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Big Head Tales

I think of myself as left, I could be what’s considered far left, it’s not entirely clear what the delineation is.

To me “left” means socialized medicine, solid social safety nets, subsidized university, that sort of thing.

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:

@bigheadtales @elduvelle

Do you support the complete dismantlement of all current systems of exploitation? Including capitalism? Congratulations, welcome to the far left.

Big Head Tales

@atatassault @elduvelle
I don’t mind capitalism as long as it’s regulated within a social democratic structure.

Pure capitalism is nothing but fascism in a suit.


@bigheadtales @atatassault @elduvelle

I don't think being far-right or a capitalist is necessary fascism or its likes, these are dictatorsihps, even denying freedom of movement

IMHO supporting capitalism, a system that exploits most people's work for the shameful over-wellbeing of a few, is being in the right spectrum.
You move to the centre when adding some social security structure (british labour has become center)
anything to the left wants a different kind of economic system


@atatassault @bigheadtales @elduvelle
Nobody on the left wants to destroy Capitaism. They just want rules of the road. Same accusations of fear by the Radical Relious Right.


@GatekeepKen @atatassault @bigheadtales @elduvelle Nobody who falls under the category of "left" does, no, but that's what the category of "far left" is for, they definitely do. They pretty much don't exist in any great numbers in the US which is why normal lefties are often called "far left" by the extreme right.


@bigheadtales @elduvelle In most place that is not very far left at all.

Big Head Tales

@SusanHR @elduvelle
Im far enough left that Republicans on Twitter call me names… OK, not really a good example.

I’d probably be center-left in Europe.

🔶Mark Nicoll 3.5%🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇳

@bigheadtales @SusanHR @elduvelle you know you're living in a two party state when your political alignment options are more restricted than those available in D&D.

Anton Piatek

@SusanHR @bigheadtales @elduvelle yes, it seems most Americans would describe the average right leaning European as far far left


@SusanHR @bigheadtales @elduvelle In my country, both the left and the right promote those things equally. It's one of the very few things both parties can agree with.

Jim Hughes

@bigheadtales @elduvelle I'm a European, so all those things sound pretty centrist. Overton windows and all that...

Big Head Tales

@jimh @elduvelle
Oh yeah, definitely. Europe is so much more human friendly, the United States has been dragged so far right that we have a choice between ultra-right-wing and center-right. (I know, 2 parties is a silly idea)


@bigheadtales @jimh @elduvelle We were warned about this about 230 years ago, but we didn't listen

Big Head Tales

@jimh @elduvelle
The advantage of a multi-party democracy is that all of the parties tend to gravitate to the center to curry maximum support.

The US two-party system is inherently divisive and combative. It’s us against them, left or right.

Now it’s between democracy and fascism.

It allows no middle ground.

It’s an inherent weakness at the core of America.

Super Piéton (🎲🥐) ⏚

@bigheadtales @elduvelle

I'm in-between Left and Far-Left. I am favorable toward changing the whole system, but not the violent way.


@bigheadtales @elduvelle I struggled with the same thing.

Viewed from my own perspective I'm a bit left of center. Viewed from the perspective of a "conservative" I'm probably Marx reloaded.


@bigheadtales @elduvelle A social contract where we look after everyone because that is nicer and happens to improve productivity, education levels and reduce illness

Mx. Eddie R

@bigheadtales @elduvelle
I called myself far-left because as well as believing we should have ubi and comprehensive universal healthcare (drugs, vision, dental, everything) and housing, I believe that billionaires should be taxed into the middle class to support those programs and more.

El Duvelle

@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales I would say that’s a moderate left! Do you think that property should be abolished? Are you an anarchist? These would be far-left (IMO)


@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle Claiming a spot on the far left with what should literally be centrist ideas, kinda of shows us where we are at in the narrative.

Justin Derrick

@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle It never ceases to confuse me how these things are 'far' *anything*. "Hey! Let's make people's lives better!" Who says no to that?


@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle that's just slightly left. Framing right as center has been such a scam by the media/owners, enabled by our absurdly stupid voting method.

Simon Brooke

@bigheadtales @elduvelle I'm far left. I believe in the abolition of property, the gift economy, and the radical decentralisation of power.


@bigheadtales @elduvelle
There is no far left unless you're a MAGA. So What is it Anitfa? I hate facist, so am I far out...So be it.

S. Winfrey

“These are times when what used to be called liberal is now called radical; what used to be called radical is now called insane; what used to be called reactionary is now called moderate; and what used to be called insane is now called solid, neo-conservative thinking.”
— Katrina vanden Heuvel

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