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Valerie Aurora

I read _The Unaccountability Machine_ by Dan Davies on the train yesterday and wow. Attempted summary: society is in crisis because our current systems of governance and feedback are unable to hear the signal that is the vast majority of people screaming, "My life is intolerable." This signal gets routed into any channel available: Brexit referendum, far-right parties, protests against masks or wind turbines or housing - anything to signal rebellion

I read _The Unaccountability Machine_ by Dan Davies on the train yesterday and wow. Attempted summary: society is in crisis because our current systems of governance and feedback are unable to hear the signal that is the vast majority of people screaming, "My life is intolerable." This signal gets routed into any channel available: Brexit referendum, far-right parties, protests against masks or wind turbines or housing - anything to signal rebellion

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The current systems of government are overwhelmingly proxies for corporate dynasties to pull the strings of. The more land (or land owning entities) they own, the more responsibility they have for the current state of the world. If you want to start removing their influence, you need to start removing their ownership of the things they are using to abuse us. So... Ya know... Oil refineries, plastic and other dirty production factories, logistics hubs, rental management and hedge fund offices, strip mines, pipe lines, banks, shell companies, monocrop farms... and everything else that's been removing the independence and sustainability of basically everyone else.


The current systems of government are overwhelmingly proxies for corporate dynasties to pull the strings of. The more land (or land owning entities) they own, the more responsibility they have for the current state of the world. If you want to start removing their influence, you need to start removing their ownership of the things they are using to abuse us. So... Ya know... Oil refineries, plastic and other dirty production factories, logistics hubs, rental management and hedge fund offices,...

Scott Murray

@vaurora Thank you for this book recommendation and A+ summary! šŸ‘ā¤ļøšŸ™


@vaurora Why? Why is their life intolerable? The fascist are intolerable but life in the US is pretty damn good?

Valerie Aurora

European free/open source folks: is there a wiki or something that lists sources of small grants for open source work? I am thinking stuff like the NLnet NGI0 or RIPE NCC Community Project Fund grant programs, things that an individual human living in the EU can apply for.

(If there isnā€™t such a resource, tell me your fave grant programs and I will start one!)

Valerie Aurora

I laugh/cry every time I see people complaining that the volunteer organizer of a blocklist compilation isnā€™t polite or collegial or nice. Iā€™ve been in the ā€œbusinessā€ of fighting harassment and discrimination for a long time and news flash: the people who do this stuff are not happy fun get-along pleasant people! If we were, we wouldnā€™t do things that make the nazis mad. Creating an annotated blocklist sourced from a variety of instances makes the nazis super mad! What ā€œniceā€ person does that?

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L.J. is the cis Minipang

@vaurora I wish this were obvious to everyone, but considering the number of people I've seen on leftist/progressive fedi who think being nice to Nazis will make them turn away from Nazism...

Nicole Parsons


The efforts at tone policing by Republicans aren't efforts at establishing common standards of civility.

They're efforts to establish a standard of deference to Nazis, bigots, and the rich & powerful.

Deference isn't mutual respect, it's its antithesis.

It is the worship of power & a demand that everyone worship the moneyed & powerful.


@vaurora Where can I see such an ā€œannotatedā€ blocklist. It would be refreshing to see. Iā€™m just familiar with the Twitter variant that blocked anyone for any reason, no questions asked. If someone using the list blocked you, it rippled far and wide. The false positives shut off thousands of accounts from one another. None were Nazis or toxic, except to the person adding them to their blocks. Iā€™d like to see how the fedi variant is ideally supposed to work, if different.

Valerie Aurora

ā€˜The researchers found that there was no ā€œsweet spotā€ where a woman could position herself without being criticized. Women were either too young or too old, too attractive or not attractive enough, too educated or not educated enough. Introverted women were not seen as leaders and extroverted women were viewed as aggressive. They ultimately found that women leaders were ā€œnever quite right.ā€ā€™

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Shaula Evans

@vaurora I am a timeless international woman of mystery for many reasons, and this research points to some of them. No matter what personal details I reveal about myself, they will be "wrong" and be weaponized against me in some way. So other people don't get them.

Melanie (they, she)

@vaurora this never quite right, the vibes were off discussion is a red flag that lets me know when someone dangerous.

Annie from Canetoad

@vaurora What a bizarre ending for the article. It says, ā€œ Hey, it doesnā€™t have to be this wayā€”hereā€™s what to doā€ and then offers no solutions beyond ā€œbrace yourself for the inevitable and remember to make friends and practice good self-care.ā€ I. E. There is no solution.

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