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@vaurora Where can I see such an “annotated” blocklist. It would be refreshing to see. I’m just familiar with the Twitter variant that blocked anyone for any reason, no questions asked. If someone using the list blocked you, it rippled far and wide. The false positives shut off thousands of accounts from one another. None were Nazis or toxic, except to the person adding them to their blocks. I’d like to see how the fedi variant is ideally supposed to work, if different.

Valerie Aurora

@shoq are you genuinely unaware of The Bad Space?


@vaurora I am absolutely aware of it. I missed the word “compilation” in your post, and as Bad Space wasn’t mentioned in it, I assumed we were discussing blocklists alone. I can’t say I am familiar with each of them in the fedi, but aggregating them to block entire instances seems relatively benign because a few false positives would not likely result in an instance ban. But that doesn’t make me any more comfortable with blocklists themselves.

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