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LN :anarchoheart3:

@jackwilliambell @elduvelle The idea that "centrism" is a meaningful position is somewhat silly to be honest. Most people are not "centrist", they just fall somewhere between both endpoints because they think certain hierarchies are good and others are bad.

The most realistic would probably be a stack of left/right gradients for each system of dominance. This is what people hint at when they claim things like "social progressive, fiscal conservative". Not to mention that most people don't have a coherent ideology because they don't think their preferences through.

1 comment
Jack William Bell

@alan @elduvelle

I would argue most people fall into the middle of the bell curve on most dimensions, but may also be outliers on one or more.

In any case, I didn't invent the 'political compass'. In fact I'm arguing against it, aside from the backhanded complement that it's better than a single dimension.

I'm saying we need to acknowledge there are not just colors of the political rainbow, but also brightness and saturation and more.

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