or else there will be a lot of unnecessary and counterproductive violence.

Valerie Aurora

@BernieDoesIt @toolbear @Npars01 there’s a degree of absolutism in both these posts that would trigger self-reflection in some people. Probably best for both posters to block me, thanks!

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊

I'm super confused. I don't know if I'm one of the two absolutists. The nobody naming anybody has reached absurd levels and honestly feels like a rhetorical trap at this point 🤨

Band-aid off, I was talking about Ro being a bully to someone I know for a fact didn't deserve it, while Ro is simultaneously doing good work.

I paraphrased Andrea Chalupa, a Ukranian American, who when talking about violent resistance against Nazis, which she supports, and self-defense, which she supports, she gave a LOT of context on why Ukraine was specifically well suited to a militant resistance, why that isn't a universal recipe, and why you get more than you bargain for almost always in a bad way, when you let the attack dogs take control of the revolution. So, Andrea advocates for the more peaceful strategies while acknowledging that even Dr. King questioned his earlier pacifism.

Nuance. Nuance. Nuance. In case it works like Beetlejuice.

I'm super confused. I don't know if I'm one of the two absolutists. The nobody naming anybody has reached absurd levels and honestly feels like a rhetorical trap at this point 🤨

Band-aid off, I was talking about Ro being a bully to someone I know for a fact didn't deserve it, while Ro is simultaneously doing good work.

Valerie Aurora

@toolbear you literally used the word “absolutely” in your first post. Also “100%”.

I’m not interested in listening to anyone who thinks they can state that anyone is “absolutely” non-racist, especially in a situation absolutely chock full of well-meaning civility-worshipping white people who all believe they are acting out of the purest non-racist intentions and just have some concerns about exactly how this Black guy is going about providing the absolute bare minimum defense for PoC on fedi

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊

Not falling for the pedantry when "absolutely" is a cliched, overused phrase. That would be good note from a good faith editor, though, so I'll edit the word out.

Oh, and I guess you did mean me. So I'm less confused now at least.

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊



at would be good note from a good faith editor, though, so I'll edit the word out.

Oh wait, no. You're trying to use my paraphrased quote of Andrea Chalupa when she absolutely meant absolutely.

I see the games you're playing 👀


@vaurora Where can I see such an “annotated” blocklist. It would be refreshing to see. I’m just familiar with the Twitter variant that blocked anyone for any reason, no questions asked. If someone using the list blocked you, it rippled far and wide. The false positives shut off thousands of accounts from one another. None were Nazis or toxic, except to the person adding them to their blocks. I’d like to see how the fedi variant is ideally supposed to work, if different.

Valerie Aurora

@shoq are you genuinely unaware of The Bad Space?


@vaurora I am absolutely aware of it. I missed the word “compilation” in your post, and as Bad Space wasn’t mentioned in it, I assumed we were discussing blocklists alone. I can’t say I am familiar with each of them in the fedi, but aggregating them to block entire instances seems relatively benign because a few false positives would not likely result in an instance ban. But that doesn’t make me any more comfortable with blocklists themselves.

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