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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

D&D is a game where a small party of determined individuals fight the overwhelming injustices of the societies they exist within to be able to meet up at the same time semi-regularly and tell a story together

Doug in Oregon

@Packbat I'm going to have a banging game when I move into the assisted living facility.


@Packbat And also murder a lot of people and loot the bodies 😂 Because it is an injustice that somebody else has better gear. /j

Alex Schroeder

Prochain arrêt: Neuchâtel

Je vous invite à une balade dans le quartier de la gare pour découvrir les mutations et enjeux d’une ville moyenne

Chapitre ( publié dans «La Suisse de Arbon à Zoug. Portrait en 12 villes» (

Les deux en libre accès!

Alex Schroeder

@notjustbikes about Swiss trains. – living here I don’t feel as enthusiastic about it but today family drove us from the Vallais to Zürich on the autobahn for nearly three and a half hours and I think the two of us would have preferred taking the train instead. Just think about it. Three and a half hours of sitting, talking, snacking, peeing, instead of being tied into a metal hull riding exploding fossil fuels…

Alex Schroeder

My first video from my trip to Japan is now up on Patreon and Nebula.

I visited the world's busiest train station, Shinjuku station in Tokyo. This station transports 3 MILLION people every day!

Shinjuku station is really interesting because it isn’t just a ridiculously efficient transportation hub, it’s also an excellent example of how an effective train station can make the surrounding neighbourhood truly great.

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Paul 夏央 Kishimoto

@notjustbikes loved this!

We were in Taiwan and Qingdao around the same time you were in Japan. TW platforms (metro and HSR) all have queue markings that people obeyed with almost no exceptions. In contrast, on the mainland (and back here in Vienna) people would frequently stand in front of train doors and block exiting passengers.

We debated whether this was habituation to the markings; to queuing generally; or a deeper cultural disposition maybe dating back to Japanese rule.

Frank Bennett

@notjustbikes Hi from Nagoya, the fly-past city on the way to Kyoto, which you must also have visited? I earlier offered to liaise with city planning offices in one of the ten or twenty million comments that I assume you read in detail, having nothing better to do with your time 😳, sorry I couldn't be of service. Hope you had an enjoyable and productive visit!


@notjustbikes maybe i'm just losing it, but i totally lost it at 2047.

Alex Schroeder

@jruys Yes, AI was my first thought too, but no. Real Americans with real guns, captured by an Italian photographer. I’ve since read more about the project here in an article on My Modern Met:

Alex Schroeder

@mekkaokereke @stux Wow. That photo! I just went to the photographer’s website and looked through their gallery of “Ameriguns” family portraits. It’s like the US is on another planet.

Jan-Willem Ruys

@joncounts Thank you for that link, absolutely stunned. Sometimes you really hope something is AI generated but I fear it’s not.

Alex Schroeder

We need to distinguish clearly between car sellers and fuel sellers in order to understand some of the disorientingly stupid discourse around all of this better.

Both are trying to kill us, mind you, but they are still not the same forces, and they are no longer friends.

Alex Schroeder

ive been thinking about how i learned the computer programming stuff i know, and i think it boils down to "don't worry about which one", "keep trying", and "if it feels too hard or frustrating, then take a break and do something different, and then come back to it later if you are in the mood to try again".

and the most important thing: find (a) communit{y,ies} you like

thank you for reading my textbook on how to learn computer programming

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

@m455 Lovely! The only thing I'd write in my textbook other than "see m455's canonical text" would be "eventually learn more than one".

Alex Schroeder

There’s no shame in programming for yourself.

The other day I was pondering if egoism can be used for altruism and in hindsight, the answer’s closer than I would’ve guessed: in FOSS licensing and paying it forward.

Alex Schroeder

Elizabeth Taylor FTW!

When I started reading Snopes over RSS I was scared I was gonna wanna post every singe article but it’s like 95% complete nonsense over there, and it’s almost as bad as clickbait sites since they don’t show up front whether a rumor is true or false unless you visit the page. But this one was a gem

Alex Schroeder

Here is yon:

it's a little UI to take notes, all contained in a single .html file. It reuses ACME/Grid's layout (mostly) but goes deeper on navigation and exploration.

Hope you like it!

la ninpre

@m15o this is so cool, thank you!

i've tweaked mine slightly, because i wanted to try to make it work from something like a mobile phone. i've replaced mouse events with pointer events and made resize thingy slightly wider, so resizing columns now works. but i'm not sure how to make clicking links work...

Alex Schroeder

Whenever I pack the laptop for a trip I hope that MNT Pocket Reform will work just as well for the things I do on trips, only smaller.

Alex Schroeder

Nothing makes me quite as self-conscious about spending time at the computer like bringing the laptop on a trip but forgetting the charger at home. 😬

Alex Schroeder

The current wave of AI hype demonstrates of the problem of capacity creep. In some measurable regards, hardware keeps getting better, right? More powerful, more efficient, more affordable. But rather than letting those gains ameliorate the problems created by tech, tech companies see them as increased capacity, and look to fill that capacity. So while hardware improvements should be reducing the emissions caused by computing, their growing as companies look for ways to turn capacity into profit.

L. Rhodes

It follows that assurances to the effect that the AI industry will eventually find ways to shrink the carbon footprint of their technology are entirely untrustworthy. Any improvements that might lower the emissions caused by AI processing are bound to be treated by the industry as excess capacity, which they will promptly find ways to fill, excusing the increasing size of the footprint the same way they excuse it now: by promising that they'll find ways to shrink it in the future.

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Inês :prami:

@adam I wasn't aware of this happening, but I'm glad you stood up :heart_transgender:


@adam Respect on taking a stand there and making the web more inclusive.

The developer did later publicly apologise and express remorse—whether that was good enough is subjective—on their Mastodon and their blog. Someone who is coming across your post for the first time will take away the impression that the developer has stuck to their original opinions, which unless I’m mistaken is not the case.

jden :prami:

@adam I was very pleasantly surprised to see you pop up and explicitly state that they were an member and then defend them. I like that you stood by your user base, and went into battle for them unprompted.

I will also note, I was uncomfortable about the comments from the developer and where that conversation was going and had made me really question continued use of their products when you see two very clear different approaches to community building by yourself and them.

Alex Schroeder

This Recall thing is a prime example of how bad we are at understanding when something is a systemic problem.

It doesn't matter if *you* disable it. It doesn't matter if *you* install Linux. It doesn't matter if *you* set your computer on fire and move to a Luddite commune.

If you have *ever* sent sensitive data, no matter how securely, to another person who now has this shit enabled, and they find your data and look at it, your data is compromised, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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@confluency moving to Linux helps. Of course more SSNs will be leaked with all other identifying metrics attached to it to make it easy for people to be hit with ID theft.


@confluency This is why we must curate our friends wisely and refuse to talk about anything sensitive or personal with people who still use Windows and refuse to listen


@confluency A regulated financial organisation I once knew had a stringent rule that widows users COULD NOT connect to the production system (Sun), because they were already so insecure. I and one other consultant on my team could, because we had SPARC laptops.

Alex Schroeder

It is even worse than that, not only will this AI hype slow down phasing out of fossil fuels, it will also lead to a huge rise in emission from chip and server production and data centre construction.

I wrote about this earlier, "The insatiable hunger of (Open)AI"



Alex Schroeder

It comes up a lot as people are rightly confused, but if you wonder what problem Microsoft are trying to solve with Recall:

It isn't them being evil, it's business leaders who are middle aged and can't remember what they're doing driving decision making about which problems to solve.

A huge amount of business leaders are dudes who have no idea what the fuck is happening. This leads to the Recall feature.

Microsoft exists in and is driven by that bubble.

Kevin Beaumont

I asked Microsoft Copilot to write a song about Copilot+ Recall.

Alex Schroeder

I was trying to find a public source repo for some software I had seen and started searching for the author's name and various related keywords. I found which seems to be a copy of GitHub including the data… Including the red flag of opt-out: "Remove your profile on the Giters? Go to settings."

Alex Schroeder

I like how the author of anvil (an ACME-like editor) explains how to use it and provides a small number of super-short videos to show it. Here’s a good way to use video in documentation!

Alex Schroeder

As for the Anvil editor, I wonder how feasible it would be to add a few key bindings to allow one to use it without a mouse. Window switching, selection growing, executing, I keep thinking that it should be possible. That mandatory three button mouse use is putting me off a bit.

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