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Mx. Eddie R

@bigheadtales @elduvelle
I called myself far-left because as well as believing we should have ubi and comprehensive universal healthcare (drugs, vision, dental, everything) and housing, I believe that billionaires should be taxed into the middle class to support those programs and more.

El Duvelle

@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales I would say that’s a moderate left! Do you think that property should be abolished? Are you an anarchist? These would be far-left (IMO)


@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle Claiming a spot on the far left with what should literally be centrist ideas, kinda of shows us where we are at in the narrative.

Justin Derrick

@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle It never ceases to confuse me how these things are 'far' *anything*. "Hey! Let's make people's lives better!" Who says no to that?


@silvermoon82 @bigheadtales @elduvelle that's just slightly left. Framing right as center has been such a scam by the media/owners, enabled by our absurdly stupid voting method.

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