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El Duvelle

Where are you on the political scale? Please boost wildly!* 😃​

(*) Yes I mean Wildly not just widely

Anonymous poll


5,063 people voted.
Voting ended 10 Jun 2023 at 0:56.
Big Head Tales

I think of myself as left, I could be what’s considered far left, it’s not entirely clear what the delineation is.

To me “left” means socialized medicine, solid social safety nets, subsidized university, that sort of thing.

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:

@bigheadtales @elduvelle

Do you support the complete dismantlement of all current systems of exploitation? Including capitalism? Congratulations, welcome to the far left.

Big Head Tales

@atatassault @elduvelle
I don’t mind capitalism as long as it’s regulated within a social democratic structure.

Pure capitalism is nothing but fascism in a suit.


@bigheadtales @elduvelle In most place that is not very far left at all.

Big Head Tales

@SusanHR @elduvelle
Im far enough left that Republicans on Twitter call me names… OK, not really a good example.

I’d probably be center-left in Europe.

Jim Hughes

@bigheadtales @elduvelle I'm a European, so all those things sound pretty centrist. Overton windows and all that...

Big Head Tales

@jimh @elduvelle
Oh yeah, definitely. Europe is so much more human friendly, the United States has been dragged so far right that we have a choice between ultra-right-wing and center-right. (I know, 2 parties is a silly idea)


@elduvelle can't wait to see how this goes... So far after 14 minutes not a single person who's even gone as far as saying they are centrist

DB Schwein

The left vs far-left is interesting for me, since US left is mostly center, and EU far-left is beyond the ken of most USians.

I would like UBI, universal healthcare, high wealth taxes, reparations, strong environmental protection, and nuclear, solar, & wind power so I picked "Left" :-)

El Duvelle

@deirdrebeth Yes… for me far-left would be communism or anarchism

Mike Stevens :ohno:

@deirdrebeth @elduvelle this is what I consider left, yep. For far left, I have a vague sense of communism — which I don't necessarily hate in concept, but we've yet to see it done well...


@deirdrebeth @elduvelle In the US I think those things are considered far-left. Regular left means support for unions, higher taxes on the rich, and basic environmental responsibility.



If this were a website with any kind of tracking, one would have to be a fool to answer this question.


@aka_quant_noir @elduvelle It also doesn't really make sense without definitions of the categories. As someone pointed out, the US left is center or even right in most other countries.

Happy Heathen

@elduvelle Where's the "it's unwise to describe my policy positions online" option?

El Duvelle

@riotmuffin well… there’s only 5 options but if you wanted to develop I’d be interested!

Jack William Bell


I find representing political opinion across a single left/right dimension completely useless for real world opinions and frustratingly simplistic.

In fact I'm on record as calling the 'political compass' 'somewhat valid' because showing human political opinions across two dimensions is superior to a single dimension of left vs right. But, in truth, without yet more dimensions it remains overly reductionist.


What we need is a political Battenberg cake.


I find representing political opinion across a single left/right dimension completely useless for real world opinions and frustratingly simplistic.

In fact I'm on record as calling the 'political compass' 'somewhat valid' because showing human political opinions across two dimensions is superior to a single dimension of left vs right. But, in truth, without yet more dimensions it remains overly reductionist.

Jack William Bell

@rabcyr @elduvelle

Indeed. But keeping it to three keeps me from having to explain tesseracts, much less manifolds.

"Imagine a Battenberg cake in the shape of a cube. Except each face of the cake cube is actually another cake cube. OK, now to trace a path from the top cake cube to the bottom cake cube you…"

Ingo Schramm

@jackwilliambell @rabcyr @elduvelle We need tensor fields over the supposed continuum of context space. And time. Beware of singularities! The cracks of revolution!

Jack William Bell

@go_shrumm @rabcyr @elduvelle

No worries about singularities. No matter how many dimensions there are, humans as a species will plot out on each of them in a bell curve.


@jackwilliambell @elduvelle What is it called when you're in the middle of the bottom left quarter (as I am)?

Jack William Bell

@irina @elduvelle

Of the 'political compass'? Anarchist. Lower right is (supposedly, but doesn't seem to hold up when you look at the real thing) Libertarian.

Edited to add: But that's the thing actually! For example there are different forms of anarchism, ranging from 'no laws, no lords' to Syndicalism. Some want a form of capitalism, but without property rights, and some want communism, but without the Party.

And the same heterodoxy holds true for the all the other positions on the chart.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@jackwilliambell @elduvelle I used to think that but if you see left/right as "fewer systems of dominance" / "more rigid systems of dominance", anarchism is the left endpoint and autocracy the right endpoint. The "auth left" vs "lib left" debate is about the means of getting to the left endpoint. Communism as described by Marx is just shy of that endpoint.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@jackwilliambell @elduvelle The idea that "centrism" is a meaningful position is somewhat silly to be honest. Most people are not "centrist", they just fall somewhere between both endpoints because they think certain hierarchies are good and others are bad.

The most realistic would probably be a stack of left/right gradients for each system of dominance. This is what people hint at when they claim things like "social progressive, fiscal conservative". Not to mention that most people don't have a coherent ideology because they don't think their preferences through.

@jackwilliambell @elduvelle The idea that "centrism" is a meaningful position is somewhat silly to be honest. Most people are not "centrist", they just fall somewhere between both endpoints because they think certain hierarchies are good and others are bad.

The most realistic would probably be a stack of left/right gradients for each system of dominance. This is what people hint at when they claim things like "social progressive, fiscal conservative". Not to mention that most people don't have a...

Priscilla Feral

@elduvelle I describe myself as a feminist, a Hillary Clinton Democrat, and that’s a more nuanced answer than left of center.

Eric McCorkle

@elduvelle In my bio: social democrat, reformist, technoprogressive humanist

Dave Plummer :TheCDN4: :mfv:

@elduvelle Depends on where the spectrum is defined. In most of the world I am left or center left. In the US I would be considered radical left


@elduvelle @Plumbert its cuz we're a crypto fascist country all the way around. kind of a miricle i wound up far left tbh


@elduvelle I chose “Left” because supporting basic human rights shouldn’t be considered “far”. I’m sure some of my conservative relatives consider me ultra-far-left, though.


@elminuto @elduvelle Hell, they shouldn’t even be political. Even far-right should support basic human rights for all.

El Minuto

@ehurtley @elduvelle Ok, let's say "basic human rights should be normal".
But.. If you fight for it you're considered as "left" or "far-left". (specialy by oh so christian people)

Normal Guy

@elduvelle Oh my…I must be dyslexia. I meant to mark left but I actually marked right. Is there a way for me to erase my vote and then revote? I felt dumb!

El Duvelle

@normalguy oh noo! I don’t think you can change it..

Jacob the Jacobin🌹🕊️🏳️‍🌈

@elduvelle I'm a democratic socialist that quotes Marx and supports Corbyn style candidates so I put "left" and not far-left. I'm not a communist or an anarchist so...

El Duvelle

@jacobrogers256 yep, makes sense, it’s funny that many people feel the need to specify this :)


@elduvelle I hesitate to say "far left" these days, because I suspect I'm not as far as I used to be...


@toxtethogrady @elduvelle lol if you understand voting against fascism is more important than a vanity 3rd party vote your def left, not #farL🥰

Dan Neuman

@elduvelle I am left, but a pragmatist. The how is as important as the where we’re going.


i dont really subscribe to the left / right dichotomy but my opinion on policy and social issue would put me in the left

gavinisdie :troll:

@elduvelle I'd say I vary between center right and center left

Tea (He/Him) :spinny_cat_transmasc:

@elduvelle anarchist but the type of anarchist that has to stay extremely quiet about it irl and causes me to be constantly full of rage

El Duvelle

@SympathyTea Awww.. I am very curious about anarchists. Would you describe your ideal society to us?

Tea (He/Him) :spinny_cat_transmasc:

@elduvelle im sorry if you're actually being serious but this is reading as infantilizing to me so im just gonna not do this shit rn


@elduvelle I will be surprised to see anyone on the right side here. The Fed Verse seems to be a big left-wing echo chamber...


@conge ‘Echo chamber’ is a misnomer used by right-wingers who want to invade every space and rant about imaginary trans pedophile rings.
Would you call a public school a learning echo chamber?

Jill is Boring♾️♿⚛️🎧

@elduvelle Voluntary Socialist.

In the US "Far Left" is left of center.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@elduvelle I'm so far left that if the earth were flat I'd be falling off of the left edge. 😹


Centre-left, Centre-right, and Left-Conservative missing 😀


@elduvelle run it on Twitter and it will be the exact mirror image

El Duvelle

@JonChevreau possibly, although I wonder if people would be honest with themselves… perhaps it would be 100% “center” 😅

Adron 🤘🏻

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott I believe in and support republicanism supported vis classical liberalism at a federal level and a socialist governmental operation for cities.

So which do I pick?

El Duvelle

@adron @Nadinabbott 👀Hmm so what do you mean by “classical liberalism”?
And also by republicanism I assume you mean republic, thus democracy? But you might mean it as the US republican, ie right-wing?
(And if you were joking… sorry, but you have to wink)

nadin brzezinski

@elduvelle @adron classical liberalism, if I am getting him right, is the 19th century idea that came from the enlightenment. It’s not the modern version, though neoliberals share a lot with the classic liberal ideology. Here you go

M. Grégoire

#ClassicalLiberal is a legitimate position, but hard to place in this sort of spectrum: it was seen (correctly) as leftist at the time, but now its policies are mostly defended by the right. Probably best to describe yourself as centrist.

@Nadinabbott @elduvelle

Adron 🤘🏻

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott specifically representative democracy but not true democracy, it’d just be a mess (as many have pointed out throughout history). Having representatives seems a good balancing point for the people.

But no, definitely not the Republican thing in America. I don’t even know what party stands for except strong man fascism at this point. There a cluster fuck.

El Duvelle

@adron @Nadinabbott
I think we can consider the current Republican Party in the US to be far right. 😔
With your additional info and what @Nadinabbott said I’d put you either on Right or Center… but I’m really not an expert! Interested in what you chose to vote in the poll if you’d like to share!

nadin brzezinski

@elduvelle @adron in our current environment neoliberal are center, mostly maybe a tad to the right. It’s how far right we have some of our pols at.

Adron 🤘🏻

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott my position on things swings pottery extensively at a federal POV vs a local city POV and rural POV. I never know where I stand until those things, and thus the demographics, are determined.

Tactically for example I’d support a car and gun ban in Manhattan but also support NOT having those things in rural Montana.

Cyber Yuki

@elduvelle Missing option: Do you have a court order for that?


@elduvelle im a very full blooded communist who wants all the peeps to read lenin! i may even have a nice thing or two say about stalin too, such as what a fine mushtash

read lenin, his book state and revolution at the very least or imperialism the highest stage of capitalism

Which One's The Monkey?

@elduvelle It depends what country you are in. In my country I would be considered left, or centre left. In the USA I would be considered off-the-scale far left.

Over here the democrats would be considered a right wing party.

Which One's The Monkey?

@elduvelle In America it feels like the political scale goes from Right Wing to Far Right Wing.


@elduvelle - can I have a "radical queer post left illegalist insurrectionalist anarchist" option, please?

Evan Prodromou


(That's my best effort at boosting wildly)

Colin B.

@elduvelle I don't consider myself far-left, but I also feel that capitalism is collapsing around our ears and we're a generation from outgrowing it.


@elduvelle f*ck... No edit button on mastodon's polls. Hint to my future self: don't answer polls before the first cup of coffee.


@elduvelle Americans need to shift themselves like at least 3 steps to the right.

Ԏєηυкι, 手抜き🚀🐧♏🔭

I'm really not sure about categorizing people any more. It's OK as long as I do it for myself. But I 'm alternating between 2 poles and dislike to be defined by the public right/left scheme. Compare to ask how much female, male or diverse s.o's sexuality may be?


@elduvelle Not gonna vote bcs I've read the replies and there's clearly no consensus over what anything means.

Lee 🌏

I voted Far Left but I am wondering if this is just because the world is drifting so far right.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@elduvelle Center left ... somewhere between Biden and AOC / Sanders.


@elduvelle, since I understood as a young man the injustices in the world almost 60 years ago on the left of the spectrum. Compared to the current, what is called left in European policy so decaffeinated and unable to ally due to secondary ideological differences, I have no choice but to place myself on the extreme left. Things from perspective so as not to get confused.

El Minuto

@elduvelle far-left. Radical ideas (anarcho-sydicalism) but not militant (so far).


@elduvelle hard to answer as I don't know what constitutes far left 😅 leftist politics are kinda all over the place and I can't tell if I'm more or less left than a lot of people with different views from mine


@elduvelle that being said I see liberal isn't an option so I'm assuming those of us who consider ourselves more left than liberals would say far left and they would say left or center?

Dr. jonny phd

brave of u to invite this into ur mentions lol


"Left" and "Left" are pretty different, depending on where you live, though. I think "Left" in Germany would be "Far Left" in the US, for example.

Raymond Evolving

To me, it's a sphere, not a continuum, so I'm center on this one.

Amazing how many deadhead-trumper-organic-anti-vaxers are out there. Mind-blowing, really.

Niclas Hedhman


False dichotomy.
1. Authoritarian
2. Anarchist

Far-left, left, center, right and far-right are ALL Authoritarian, forcing other people to swallow their flavor of righteousness.

Fish Id Wardrobe

@elduvelle I ticked far left, because here in the UK our traditional left of centre party is trying to creep as far to the right as it can… and to be honest I'm slightly to the left of them at the best of times…


@elduvelle you should specify which country you are talking about. The meanings of these labels are very different in different countries, and so are problems we have to deal with, often making these labels unimportant. This is a global forum and english is lingua franca, so not specifying you are talking about US politics (I assume) is contributing to US cultural hegemony in ways that the rest of us don't appreciate. Please specify countries in your politics posts.


@elduvelle It is quite hard to tell... since different people have different standards... Do you think communism is left or far left?


@elduvelle is this the euro or USAian scale?


I say center. I’m not a compromiser. I choose every single position & opinion without any loyalty to any group.

Kaltenzahn :drgn_verified: I'm not that political active and would say I'm in the center. Especially since the last party I voted for cannot be considered as leaning towards either the left or the right.


@elduvelle On what scale? Right in Europe is considered Left in the US

Ben Todd


I'm centre left, getting more left with age, in European terms. Which probably means far left in US terms 😂

QuickQuokka (#1 YiiK Fan 🥇)

@elduvelle Not many people who boost your content seem to resonate with the right or far-right.

Do you think this is representative of Fedi/Mastodon as a whole? 🤔


Not boosting because the poll is missing an "other" choice. I'm personnaly a Montagnard, which is a french revolutionary for democracy and we are placed at the top


@elduvelle I am boringly left. Not far left or centre left or hard left or vaguely left or any other qualifiers. Just left. Somewhere in that area occupied by democratic socialist and social democrat.

Hans van Zijst
@El Duvelle That depends on who's asking. I'd call myself left-wing, but that's by European standards. Americans would call me far-left.

@elduvelle I entered "center" but I am in denial about the validity of the reframing of political positions over the past 60 years.

alec timmerman

@elduvelle The left-right paradigm is far too constraining. In American politics left and progressive are almost synonyms, same goes for the Right and conservative. On welfare and environmental issues I'm left leaning and progressive, on medical-ethical issues I'm more conservative, but not necessarily on the right. Here in the Netherlands, politics fortunately is no package deal.


@elduvelle Green, rather than grey. People can be left or right-leaning and still in effect ignoring the multiple collapses we face ( species extinction, ecosystem collapse, climate collapse etc)



Do you mean in the morning or in the afternoon?


@elduvelle The party 🏴 I wanted to vote for in the most recent local elections I as a foreigner am allowed to vote in turned out to be on a government watchlist. They stared something to the extent of capitalism being dehumanizing. That's a crime, in 𝕲𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞.

Dan Goodman

@elduvelle I'm in the centre of my scale. Not sure where the rest of you see me. 😉

John Caveney woke is me🛠️

@elduvelle left! It’s the only place to be! I love the human race in all it’s perfect imperfections! Come and join us on the left and make the left normal and centrist! You know you want to! 💪✊


what @elduvelle said plus socially-owned businesses where something is essential and isn’t being provided at a reasonable price. gov support for coops and worker ownership. prevent concentration of power and wealth in rich people, corporations or government. maximize freedom. protect the environment, convince people to reduce the population to a susstainable level and to be vegetarian - left of progressive democrats, but not far left.

Jon Sparks

@elduvelle I suspect I'd have been centre-left in my youth and probably be called far-left now, without shifting my own position. The media narrative brands as far left policies which were implemented by Labour (UK) and Social democrat governments in the 1970s.

Ross B from the oaty sea

@elduvelle You mean that 1% of Mastodon Tooters count themselves as Far-right?? Pretty quiet lot I think.

Miia Mustang

@elduvelle Anarcho-syndicalist here.

While I'm probs considered "far-left", I think my views overall are pretty moderate. 😄

Joy of Mutualism

@elduvelle A simple left-right scale does not capture my position. which I would describe as libertarian-left. This means I sometimes have more sympathy with the libertarian right than with the statist left.


@elduvelle I would consider myself a socialist, and so left (not far-left becasue there is extremism there that I am not into).

But I would also fundamentally reject the left-right division in our politics. I think it makes for bad decision making processes.

My political position if far more nuanced than a simple dichotomy allows, and I think most peoples is as well. But we are forced into this artificial split, so that it is always "Us" vs "Them".

Because that is what those in power want.

Klaus Stein


Not on a one-dimensional linear scale. But if I have to choose: more to the left.

Problem: if I understood correctly even European bourgeois would be considered left from an US point of view…

David John Crook

@elduvelle I have voted centre, because that is what I think I am. In modern Britain, that feels as if I am far-left, but in the 1950s, it could equally be considered Conservative.
The perspective has swung towards the extreme right.


@elduvelle i don't identify as any political group or category. i'm a humanist. hivemind is the founding problem of our modern world because things rarely ever gets done, and on the odd chance that it does, it's never anything useful for humanity as a whole anyway.


Although liberal, I am terrified by the thought of a third-party candidate. Let's get through the crazy part of the crowd and legislate for a minute. END #CitzensUnited. #VOTE


@elduvelle @Radical_EgoCom Depends on the point of view: I think I‘m center but from any right point of view I might appear as far left.


Does "free healthcare, no fascim, yes to UBI, outlaw billionaires" count as "left" or "far-left" these days? :blobfoxthinking:

Jade [Jay] Depending on who you ask, people might even place me on the "far-left". Settled for "left" nonetheless. Don't get how you can be anything else nowadays.

Paul Wermer

@elduvelle interesting insight into those who responded to this post.


@elduvelle 👻
Did one of those tests for comparing to US politicians. With the results, literally every running politician was on the extreme right, and the scale still wasn’t long enough to put us on an appropriate spot on the left, but put us right over the edge of the page.

So, probably slightly left-leaning? 😅

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