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El Duvelle

@adron @Nadinabbott 👀Hmm so what do you mean by “classical liberalism”?
And also by republicanism I assume you mean republic, thus democracy? But you might mean it as the US republican, ie right-wing?
(And if you were joking… sorry, but you have to wink)

nadin brzezinski

@elduvelle @adron classical liberalism, if I am getting him right, is the 19th century idea that came from the enlightenment. It’s not the modern version, though neoliberals share a lot with the classic liberal ideology. Here you go

M. Grégoire

#ClassicalLiberal is a legitimate position, but hard to place in this sort of spectrum: it was seen (correctly) as leftist at the time, but now its policies are mostly defended by the right. Probably best to describe yourself as centrist.

@Nadinabbott @elduvelle

Adron 🤘🏻

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott specifically representative democracy but not true democracy, it’d just be a mess (as many have pointed out throughout history). Having representatives seems a good balancing point for the people.

But no, definitely not the Republican thing in America. I don’t even know what party stands for except strong man fascism at this point. There a cluster fuck.

El Duvelle

@adron @Nadinabbott
I think we can consider the current Republican Party in the US to be far right. 😔
With your additional info and what @Nadinabbott said I’d put you either on Right or Center… but I’m really not an expert! Interested in what you chose to vote in the poll if you’d like to share!

nadin brzezinski

@elduvelle @adron in our current environment neoliberal are center, mostly maybe a tad to the right. It’s how far right we have some of our pols at.

Adron 🤘🏻

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott my position on things swings pottery extensively at a federal POV vs a local city POV and rural POV. I never know where I stand until those things, and thus the demographics, are determined.

Tactically for example I’d support a car and gun ban in Manhattan but also support NOT having those things in rural Montana.

Drew 🐘

@elduvelle @Nadinabbott I think the central idea @adron was communicating is that this question and response spectrum is not sensitive to government structures with many layers. What is right for one layer may be the opposite of what is right for another layer. If two adjacent layers attempt to deliver on the same values they can each make it more difficult for either to succeed due to very high coordination & communication costs. A preface like "In national elections..." would have helped.

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