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El Duvelle

Where are you on the political scale? Please boost wildly!* 😃​

(*) Yes I mean Wildly not just widely

Anonymous poll


5,063 people voted.
Voting ended 10 Jun 2023 at 0:56.
david :apartyblobcat:

@elduvelle I'm far right of course /s

Anyway, I would say I'm left wing yea

@elduvelle Seems like for me it really went "wildly" 🤣
basisbit 🦈🇪🇺🇺🇦

@elduvelle Very much depends on what reference to use. USA, probably I am far left. Western Europe, center.
If northern Europe's standard, then probably I am slightly right.
Russia, well guess I am a leftist Nazi who attacked Russia first because I support people from Ukraine and promote being supportive towards lgbtqa+.


@elduvelle I'd consider myself to be part of the libertarian left

Liz Ellis She/Her🌳

@elduvelle I consider myself centre-left but in the UK and USA I'd be considered as far left and in most of europe just a centrist.

Saupreiss #Präparat500

@elduvelle Obsolete system of left and right. Also, when the center moves, what does that mean? Or what is center anyway? How to measure?

Saupreiss #Präparat500

@elduvelle Am I right because I value conservative norms and want to maintain civilization? Am I left, because I believe women have a right to abortion? Am I far right because I believe in God? Am I center because I value "classical liberal" positions?

zariweya 🇪🇺💻🦝

@elduvelle according to my political beliefs, left. According to what the right media said, I'm an anarcocommunism terrorist. I'm only asking for really progressive taxation and maintain the public services we have now.

DavidB I consider myself center-left, but I think the bourgeoisie in most of the Western World would consider me far-fa-left... It's okay, if you need me, I'll be sharpening my guillotine.


@elduvelle its a trick! both sides work for the same villains

Petra van Cronenburg

@elduvelle Would be interesting to ask this for the USA, and separately for Europe - there are differences. A conservative European centrist could be far left and ridden by the devil for a Republican in Florida.😎 And all the other parts of the world?


@elduvelle that's just a political scale, where is the

-Free Software Philosophy
-No politics option?

I don't identify with any of the options you gave us.

Free software is a blend of socialism capitalism and anarchy.

Here you find our philosophy in case you never read it

This is the philosophy page of the RepRap project where the 3D printers revolution came from

@elduvelle that's just a political scale, where is the

-Free Software Philosophy
-No politics option?

I don't identify with any of the options you gave us.

Free software is a blend of socialism capitalism and anarchy.

Here you find our philosophy in case you never read it

Jonathan Carreño

@elduvelle I'm far-left by US standards. Left, by rest-of-the-world (sane) standards.


@elduvelle that's very relative. In EU terms, I'm barely "left", in US terms my middle name might as well be "Che".

🧡Karen a woke Karen 🧡

@elduvelle depends what you mean by left and far left. I see myself as left, but many would see me as far left. I want a democratic road to Socialism, not a revolution, as I hate human rights' abuses, violence, and dictatorship. Can anyone give a definition of left and far left?!

Spytfyre 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@KarenawokeKaren @elduvelle I think it's a trap to flush out any tired pinko commies from the bunkers of the 50s that have given up trying to pay attention to the cameras everywhere

El Duvelle

@KarenawokeKaren I’d say what you’re describing is center left; but could also be right as right-wing people are also against human right abuses, violence & dictatorship. But because you said socialism and not capitalism you’re probably left.
Far left would be communism or anarchism (IMO)


@elduvelle the outcome so far shows that mastodon is leaning to the left side of the political spectrum, which I already suspected.

Uncle Harvey

It depends on the issue in question and the delineation of your categories. So, all of the above?🤔


@elduvelle I said Left but for many people the current context would make them judge my position as far-left.

John Vance

@elduvelle living in the US far-left, most everywhere else in the world my views would be center/centre.

Dallas (Join Something IRL)

@elduvelle I'm really pretty center, honestly, I probably would have voted for Nixon. But in America today, since being on the "Right" means "pro-killing children in schools with assault rifles", I'm pretty American left.


@elduvelle left wing on most things except the Canadian housing crisis where I'm full-on Reaganesque "the problem is government".

Thomas Klopf

@elduvelle isn’t it funny the scale has to be 2-dimensional like that? And left/right means different things in different countries, yet the same spectrum exists. Mastodon is mostly ‘left’ so I can guess the outcome anyway.

El Duvelle

@NeoFox the point of the poll was to see if the Mastodon / Fediverse people were biased one way or another, if that’s what you mean?

Toni Widmo I ticked Far Left, but I'm an anarchist, so I don't mean a fucking tankie.

Joost Berculo

@elduvelle well, there is no global context. What’s considered the right in for example The Netherlands would be considered left in the US. Being very left wing here would be normal left in some South American countries, I guess.

So basically I answered this question from a local perspective:)

El Duvelle

@joost Oh thank you! It doesn’t really have much to do with politics… although I’d love to understand better why people make the choices they do!


@elduvelle Not surprised.
Far right took control over twitter.
Platforms like Mastodon should be able to regroup the centre, left and right.

Martijn Vos
Politics is not one-dimensional. I think the left-right scale is far too limited and I prefer to ignore it, but I think most people would consider pretty left-wing. Left-libertarian, if you allow me a second dimension.
Troed Sångberg

@elduvelle You're missing so many dimensions by reducing it to just left-right.

At least the dimension authoritarian-liberal (where "liberal" doesn't mean "left") is extremely important.


@elduvelle Easy to identify myself as Left because I live in USA. Probably Center by UK or EU metrics. Like when I was visiting Thailand when they asked if I wanted the food spicy I would say Yes, American Spicy not Thai Spicy.

Kookie 🍪 Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@elduvelle I reject the notion of a linear political scale that one can "fall on". In reality we are all made of many different biases in different directions, either willing to acknowledge our shortcomings or wanting to live in obliviousness.
But also "far left"

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧

@spacekookie @elduvelle agreed, the linear scale at identifying a persons politic is a flawed construct, people simply do not think in two dimensions.

Kookie 🍪 Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@robchapman @elduvelle I think any dimentionality you're going to introduce fundamentally means missing nuance. The political compass isn't really any better. There's some quizzes where you have like 8-12 sliders or something, that could be a bit better? But it's also still so subjective

Kookie 🍪 Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@robchapman @elduvelle Which I guess is my point 😅 Politics is subjective and labels can be kinda useful sometimes, but they're also going to miss nuance and it would be real nice if we could get past circle jerking around labels as a society

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧

@spacekookie @elduvelle I guess then we as a species need governance that represents a wide range of view points - a progressive council, rather than a government that leans to one side or the other..

Aléxia 🇧🇷 This question is dangerous because I always confuse the words right and left in English


@elduvelle it varies a lot on country.
I'm the Netherlands the center-right aligned parties are comparable to the less extreme democrats in the US.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

In the UK I'd be far left because the centre has moved so far to the right pretty much anyone who is mainstream left in Europe is far left in the UK.

Mad Dog Ace Run

I don't like labels. Labels are part of the problem in American politics. That being said, I do know that the right and far right these days are edging closer and closer to fascism.

jennraeross 🏳️‍⚧️ 🖤🩶🤍💜 sighs I guess I'll put far-left, but I consider anti-authoritarianism a much more important portion of my political beliefs than I do economics... Anarchism for the win


@elduvelle it’s not linear, it’s more of a three dimensional spectrum

El Duvelle

@mikebrew Some of the other answers about multidimensional manifolds for political views should interest you 😄

Esmé Ciredutemps

@elduvelle ça n'atteint pas les instances de droite :)

El Duvelle

@ciredutempsEsme Apparemment!
Qui connaît des gens de droite ici?!?

Esmé Ciredutemps

@elduvelle les gens de droite que je connaissais sont restés ou repartis sur Twitter

Eomerj :shibasmug:

@ciredutempsEsme @elduvelle "Mes" gens de droite sont carrément restés sur FB 😅.

Jean Sans Peur

@elduvelle @ciredutempsEsme Nan, mais les gens de droite se définissent comme centristes. Ou alors comme de gauche parce que les vrais fascistes sont les gens de gauche, et puis ils ont de fortes convictions sociales, hein, d'ailleurs ils donnent la pièce à la sortie de la messe.


@elduvelle Somewhere between Left and Far-left, because incompetence, mediocrity and authoritarian excesses of the rest of the spectrum made me a politically more and more angry radical leftist.


@elduvelle you can’t just be center though; you have to be center left center or right. I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Which is what most Democrats are in fact. Depending on the time in history, i sway towards Social or fiscal, right now my main concern is keeping the Supreme Court from taking our rights away so I am leaning this election more towards the Social. #PresidentJoeBiden has done an awesome job on our fiscal health.

The Gneech

@elduvelle Moderate left by global standards, far left by US standards. :P



I honestly do not understand the point of this sort of poll
It is sort of epistemic bubble creation



@elduvelle I am an anarcho-capitalist and i piss on your single-dimensional scale that confuses people on politics more than anything.

Alex Markley :mbetv:

@elduvelle where are the center-left and center-right options? 😅

Jason Player

@elduvelle In the USA, I am considered 'Far-left' 😜 but... from the world perspective I would be considered Left (which is what I voted.)

Digital Medicine Peddler

@elduvelle I'm left leaning. In terms of policy that would mean I'm all for equality, socialized medicine, financial and social safety nets, low-cost education, LGBT+ Rights. I think Capitalism is a beast that needs to be reworked in a huge way...People are being destroyed by its unhealthy presence in America. Some would say that makes me Far Left, but really, I just don't want society to be crushed by something that can be managed in a responsible way.

Douglas Phillips Books

@elduvelle its not left or right, it's progress vs. foot dragging, democracy vs. autocracy, rights and justice vs. privilege, honesty vs. corruption.


@elduvelle if only this audience would more broadly reflect our National Citizenry.

Paskajärven kaunis Charlotta

@elduvelle looking at those results I love the fediverse even more 😍🥰❤️


@elduvelle the problem with the political scale is there isn’t a solid definition of what far left and left are even if there is those definitions change heavily based off of what country you live in.

Gergő László 🇭🇺

@elduvelle I think I am naturally a sheep. I always pick the majority selection.

Tom Forsyth

@elduvelle It depends! In the UK I am probably center or slightly right of center (depends on the topic). But in the US this makes me a fairly hard-core lefty.


@elduvelle In the US I'd be very far left, just about everywhere else in the world I'm moderate left. I'm not sure I consider anyone who doesn't want to abolish most private ownership to be "far left". I don't think there's too much need for private vehicles anymore, but I'm still a fan of most private ownership. I'm even a fan of limited private enterprise, so there's no way I could be considered "far left".

Khurram Wadee ✅

@elduvelle If for Americans, Democrats were considered to be conservatives (which they are) then I'm on the left. In the European sense, I would vote socialist.


@elduvelle No option for "none of the above" or "holy crap it's so much more nuanced than that, seriously?" :D


@elduvelle in the usually accepted sense, far left, but I'd like the political spectrum reframed, where anarchism is at the center, violent order on the right and immoral chaos on the left, because currently accepted political scale is all on the right side and what's called the far left is far from being far.


@elduvelle as a libertarian socialist, I'm "right" on personal freedom and hard Left on social justice and the need to look after the less fortunate, so I'm not voting because left-right ignores important considerations


@elduvelle I bet the votes are not anonymous… 🤔


@elduvelle Interesting! Back when Mastodon started the stereotype of early users was "gay communist furries". Has the user base how shifted to gay progressive furries, with some gay centrist furries and even a few gay conservative furries?

Nobody باچیز नास्ति (he/him)

@elduvelle people have rights, corporations have obligations to people, and governments have responsibilities for the people. Where does that fit on the scale?

Jeff Green

@elduvelle From a research perspective, I think I would have used a 6-point Likert scale (Far-left, Solidlly-left, Lean-Left, Lean-Right, Solidly-Right, Far-Right).

I don't think anyone is objectively Center.

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