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Franziska Köppe | madiko

Hi David. Have you tried to block those blokes by a filter?

You might even use the phrase to make it more precise.

My recomondation would be to put a filter in place with the web-app ( hopefully gets you there directly). In my experiece this is the easiest way to create and manage them.

Hope that helps. Enjoy the day and please do not let people like her/him get to you (easier said then done, I know. My whish and hope is to be able to cheer you up). 😘


Looking at the screenshot makes me believe it's from the birdsite.

@davidrevoy you know that you have a loyal community over here. Since the owner switched there, the ratio of trolls increased. I'm aware that the network has value for marketing. But don't let that drag you down.

David Revoy

@madiko Yes, thank you for the advice :blobcatheart: , but it was on the birdsite as mentioned by @RyunoKi.

True Ryuno-Ki, Thanks. Yes, I archived my Twitter data, removed all people from "my follow" that I could find here on Fediverse, and just kept my Tw account as a (RSS) relay to post the main news now (yes, for the visibility of my project).

True, I should be more prepared to receive comments from Posthumanism/AI Take Over, NFTs, Crypto, and all the baggage that come with that.

Franziska Köppe | madiko

@davidrevoy @RyunoKi

Yes, you are right. I should have read a little more carefully.

Anyway: Good success with "Pepper&Carrot". I really love them and wish you all the best.

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