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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

I think I need a virtual nipple or something to add to all my web pages to prevent all AI farms from gobbling stuff up and turning it into slop. Maybe I'll add a subdomain to my site: and every other page then has a link to it. Something like

Hat tip to @eeeps based on his high quality comment: Low fuckin’ quality??? What a great idea.

Alex Schroeder

This time I was trying to follow a link from a post by @cmdr_nova and there it is again, my friend: "Fehler: Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung" … error network time overstepping something something. As I've been arguing for a long time, the insistence of web sites to provide link previews is killing those web sites if they're small and built for a small readership. Nobody wants to add caches and other complications if they only have a few readers. When a link gets posted on the fediverse and that post spreads, then all the servers want a link preview. They contact the original site and request the HTML, and an image. The do this no matter wether somebody actually clicks the link or not! It's CO₂ wasted for the CO₂ god, just to make the experience of the first person looking at the post a tiny bit more pleasant because they won't have to wait. And all the servers keep a copy of the data for a few days. All of them. CO₂ for the CO₂ god!

Mastodon can be used as a DDOS tool, the issue on GitHub:

Blocking popular user agents using the web server configuration (in this case, using Apache):

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" "Mastodon|Friendica|Pleroma" [nocase]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [forbidden,last]

This time I was trying to follow a link from a post by @cmdr_nova and there it is again, my friend: "Fehler: Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung" … error network time overstepping something something. As I've been arguing for a long time, the insistence of web sites to provide link previews is killing those web sites if they're small and built for a small readership. Nobody wants to add caches and other complications if they only have a few readers. When a link gets posted on the fediverse and that post...

Alex Schroeder

I think I need a virtual nipple or something to add to all my web pages to prevent all AI farms from gobbling stuff up and turning it into slop. Maybe I'll add a subdomain to my site: and every other page then has a link to it. Something like

Hat tip to @eeeps based on his high quality comment: Low fuckin’ quality??? What a great idea.

Alex Schroeder

Sold the last of my legacy Internet addresses. Two /23, one /24, 6 ASNs. Raised $81k. Could have made them a me thing, but transferred them to Public Resource first so they could do good things.

Do you have legacy addresses but don’t want the hassle of selling them? Give them to Public Resource, I’ll sell them, you’ll get a tax donation for your in-kind contribution (the bill of sale sufficient proof for the IRS for you to claim them, I’ll handle all the registry formalities).

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@carlmalamud I thought selling address space was against the rules? I used to manage a couple /19s and a couple /21s and a /23. What’s 20,992 IPv4 addresses worth these days?

matthew -
I'm interested in knowing more. I have a connection with an organization who is sitting on subnets they are not using.
Alex Schroeder

Wealth of Elon Musk
2012: $2,000,000,000
2024: $211,300,000,000

Wealth of Jeff Bezos
2012: $18,400,000,000
2024: $204,900,000,000

Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg
2012: $17,500,000,000
2024: $178,400,000,000

Federal Minimum Wage
2012: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Three words: tax the rich.

Alex Schroeder

If you’re a biologist and feeling overwhelmed by computer things and your internet searching is giving you too much or too little info, you might find this book exactly what you need

Alex Schroeder

Legit question: if users of LLMs are supposed to “verify the results”—and that disclaimer justifies the results being inaccurate—in a world where LLMs eventually taint/replace all the results, how will these users verify the results? Through what service or method is the verification of accuracy expected to occur?


@sara If only well-known fallacies of closed systems, tautologies, complete fkn gobbeldygook, etc. had been established centuries ago.

Alex Schroeder

I think it's a hangover from the 2010s.

Like we put stuff up on the web, and built APIs and asked for public data to be available via API, bus schedules, twitter embeds, Facebook,etc.

So there's the mindset that if it's on the web it's open.

On Fedi, the cultures a bit different.

Yes we're in public. That doesn't mean you can just post our writings elsewhere. Ask first.

@nexusofprivacy has a good guide for developers to consider.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I know my profile is discoverable. But then I post under my real name.

I work with a FOSS project. I do talks and posts about online privacy and the risks of the virtual panopticon. So I know they are public .

But I'm also choosing how I present that.

Maven grabbed those posts , Librecasts and Dentangles while randomly assigning tags and ignoring other tags.

Without making it opt in.

Alex Schroeder

I keep seeing, again and again, that people with “audiences” and “reach” experience a lot of friction on Fedi and generally leave, while all the folks here who are looking to meet other folks to chat with absolutely love it.

I don’t know if this is caused by technical or cultural factors, but I love and want to protect this aspect of the Fediverse.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that everything is perfect and nothing should change. But “it’s a shitty place to try to be an influencer” is among the loudest complaints (and it’s understandable why that might be), and that one should be ignored.

Alex Schroeder

Discovered this morning that Maven (a social media startup who's CEO is ex OpenAI "Ken Stanley: leading the Open-Endedness Team at OpenAI") is mass importing public posts from the #fediverse with no links back to the original and no way to delete them. It seems there is no Opt-out or Opt-in mechanism at all. It also has posts from #Bluesky pulled in via that are also not linked back to the original.

Here's an example:

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argv minus one


A guy who used to work for a company that commits blatant content theft is once again committing blatant content theft.

And, bafflingly, getting away scot-free. I guess because Fedi users don't have million-dollar legal departments.



Thank you for sharing.

I found my shadow profile on maven, too, spanning 5/17/24 - 6/8/24, but not every one.

They've stripped hashtags from the bottom of my posts. Image AltText seems to be missing or inaccessible there. And, they add their own imprecise tags.

I wonder if hashtags in the body of a post would stop them, get stripped – bastardizing the content, or simply be ignored? What about Emojis? I'll throw a hashtag into today's post and see if it turns up there in a few days.

murph :amigacheck: :fedora:

@liaizon @djsundog

Looks like I'm in there, and somehow they scooped up a "Mentioned people only" post?????

Alex Schroeder

As I was arguing in a chat message, we should avoid abbreviations. I said the military, the police, the state in general loves abbreviations (at least here in Switzerland) where as newspapers, magazines and journals are always careful to introduce abbreviations. I decided to look it up for one of the journals I used to subscribe to, as a student: "Nature is an international journal covering all the sciences. Contributions should therefore be written clearly and simply so that they are accessible to readers in other disciplines and to readers for whom English is not their first language. Thus, technical jargon should be avoided as far as possible and clearly explained where its use is unavoidable." Nice!
I kept on reading… "TeX/LaTeX: If you have prepared your paper using TeX/LaTeX, we will need to convert this to Word after acceptance, before your paper can be typeset." 😭

As I was arguing in a chat message, we should avoid abbreviations. I said the military, the police, the state in general loves abbreviations (at least here in Switzerland) where as newspapers, magazines and journals are always careful to introduce abbreviations. I decided to look it up for one of the journals I used to subscribe to, as a student: "Nature is an international journal covering all the sciences. Contributions should therefore be written clearly and simply so that they are accessible...

Alex Schroeder

Listening to a lot of John Coltrane today. All I can think of is Miles Davis telling him that if he can't stop his damn solos he should trying taking his lips off the sax for once. (Paraphrased from a half-remembered passage in The David W. Niven Collection of Early Jazz Legends, 1921-1991.)
Those endless frantic solos! 😍
Listening to Ascension from 1965.

Alex Schroeder

Yesterday, Selenskyj gave a speech at the Bundestag and the far-right AfD and the weird new far-left-right-pro-Russia-something BSW left the plenary. Their sponsor Wlady would probably not have been happy otherwise.

Today, the German Onion (Postillon) wrote that the democratic parties now decided to put up a Selenskyj stand-up display to get rid of the fascists for good: 🤣


@bastianallgeier „far-left-right-pro-Russia-something“ describes my confusion perfectly

Rule 34

@bastianallgeier So, the situation is tragic and intolerable. But that's an amazing take on it! Yes, let's do it! 😄

Alex Schroeder

Further to this point, it belatedly occurs to me that Swartz was railroaded for downloading scientific papers that he ostensibly had a right to access. Meanwhile Sam's OpenAI business model is more or less predicated on downloading the entire internet, licensing be damned.

Alex Schroeder

I learned today via a mainframe group I'm part of that Lynn Conway has passed away at age 86.

She was an absolute legend in computing, and led an inspiring, authentic life.

Alex Schroeder

I'm not sure how listening to The Cure nonstop is affecting my mood. I guess I should be grateful the sky isn't weeping blood.

Alex Schroeder

Quote of the day...

"Everything looks like a conspiracy if you don't understand how anything works."

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Andrew Feeney

@ewen That’s what they want you to think.

Nonya Bidniss

@ewen Yeah right! You're in the pocket of Big Understand!

Alex Schroeder

> I’m not pro-Palestinian, but I’m pro-truth. And the truth is, the Palestinians have been oppressed and suppressed and murdered and controlled and dispossessed for decades. That’s just the truth. There’s no post-traumatic stress disorder here, because the trauma is never post...

Alex Schroeder

Looking at the results this morning the EU elections are definitely in "it could have been much worse" territory. While France continues its constant inexplicable flirtation with people called Le Pen and AfD somehow caught enough zeitgeist in the eastern parts of Germany to turn in an undeniably alarming performance, elsewhere.. it was less so. The biggest story is how badly the Greens lost. Even with their gains, the ID group plus ECR and AfD/Fidesz (both NI) are still smaller than the largest group (the EPP). On the left, Left plus S&D are nearly as large as the EPP and have only lost one seat between them. And both Fidesz in Hungary and PiS in Poland took a spanking, albeit in the former case this being "got less than half the vote". The fascists have not "won" this election. Not by a country mile. Don't listen to the constant "Far right takeover of Europe!!!11!!ELEVEN!!" stuff -- it just isn't true. Not only that, non-fascists are getting better at fighting the fascists electorally. There is room for optimism.

Looking at the results this morning the EU elections are definitely in "it could have been much worse" territory. While France continues its constant inexplicable flirtation with people called Le Pen and AfD somehow caught enough zeitgeist in the eastern parts of Germany to turn in an undeniably alarming performance, elsewhere.. it was less so. The biggest story is how badly the Greens lost. Even with their gains, the ID group plus ECR and AfD/Fidesz (both NI) are still smaller than the largest group...

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@m In Sweden, the rightmost EPP party lost one seat, and the ECR party also lost vote share, while the Left gained one seat, and the Greens kept the one they got after Brexit (so a gain from the 2019 election, if not from the outgoing parliament).

So I'm quite relieved. Given how much talk there was in media of an extreme right wave sweeping over all of Europe, I expected it to be much, much worse.



There is strong tendency of "let's go back to 1970 and have a new wave of prosperity".

Decent housing, children doing better than us, secure healthcare etc. can't be faulted as the underlying objective of that.

The problem is that there are two missing elements, which they don't want to confront. The first is the absolute necessity of clawing back wealth from the oligarchs. The second is the absolute necessity of replacing an open growth economic model with circular growth, like a compost cycle.

The far right have snarky campaign bodies. Given actual levers of power, they will fail miserably. There is maybe no way for some people to learn that, other than touching the hot kettle and discovering that, yes, it burns their hand.


There is strong tendency of "let's go back to 1970 and have a new wave of prosperity".

Decent housing, children doing better than us, secure healthcare etc. can't be faulted as the underlying objective of that.

The problem is that there are two missing elements, which they don't want to confront. The first is the absolute necessity of clawing back wealth from the oligarchs. The second is the absolute necessity of replacing an open growth economic model with circular growth, like a compost cycle.



If the EU Greens are anything like the Australian Greens:
1. They CANNOT organise themselves!
2. (The Aust) public is DUMB, and pretty much only considers the 2 major parties (Coalition nazi/rich, and Labour neoliberal former progressives)

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