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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

"but if you block people, that's living in a bubble"

No honey, I don't "live" on the fedi. It is a place I visit.

This is not my only source of information. Getting all your info from social media is arguably worse that blocking people.

There's nothing wrong having a bubble of people who don't waste my time. Sometimes we call that "friends" or even "community" IRL.

And in the USA we have "freedom of association" which means each of us gets to decide for ourselves, what humans deserve our time and attention. You don't actually owe anyone your attention. Not even if you've said something they disagree with!

"but if you block people, that's living in a bubble"

No honey, I don't "live" on the fedi. It is a place I visit.

This is not my only source of information. Getting all your info from social media is arguably worse that blocking people.

There's nothing wrong having a bubble of people who don't waste my time. Sometimes we call that "friends" or even "community" IRL.

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Dak (D. A. Keldsen)

@HunkThunderzone and frankly, some people are so rude that it’s pretty obvious interaction is pointless.

Mx. Luna Corbden

@HunkThunderzone It’s time to bring back the *rest* of the First Amendment, Freedom of Association!

Martin Rundkvist

@HunkThunderzone I've been a major fan of blocking functionality since 1980s BBSs. At that time, my question was "Why should I have to deal with this guy just because he owns a modem?"

Alex Schroeder

I just recently realized that what I truly hate about LLMs is that it devalues language. I love language, I love using it very intentionally, I love how different people wield and work language differently. A well forged phrase can cut right to the soul. Language is literally magic. It can do things where man and machine all fail.

But now with the press of a button you can get sugary pink language goo in any shape you like. And this is sold as an equal replacement to real human language. The insult! The depravity!

I think it might say something about how far language is already devalued. We live in a morass of content marketing and business process documentation and terms and conditions and propaganda and spam. All soulless language that nobody asks for but that people are compelled to create. We can't imagine not creating such language goo. And so we're grateful for the pink goo machine.

You know those stories about how there was once magic in the world but it was lost? This is it. This is how it happens.

I just recently realized that what I truly hate about LLMs is that it devalues language. I love language, I love using it very intentionally, I love how different people wield and work language differently. A well forged phrase can cut right to the soul. Language is literally magic. It can do things where man and machine all fail.

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@plexus I "sort of" disagree. LLMs are a search tool, much in the same way dictionaries and thesauruses are. While these two tools have rigor applied to their construction, there is always a layer of subjectivity that is attributed to the human being(s) that compiled them. When all that is taken into account, they can still be used to augment a process that is creative and authentic.So - I only "sort of" disagree because your critique nails all the ways this critical concept is most often lost.

Hobson Lane

Indeed. The magic of human thought itself has been devalued.


@plexus someone said to me, they wanted AI to come in to do work so I can spend more time doing art, not do art so I can do more work.

Alex Schroeder

“Let me Google it for you” was a bad reply back in the days; these days telling somebody “to google something” is insulting because we all know how aggravating it is to spend time and energy against privacy invasions and sifting through the AI slop and the grifters. Life is short and there’s no time for this.
I try to err on the side of caution and always add links to stuff if I can. I’m preparing for the total breakdown of search as we know it.

Alex Schroeder

Some days Internet search feels like we’re at the capitalist optimum where everything is as painful as possible but not prohibitive. Can’t live without it (to find those link farms, advice sites, public archives) but also can’t find the private websites and blogs.
Is it true that Reddit managed to replace all the blogs or is it true that we just can’t find them anymore.
The real problem is the loss of trust all around.

Alex Schroeder

Hi, if you want to “save children”, instead of performative bullshit how about you ban guns, make paid parental leave mandatory, have single-payer healthcare for everyone, provide free daycare and kindergarten, ban corporal punishment at schools, make higher education free and make food free at schools.

Konnor Rogers

@thomasfuchs because they don't care about children. They care about control.

Alex Schroeder

Temperature changes for Zürich based on
Generally speaking we are more or less safe from the rising sea at 400m or more above average sea level, but we should probably prepare a lot better for climate refugees. Also with the glaciers melting away we’re heading into “brown” mountains where there is not enough water to keep them green. We’ll see how it goes.

Alex Schroeder

I’ve decided to no longer use a scale when baking bread. Just add flour, water and salt until it feels right. I also decided that I should switch back and forth between my regular spelt bread and the kind of rye meal bread with dried fruits and walnuts they make in Vallais. I’m using dried figs, dried prunes, raisins, dates, walnuts… and I’m thinking of using dried apricots, in the near future. I also don’t follow the instructions in recipes – I’ll just add a bit of sourdough and spelt to the rye meal and let it rest for a few hours (the last one got about three to four hours, the previous was an overnight rest).


I’ve decided to no longer use a scale when baking bread. Just add flour, water and salt until it feels right. I also decided that I should switch back and forth between my regular spelt bread and the kind of rye meal bread with dried fruits and walnuts they make in Vallais. I’m using dried figs, dried prunes, raisins, dates, walnuts… and I’m thinking of using dried apricots, in the near future. I also don’t follow the instructions in recipes – I’ll just add a bit of sourdough and spelt to the rye...

Alex Schroeder

You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-AI is? Wrong direction.
I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.

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@AuthorJMac I hate you. Since reading this, I can‘t stop thinking about it.😂

Vulpine Labs Inc.

@AuthorJMac it's being pushed where it doesn't belong and it's all because of capitalism


@AuthorJMac I don't actually think that this particular thing was anyone's fault really. It just happened to empirically turn out that it's easier to train AI to make superficially passable prose or an illustration than it is to build a robot that can (cheaply) fold laundry. Like, people are developing these kinds of robots that you ask for. But doing laundry is a lot harder than writing computer code is for example.

Alex Schroeder

So I have a mechanical keyboard and I have a maintenance question: I'm noticing that some keys on the left hand side have started to develop a slight tendency to rreeepeat or – in the case of the control key – to not activate. What's the recommended procedure, now? Pull off all the keycaps, pull out all the switches (?), use the vacuum cleaner to suck up hair, dust and whatever else lives down there, then reassemble? No lubricant required? Can the switches stay in there?

Alex Schroeder

Solstice is at 20:50 UTC and today in the northern hemisphere is the longest day of the year before we start the long slow slide to winter. It also marks the start of summer.

Happy #solstice everyone!


Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@X31Andy The summer solstice always makes me sad. From now on days get less wonderful every day, for the rest of the year. 😢

Alex Schroeder

@acdw just told me on IRC that the belief, that the US at one point considered to make German an official language was apocryphal.

“Fascinating for Germans, this imagined decision has been popularized by German authors of travel literature since the 1840s and propagated by some American teachers of German and German teachers of English who are not entirely secure in their American history,” Adams wrote.

Alex Schroeder

Recommended read:

Moneyquote (one among many): This isn't a recipe for disaster, it's a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe.

Alex Schroeder

A nice subthread on why quotes might be a good thing, actually. If only I could … quote boost it! :angry_laugh:

I used to be in the other camp, thinking that quote boosts facilitated pile-ons. But in the intervening years I've seen a few pile-ons and I guess pilers are gona pile on. It's the people that are more important.

Alex Schroeder

Found this via a screenshot of a meme on Twitter via a comment via a boost… Too much to handle! BUT the article is about using software to analyse videos of job applicants and determining their personality, and how that software is influenced by glasses, hair dress, pictures in the background … or a bookshelf.

Brought to you by the knowledge worker with the bookshelf in the background and no blurring filter. :angry_laugh:

"On the questionable use of Artificial Intelligence for job applications"

Found this via a screenshot of a meme on Twitter via a comment via a boost… Too much to handle! BUT the article is about using software to analyse videos of job applicants and determining their personality, and how that software is influenced by glasses, hair dress, pictures in the background … or a bookshelf.

Alex Schroeder

Needless to say, using automated bias machines should be outlawed. We don't want it from people, and we certainly don't want to from more people, at a faster rate, mediated by machines, with no warnings and no recourse. Ugh. Why is this even something that needs to be said.

Alex Schroeder

Sometimes I think I’m just stuck in my old music tastes. I don’t listen to the radio anymore – not even my old-time favourite Sounds! on Swiss Radio. I don’t talk to friends and acquaintances about music. The starting points are so different. Or unknown. It feels like a very intimate question.

So here I am, listening to Tricky’s Maxinquaye. You?

Alex Schroeder

Also drinking coffee, for science. I had heard that when making Mokka coffee, the last part is actually not so good. So I’ve poured the first half into a cup and the second half into a different cup. Since I’m an animal I added sugar and cream. And there is a difference! The first cup has more acidity and fruity flavour. The second cup is more bitter.

I will have to repeat this experiment. ☕️☕️

Alex Schroeder

If the problem is cultural, the solution will not be technological.

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It depends on who you ask, whom the problem hurts the most, and whether an *effective* non-technical "solution" has any chance of being found and *implemented*.

E.g., multiple harassment problems here have been solved for me by using the mute and block features of Mastodon. Requiring me to consider this "not a solution" until the Fediverse, society or whoever has *effectively* dealt with it would have persisted the problem indefinitely, for me.


Alex Schroeder

A gentle reminder that the Pentagon has been a villain in the very recent past and not just the distant past:

Alex Schroeder

Bluesky has reply-gating (you can set who can reply to a post, like people you follow or a given list or no one) and is now testing out post-publication reply locking.

I just want to yell for a second about how humane and consent-forward these features are, especially after seeing some people here losing their minds when someone asked for gating recently because they felt (alas, not a paraphrase) entitled to always be able to respond.

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@kissane The problem with reply gating is that it encourages bullying or even unfair comments that can’t be challenged.

It’s different from blocking because at least with blocking you can’t see the comments. So personally, I find reply gating problematic. It encourages poor behaviour such as personal attacks and also allows people to live in enclosed niches where directed hatred can fester.


@kissane On a semi-related note, what's your take on social media companies basically omitting a 'dislike' button on posts? YouTube removed theirs awhile ago to the benefit of corporations more than anything.

Is it healthy for the users of a platform to be presented this ideal wonderland where any 'negative' thought is discouraged?

Stephan Matthiesen

@kissane Agree.
On the Mastodon github this is actually the second most discussed feature request and has been open since 2018, it is really disheartening that there has been no progress towards implementing it.

Alex Schroeder

Last year European Parliament and national parliaments rejected the “EU child porn scanner” that was set to be installed on every phone. Apparently this week we’re going to ignore all that parliamentary action and mandate such a scanner once more. Here’s what I wrote earlier on how this super scary thing would work in practice:

Alex Schroeder

I have made a web tool that can import Mastodon lists into a different instance. Hopefully this will be added into the actual app, but it was faster to make an external tool.

A #CommandLine tool is also available if you click through to the GitHub Page.

#MastoDev #MastoMeta #MastoMigration #MastodonMigration #OpenSource

Eliot Lash

@kerim @vruz @jakehamilton @tmccormick @jschmittwdc @is_googling @neet FYI, since you expressed interest in my list importer tool in the past, I wanted to let you know I have released a rudimentary web UI that should be much easier for non-technical people to use. If anyone uses it I'd love to hear how it goes.

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