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Valerie Aurora

Learn to distinguish between someone who has uncompromising moral standards and is brave enough to stand up for them in the face of attacks and threats from very scary dangerous people, and someone who enjoys hurting other people. It’s true that sadists and power-hungry people often masquerade as justice-seekers. It’s your job to learn the difference in behaviors. One difference is the second is more likely to be pleasant to you if you’re “important” in some way.

Valerie Aurora

The person who is equally grating and annoying to the admin of a powerful instance, some nobody on the internet, and a person who is used to receiving politeness and respect due to their privilege is more likely to be someone doing good work that benefits society than the person who is pleasant to only the powerful and privileged. So if you have some privilege or power, take a hard look at your own preferences and biases towards people who make you feel good.

Valerie Aurora

This is all to say: let people doing hard unpleasant difficult social justice work be hard, unpleasant, and difficult themselves!!!



@vaurora here's something: They may not be 'nice,' but they ARE 'kind,' which is much, much more important.

Kind people don't let shitheads do shithead things to people.


@vaurora excellent rant, NOT THAT YOU ASKED FOR APPROVAL!

Valerie Aurora

@Lizette603_23 how dare you 😂 thanks, it was enjoyable rant


@vaurora hah! It was on this end as well. I get a good feeling when intelligence puts its damned foot DOWN.

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