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Valerie Aurora

‘The researchers found that there was no “sweet spot” where a woman could position herself without being criticized. Women were either too young or too old, too attractive or not attractive enough, too educated or not educated enough. Introverted women were not seen as leaders and extroverted women were viewed as aggressive. They ultimately found that women leaders were “never quite right.”’

Warren Currie 🦠🦐

@vaurora absolutely true in #academia as well. This is the reason that teaching reviews are so harsh against women, and worse if they are people of colour. If they are an effective, qualified, professional instructor, they are often viewed as "mean and cold". Any department that uses these evaluations for promotion or pay 💯 knows it is discriminatory.

Same happens for department research evaluations.

@vaurora absolutely true in #academia as well. This is the reason that teaching reviews are so harsh against women, and worse if they are people of colour. If they are an effective, qualified, professional instructor, they are often viewed as "mean and cold". Any department that uses these evaluations for promotion or pay 💯 knows it is discriminatory.


@vaurora patient requires male leadership due to failure to sublimate the self with the organization, caused by an innability to properly identify with feminine power. He alternates between a foolish belief in his inherent superiority and a sense of impotence. Both coping mechanisms stem from his inability to properly reconcile the loving acceptance of his mother with his fathers brusque abuse. It is at once an oedipal failure to reconcile the internal dialectic, and a mismatch of id & superego


@vaurora in the western household, the woman provides labor. Capitalist inversion of these roles heightens the conflict and alienation experienced by these socioeconomically impotent men, leading to the reaction-formation you describe

(/s, though right-wing grievance/idpol is fun to look at using freud, especially when you consider the impact of Jungian freak peterson)

Yakyu Night Owl

@vaurora This. "Some workplaces just won’t improve, and the time may come when you need to make a change. That’s okay. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to walk away."

Sometimes the best thing to do is never apply in the first place. Knowing if your people are accepted in the workforce is the first thing to check. Count the faces that look like you, ask questions, and spread the word if it's gonna be toxic. No need to have others like you waste valuable time. Keep it moving.


Maybe because all of those are merely excuses? The real "problem" is that the person is a woman. All other characteristics are just a way to avoid saying that out loud.


Orion (he/him)

@vaurora Filed under "stuff we already knew but it's good to have proof."


@vaurora Honestly, this probably won't surprise most women.

Klāvs Sedlenieks

@vaurora show me a leader that is just "quite right" in all respects


I feel like this research was based on America Ferrara's monologue in "Barbie"

millennial falcon

@vaurora which demented sociopaths are doing the criticism? I do not want them in my organisations or my industry or frankly, anywhere near our planet.


@falcennial @vaurora “Which demented sociopaths?”

All of them. Men, & women, who feel threatened or confused by a woman in a non-traditional role will always find standards to hold her to that she cannot meet. In some workplaces, being a woman can feel like walking through a garden of knives.

Mirjam #anderhalvemetergraag

@gorfram @falcennial @vaurora And not only in the workplace, might I add. Just existing as an independent woman can be very threathening to some people, apparently. I keep getting reminded of this in my daily life, often out of the blue, when minding my own business. It's very unsettling.

Kotaro In addition to this, I think misogynists tend not to appreciate the women they know. They objectify women and do not like the fact that women have subjectivity.

Valerie Aurora

A lot of career advice for women boils down to “try to get people to perceive you primarily as a member of a category that has a more positive association with your job duties” - e.g. the foreigner, the consultant, the butch queer, the goth, the respected outsider - which can create its own problems of dissociation if you have to suppress core elements of your identity. It is at best a tiresome tightrope to walk and an additional burden.

See “What Works for Women at Work” for more

Bob Thomson

@vaurora So much bullshit in life just to protect fragile egoed, fearful folks who can’t deal with any perceived difference from their expectations. Just exhausting for folks who end up doing it. Tolerating intolerance, or I prefer, lack of acceptance of reality, is a drain on the world.

Jo Walsh

@vaurora this problem seriously compounds itself - as a senior woman, if you don't mask, you're not recognised for the influence you have, so there's nothing to aspire to. The choice is authenticity and marginalisation, or the kind of role-playing which sends a signal to others that masking equals success. If you're on the edge, all you hear is you can neither play the game, nor change the rules

Pinchy63 🇨🇦 🌈🏳️‍⚧️✌️🕊️

@vaurora I spent almost 40 yrs working in the military structure. First as a soldier then as a public servant. I was told many times that I must have reached my position by sleeping with someone. 😡

Christine Schuhmann


Wow, it's nearly as if... you know, as if it's not about how women look or how educated they are or how they behave... It's as if it's about what women ARE....

Shaula Evans

@vaurora I am a timeless international woman of mystery for many reasons, and this research points to some of them. No matter what personal details I reveal about myself, they will be "wrong" and be weaponized against me in some way. So other people don't get them.

Melanie (they, she)

@vaurora this never quite right, the vibes were off discussion is a red flag that lets me know when someone dangerous.

Annie from Canetoad

@vaurora What a bizarre ending for the article. It says, “ Hey, it doesn’t have to be this way—here’s what to do” and then offers no solutions beyond “brace yourself for the inevitable and remember to make friends and practice good self-care.” I. E. There is no solution.

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