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DB Schwein

The left vs far-left is interesting for me, since US left is mostly center, and EU far-left is beyond the ken of most USians.

I would like UBI, universal healthcare, high wealth taxes, reparations, strong environmental protection, and nuclear, solar, & wind power so I picked "Left" :-)

El Duvelle

@deirdrebeth Yes… for me far-left would be communism or anarchism

Mike Stevens :ohno:

@deirdrebeth @elduvelle this is what I consider left, yep. For far left, I have a vague sense of communism — which I don't necessarily hate in concept, but we've yet to see it done well...


@mikestevens @deirdrebeth @elduvelle

I'm for abolishing states and abolishing the need to work for the profit of others to survive so naturally I picked center (j)


@deirdrebeth @elduvelle In the US I think those things are considered far-left. Regular left means support for unions, higher taxes on the rich, and basic environmental responsibility.

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