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conquest of toast 🍞

@davidrevoy oh my god that sounds exhausting. I'm so sorry.
Unrelated but any chance I could buy a high ces version of that picture? Seems like a cozy wallpaper :3

David Revoy

@kookie Hey, I run an open-source webcomic where all material are downloadable in free access and under an open license. You'll find the 4K wallpaper in a post I published later: (and if you want a print, I can upload the design on my Redbubble shop).

My main income is made with patronage and online donation. If you want and can support my quest to continue to make art this way , you'll find on all the options (Patreon/Liberapay/Bank/Paypal)🎁 .

@kookie Hey, I run an open-source webcomic where all material are downloadable in free access and under an open license. You'll find the 4K wallpaper in a post I published later: (and if you want a print, I can upload the design on my Redbubble shop).

conquest of toast 🍞

@davidrevoy oh neat okay :) I can't really do recurring donations but I'll become a patron for one month. I hope that doesn't punish you in some way because of metrics or some shit

David Revoy

@kookie Thank you! No it doesn't punish me. On Patreon, I'm not using it 'per month', but 'per webcomic creation', and I post rarely a new episode (one every three or four months). So, I'll not impact much your budget. In best case, the new episode should come at the end of February.

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