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Joseph of Earth :fedora:

@davidrevoy In the future, it will be a complement to be compared to an AI.

"Wow, you made this? It looks like it came out of an AI!"


@Joseph_of_Earth @davidrevoy imagining some sort of idiocracy a few generations from now where no one knows how to draw anymore?

David Revoy

@Joseph_of_Earth I think you are right about it. The same than when a street portraitist with charcoal finishes a piece nowadays and people around them tell "it looks like a photo" as a compliment. I guess when photo appeared, it wasn't well received to compare a painting to a photo.

Joseph of Earth :fedora:

@davidrevoy I think it's a difference in kind. If an artist is going for photo-realism, I can imagine it being a compliment to have your work be compared to a photo. In a material sense you can argue that photos are the ultimate way to capture a picture of the world.

To be compared to AI as a compliment implies that AI has a high level of skill, and you are good when measured up against that level of skill. I will be sad if AI becomes the ruler we use to measure quality in art.

Joseph of Earth :fedora:

@davidrevoy But also I am not artistic so this is all very armchair analyst of me to say!

David Revoy

@Joseph_of_Earth Hey, it's fine and totally a rich discussion. Totally a good point about photo. 👍

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