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Jim Hughes

@bigheadtales @elduvelle I'm a European, so all those things sound pretty centrist. Overton windows and all that...

Big Head Tales

@jimh @elduvelle
Oh yeah, definitely. Europe is so much more human friendly, the United States has been dragged so far right that we have a choice between ultra-right-wing and center-right. (I know, 2 parties is a silly idea)


@bigheadtales @jimh @elduvelle We were warned about this about 230 years ago, but we didn't listen

Big Head Tales

@jimh @elduvelle
The advantage of a multi-party democracy is that all of the parties tend to gravitate to the center to curry maximum support.

The US two-party system is inherently divisive and combative. It’s us against them, left or right.

Now it’s between democracy and fascism.

It allows no middle ground.

It’s an inherent weakness at the core of America.

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