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Valerie Aurora

@toolbear you literally used the word “absolutely” in your first post. Also “100%”.

I’m not interested in listening to anyone who thinks they can state that anyone is “absolutely” non-racist, especially in a situation absolutely chock full of well-meaning civility-worshipping white people who all believe they are acting out of the purest non-racist intentions and just have some concerns about exactly how this Black guy is going about providing the absolute bare minimum defense for PoC on fedi

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊

Not falling for the pedantry when "absolutely" is a cliched, overused phrase. That would be good note from a good faith editor, though, so I'll edit the word out.

Oh, and I guess you did mean me. So I'm less confused now at least.

Tim @toolbear#spicy@ Taylor 🌻🇺🇦🇵🇸✊



at would be good note from a good faith editor, though, so I'll edit the word out.

Oh wait, no. You're trying to use my paraphrased quote of Andrea Chalupa when she absolutely meant absolutely.

I see the games you're playing 👀

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