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Alex Schroeder

As for the Anvil editor, I wonder how feasible it would be to add a few key bindings to allow one to use it without a mouse. Window switching, selection growing, executing, I keep thinking that it should be possible. That mandatory three button mouse use is putting me off a bit.

Alex Schroeder

I've been experimenting a bit with adding more keyboard bindings to the Anvil editor. Since it doesn't seem to have a git repository, I made my own so I can keep track of the patches.
I plan to force-push with abandon.

bouncepaw 🍄

@alex oh wow it's in Go!

If you manage to get rid of dependency on the third mouse button, I'll be happy. It's like the thing that keeps me away

Alex Schroeder

@bouncepaw I think with my two patches it's pretty OK! Right now the thing that doesn't work is beginning without clicking somewhere (something is still missing at startup). The thing that requires a bit more work is how to navigate the "tags" (the editable menus for windows, columns and the editor). You can jump between windows and columns using Alt and arrow keys, and between the various "tags" using Alt-1 to Alt-4, but it could be a bit smoother. Use Shift and the arrow keys, Shift-Home, Shift-End, Shift-Ctrl-Home and Shift-Ctrl-End to select text. Use Ctrl-T to execute the current word or the selection; Ctrl-Enter to execute the current line.
Use a style.js file to change the default font and colours.

@bouncepaw I think with my two patches it's pretty OK! Right now the thing that doesn't work is beginning without clicking somewhere (something is still missing at startup). The thing that requires a bit more work is how to navigate the "tags" (the editable menus for windows, columns and the editor). You can jump between windows and columns using Alt and arrow keys, and between the various "tags" using Alt-1 to Alt-4, but it could be a bit smoother. Use Shift and the arrow keys, Shift-Home, Shift-End,...

Alex Schroeder

I try to do a tiny snippet of programming in the mornings or evenings. Currently I'm looking at my "extending the selection" code and how it interacts (badly) with multiple cursors. I guess I don't understand the attraction of multiple cursors compared to "record a keyboard macro once and then replay it for the rest of the file, for a fixed number of times, or as long as I keep pressing a key" (the way standard Emacs allows me to) compared to alt-clicking a number of times at just the right spot (I guess my mousing is terrible) to place the cursors and then do the necessary edits. Whenever something like this comes, I'm editing data files or something like that so I would have to place hundreds or thousands of cursors… Only one of these approaches scales. I must be missing something about multiple cursors. Do you use them on a regular basis?

I try to do a tiny snippet of programming in the mornings or evenings. Currently I'm looking at my "extending the selection" code and how it interacts (badly) with multiple cursors. I guess I don't understand the attraction of multiple cursors compared to "record a keyboard macro once and then replay it for the rest of the file, for a fixed number of times, or as long as I keep pressing a key" (the way standard Emacs allows me to) compared to alt-clicking a number of times at just the right spot...

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