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junho8 This is either complimentary or insulting and i am unsure which.... checks if hands are visible



"My two hands"

Dang ppl being silly
Can't wait till I get such comment on pixiv

David Revoy

@fatimenia :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart:

Finnley Dolfin

@davidrevoy “It’s a very old one called my hands and own talent”

Mike Risley

“Actual intelligence. You should try it.”

Marcel Costa

@davidrevoy Thingos of the bird site 😜.

Sorry for the joke, but here we know you too well to make this comments.


David Revoy

@marcelcosta Thanks! And it's true it never happened here. 🥰


@davidrevoy tu peux répondre "it is called human imagination" 😜​


@Gavy Au bout d'un moment, va falloir aller vérifier si @davidrevoy ne serait pas un androïde spécialisé dans l'art.

David Revoy

@Gavy @Vilrax Ha, ben ça m'interesse aussi pour le coup si j'ai un concepteur. J'ai une assez grande liste de bug-report sur mes biais et ce *#@! de corps. Assez pour me demander si j'étais pas un projet fait le vendredi soir sur un coin table après un pot de départ un peu trop arrosé et publié à la hâte avant de partir en vacances. 😆


Non mais son premier réflexe a VRAIMENT été de se dire que c'était fait par une IA ? 🤦‍♀️


@nyandzette @davidrevoy La seule réaction raisonnable c'est de répondre : "Quelle I.A. avez-vous utilisé pour générer cette question ?" '^^

Spin D'Accord

@davidrevoy Probably hasn't ever used Krita -- has no idea who you are.

twinkle, snowdin resident frozen mouse
@davidrevoy the ai is called krita and the bare flesh of a human hand (and also a few hundred calories)

@davidrevoy Getting to this point didn't take long at all...


@davidrevoy uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. why are people?


@davidrevoy This person misses the Blockchain and NFT hype things 🤦‍♂️

bot :kiwi_dumbbell:
You deserve it for blocking me just because I asked you why you added an “eye contact” trigger warning.

Beautiful artwork!

Fuck AI generated art (mostly).
It's a cool technology... but stealing artistic talent from artists to generate "art" is BS.

I'm glad artist like you exist who refuse to use that stuff.



@davidrevoy That's so annoying. 😖 Love your work. ❤

Franziska Köppe | madiko

Hi David. Have you tried to block those blokes by a filter?

You might even use the phrase to make it more precise.

My recomondation would be to put a filter in place with the web-app ( hopefully gets you there directly). In my experiece this is the easiest way to create and manage them.

Hope that helps. Enjoy the day and please do not let people like her/him get to you (easier said then done, I know. My whish and hope is to be able to cheer you up). 😘

Hi David. Have you tried to block those blokes by a filter?

You might even use the phrase to make it more precise.

My recomondation would be to put a filter in place with the web-app ( hopefully gets you there directly). In my experiece this is the easiest way to create and manage them.


Looking at the screenshot makes me believe it's from the birdsite.

@davidrevoy you know that you have a loyal community over here. Since the owner switched there, the ratio of trolls increased. I'm aware that the network has value for marketing. But don't let that drag you down.

David Revoy

@madiko Yes, thank you for the advice :blobcatheart: , but it was on the birdsite as mentioned by @RyunoKi.

True Ryuno-Ki, Thanks. Yes, I archived my Twitter data, removed all people from "my follow" that I could find here on Fediverse, and just kept my Tw account as a (RSS) relay to post the main news now (yes, for the visibility of my project).

True, I should be more prepared to receive comments from Posthumanism/AI Take Over, NFTs, Crypto, and all the baggage that come with that.

@davidrevoy technology and it's consequences 😔
Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy Grins with cat teeth: »I don’t need an AI for this.«

(better: »One to whom you can actually explain your wishes. For 300€¹ I’ll show you.«)

¹: guess. Insert the actual cost of your image when paid fairly.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@davidrevoy Wow, this is utterly heartbreaking. 😣

I'd probably react really pissed to these people answering like "it's called skill and talent, b**ch". Would change nothing though...


@emmetoneill @davidrevoy honestly wondering if the reply account is an actual bot, created to devalue actual art to try to inflate the value of some other grift going on somewhere

WeKeys :unverified:

@davidrevoy ton métier ne sert plus à rien.
Vas te vendre sur Twich en faisant des streams de react cringe sur les sitcoms des années 90.
Tu feras fureur.

David Revoy

@wekeys Autant le "ton métier ne sert plus à rien.", je comprends, et comme c'est mon métier, je prend ça au sens large. Mais la seconde partie est assez violente et plus pour ma pomme: "va te vendre", "sur Twitch", "react cringe" ... Je t'ai fait du mal par le passé ou je me fais une idée?

monkee 🐒

@davidrevoy very cute picture. really, really like it. :yayblob:

padda!!!!! 🍉

@davidrevoy goodness

sorry you have to deal with that. hurts like hell

David Revoy

@jeko :shibalaugh: haha, I guess I have to see the glass as half full. Maybe it's a compliment.

David Revoy

@fartkart Oh, I did. It's just not on the screenshot. But you know, you'll be disappointed by what I really answered because I was polite and all.
I wrote:
Thanks, but I don't use any A.I. It's a painting, from scratch.

I'm against the way the databases for training the model were built without the artists' consent.

El Jefe ":verified:" :donor:

@davidrevoy fwiw when I saw it the other day my 1st reaction this image was, 'this is a true artist, no AI could have ever done this.'


@roelfrenkema Remove the consonants, then read it backwards. 🤯 Coincidence? 🤨 I think no…uh, well yeah, probably that's coincidence.

Joseph of Earth :fedora:

@davidrevoy In the future, it will be a complement to be compared to an AI.

"Wow, you made this? It looks like it came out of an AI!"


@Joseph_of_Earth @davidrevoy imagining some sort of idiocracy a few generations from now where no one knows how to draw anymore?


@davidrevoy un ignare consommateur de betises sur le net ; en somme une ia tres forte pour generer des conneries .... c'est frequent ...

Chilly Dee Williams

@davidrevoy This gets a follow from me. Keep making your great art my friend.

Lau 🔞

@davidrevoy Est-ce que c'est pas flatteur ? 😬

Dylan Sanchez

@davidrevoy This scenario is what the word “fuckwit” is for.


@davidrevoy : artificial intelligence is not a good substitute for human stupitidy…


@davidrevoy That sounds like deliberate trolling, to be honest.

Nicol'Ours Chasseur2Lueurs B.


Answer "the same A.I. you use to ask your question… But I probably tweaking mine better than yours"


Someday you'll have to add "no AI" like we see "no NFT" artists.

Thomas Frans 🇺🇦

@davidrevoy This is such a sad joke by this person. I love this art. I'm growing so tired of all this AI bullshit.

ENIGMATICO :heartbleed: People got so attached to the machines that they forgot humans also have skills.

Kin Yutaka :✅

@davidrevoy That is why I like to include the AI information when I post pictures made with AI.

We should just assume that you drew/painted it yourself when you don't.


@kinyutaka @davidrevoy same. AI art is not like other arts, it must be labeled as it.

Kin Yutaka :✅

@0xUtnoid @davidrevoy Exactly.

The good thing about AI art is that it is free for anyone to use. The bad thing about AI art is that it is easy enough for everyone to use.


@kinyutaka @davidrevoy yes, like photography that now is available on every phone, instead of having to pay thousands of dollars for the body/lens/lab.
The issue of work proliferation is mostly a curation issue, not really an art issue. Maybe AI art will push people to rethink how art is curated and shared globally.

Kin Yutaka :✅

@0xUtnoid @davidrevoy Gonna be honest, I would rather see a well rendered, if strange image of a castle in the fog hanging on the wall of a museum, compared to a moldy banana duck taped to the wall until it rots as a statement.


@0xUtnoid @kinyutaka @davidrevoy it's just like how, if you post art by another person, you should link to that person or else people will assume you did it yourself.
Now, it would be great if AI art gave you the ability to link to the artists that created it 😬 but since you can't, there's still an obligation to acknowledge that it's not your art

Liberonscien :VeryQueer:

@0xUtnoid @raphaelmorgan @davidrevoy @kinyutaka How do you think AI Art Engines work? Do you think they’re just automatic collage makers?

Liberonscien :VeryQueer:

@davidrevoy @kinyutaka Whenever I post AI stuff I usually just go # AI-Generated or something like that.


@davidrevoy I think most commenters are overreacting here. They likely never heard of Krita so didn't have the clue. AI-generated images are hot right now and it looks like many others; they likely saw it in passing and liked it enough to comment.

To address some other comments, AI image generation isn't "stealing" just because it's trained on your work. It's making new works inspired by it. Would you hate people for making works inspired by your work? The AI is doing the same thing.


@davidrevoy if you're more concerned about how much time and effort it takes you vs an AI, you could use those tools too to assist in your work. Generate some stuff based on your work and start from there. Fix up ones you like, or just use it for inspiration.

David Revoy

@Tanath I find it problematic that you put on the same level:

1. Creators who love, hate, and interact with input within the zeitgeist and then get inspired (consciously or unconsciously) by that.


2. An A.I. software that received a massive list of URL of images inputs+descriptions, without the consent of their authors, and curated by a team (with their own political choices).

I wouldn't call 2 inspiration but just massive stealing of data for analysis.

(edited for CW)


@davidrevoy that's not my intention. I'm not equating those. People are conscious, emotional beings, while AI currently are not. There may be ethical issues w/scraping publicly posted data but that's a separate issue from what I was saying. That said, people can view the images, do analysis and use it for inspiration, so why can't AI?

The real problem as I see it is that it lowers the value of such work. That is an unfortunate downside but it's often the cost of progress from new tech.


@davidrevoy @Tanath very well put!

phrasing like ‘inspired’ anthropomorphise a heuristic that does a complex version of rote reproduction. it creates nothing new, its output is based wholly and entirely on reproduction of pre-existing imagery. overfitting examples to expose how the sausage gets made show this beyond a shadow of a doubt. experts on ‘AI’ agree with this.

and when the creators and owners of the material that is being reproduced did not license their material for that use, it can indeed be called ‘stealing.’

@davidrevoy @Tanath very well put!

phrasing like ‘inspired’ anthropomorphise a heuristic that does a complex version of rote reproduction. it creates nothing new, its output is based wholly and entirely on reproduction of pre-existing imagery. overfitting examples to expose how the sausage gets made show this beyond a shadow of a doubt. experts on ‘AI’ agree with this.

Liberonscien :VeryQueer:

@davidrevoy @gekitsu @Tanath Overfitting is an error, not a desired result.


@Tanath @davidrevoy if you don't know enough about the person posting art to know that they're not using AI, maybe you don't know enough to assume they're using AI? Just maybe?

SEPIA Open Assistant

@davidrevoy I really wonder how we, as human beings, will handle this AI augmented future. I expect it will often make us think about how we evaluate certain things. For example: Do we like a painting because its pretty? because it tells a story? because it inspires our imagination? or maybe because of its history? how it was created or by whom? Humans have always built tools to extend their abilities and to overcome their limitations but how long will it take to get used to these new tools?

David Revoy

@sepia These questions are in loop in the history of modern art and contemporary art, and it is a fascinating philosophical adventure to read about it and forge a philosophy. More than 100 years of artists tried to answer that.

About getting used to AI, I embraced it in September ( read ) but that was before all artists − thanks to website like − saw their artworks being used without their consent.

*That* changed everything.

@sepia These questions are in loop in the history of modern art and contemporary art, and it is a fascinating philosophical adventure to read about it and forge a philosophy. More than 100 years of artists tried to answer that.

About getting used to AI, I embraced it in September ( read ) but that was before all artists − thanks to website like − saw their artworks being used without their consent.

Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

@davidrevoy @sepia everyone's data eventually will get scraped so I'm not worried about that. I don't even bother to check if mines were being scrapped.

Just do the thing you do, ai doesnt have the personality and the life experiences to make the same thing you make

Tanner Spaw

@chengdulittlea @davidrevoy @sepia agreed on both points, even as someone that is messing with ai art. But I would still want to see a model that's just public domain stuff and the rest being opt-in.

David Revoy

@tannerspaw Same, I wish a model existed trained exclusively on CC-0 and Public Domain resources.

@chengdulittlea @sepia

David Revoy

@chengdulittlea I know, but it's not the A.I with its little legs who have decided by a beautiful morning to scrape the web for art alone. 😅

No: it's a team of dev − eg. working at LAION − who decided to scrape all URL and ALT text, enrich the database with their description, curate the result (eg. remove the watermark, keep the bias of stereotype work/gender/race). Political choices here.

I just hate that.

(Edit: I removed a Ctrl+V error😅 )

@chengdulittlea I know, but it's not the A.I with its little legs who have decided by a beautiful morning to scrape the web for art alone. 😅

No: it's a team of dev − eg. working at LAION − who decided to scrape all URL and ALT text, enrich the database with their description, curate the result (eg. remove the watermark, keep the bias of stereotype work/gender/race). Political choices here.


@davidrevoy @chengdulittlea @sepia also it claims they didn't scrape anything at all, common crawl is an old project that created dumps of the ~entire internet, they seem to have simply formated whatever can be formatted there into a txt-img paralel corpus.


@davidrevoy @chengdulittlea @sepia oh actually the large one does have a detector for watermarked images, and for I believe porn, so that any downstream user could avoid training on such images.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@davidrevoy @sepia "Register an account to opt-out your images from Stable Diffusion V3"

This is the most fucking upside-down logic I've ever seen, and definitely 100% illegal basically anywhere on the planet. However this is the internet - it will be used anyway, and with the modern economy also using data in immoral amounts things won't change in the near future. 😔


@davidrevoy @sepia
I used to draw with stroke-based rendering that i saw from some dude somewhat like 5 or 6 years ago (even can't remember his nickname now), and i never asked his consent. Should i now kill myself for the sake of justice?


@sepia @davidrevoy it's a good reminder and the answers will be very different for each piece

if i want a random carpet texture for my fast-paced tactical fps i'm fine with anything that looks vaguely carpety ingame and i can just take 20 shots of the floor at my day job, feed it through the ai and tell it to make it tile properly

but if this is a narrative game and i want what's on that floor to symbolize something, or resemble something bc it's a reference to some other thing...


@davidrevoy someone has never seen the faces generated in AI art before


Je comprends 😞

Remarque j'ai faillit la faire sur celle du dragon, mais je me suis ravisé, c'est une mauvaise blague.

David Revoy

@marnic Merci.
Je pense que j'ai posté cette copie d'écran et réaction sincèrement ressentie car c'est la goutte d'eau qui a fait un peu déborder mon vase... J'étais resté bien silencieux sur ce sujet jusque là. Sans doute trop.

Alors que oui, ça peut être une blague, ou un troll commun de l'air du temps, ou une question légitime des temps qui arrivent et j'ai pris ça a coeur...

Bon après, si il y aurait eu un smiley, ça serait 100x mieux passé en blague.😉

@marnic Merci.
Je pense que j'ai posté cette copie d'écran et réaction sincèrement ressentie car c'est la goutte d'eau qui a fait un peu déborder mon vase... J'étais resté bien silencieux sur ce sujet jusque là. Sans doute trop.

Alors que oui, ça peut être une blague, ou un troll commun de l'air du temps, ou une question légitime des temps qui arrivent et j'ai pris ça a coeur...


J'avais posté ça il y a quelques jours
Car en tant qu'amateur d'art et d'art numérique le déversement de toutes ces images généré en 2 clics m'énerve de plus en plus.


@davidrevoy God I cannot wait for this to die off

@alfredohno @davidrevoy step one: buy strong magnet
step two: infiltrate the server rooms of any ai art website you can find

@davidrevoy autocorrect can really mangle a sentence

"Cool witch! What did you use for this?"

If they followed you, they'd know it was most likely Krita

Andrius Štikonas

@davidrevoy I thought A.I. ripping off our software (via github auto pilot) was bad enough. But it looks like it is even worse for artists. At least nobody was asking programmers: ”which A.I. engine wrote your program”.


@davidrevoy You can tell it isn't AI art because it doesn't use the same boring blue orange color scheme that all AI art seems to use.


@davidrevoy maybe it was because that one time you said you was usiing it


#poweredByMimine ou presque, y'a quand même un logiciel au milieu :-P


@davidrevoy ufff... Why can't trolls just shut up for a moment, or two, or better forever?

conquest of toast 🍞

@davidrevoy oh my god that sounds exhausting. I'm so sorry.
Unrelated but any chance I could buy a high ces version of that picture? Seems like a cozy wallpaper :3


@davidrevoy « My brain, my hands and some pièce of software used to pain » ?

Agnes A :verifvelo:

@davidrevoy It's really sad to see that. Unfortunately, this seems to be a future of art and artists... Stay strong !


@davidrevoy C'est triste… Mais en prenant du recul, c'est aussi un drôle de compliment.

D'un point de vue historique, cela me fait penser au remplacement des peintres par la photographie, puis les photographes par la photo numérique, etc. Il y en a toujours, mais moins 😋

Courage !

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