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Valerie Aurora

A lot of career advice for women boils down to “try to get people to perceive you primarily as a member of a category that has a more positive association with your job duties” - e.g. the foreigner, the consultant, the butch queer, the goth, the respected outsider - which can create its own problems of dissociation if you have to suppress core elements of your identity. It is at best a tiresome tightrope to walk and an additional burden.

See “What Works for Women at Work” for more

Bob Thomson

@vaurora So much bullshit in life just to protect fragile egoed, fearful folks who can’t deal with any perceived difference from their expectations. Just exhausting for folks who end up doing it. Tolerating intolerance, or I prefer, lack of acceptance of reality, is a drain on the world.

Jo Walsh

@vaurora this problem seriously compounds itself - as a senior woman, if you don't mask, you're not recognised for the influence you have, so there's nothing to aspire to. The choice is authenticity and marginalisation, or the kind of role-playing which sends a signal to others that masking equals success. If you're on the edge, all you hear is you can neither play the game, nor change the rules

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