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Carl Malamud

Sold the last of my legacy Internet addresses. Two /23, one /24, 6 ASNs. Raised $81k. Could have made them a me thing, but transferred them to Public Resource first so they could do good things.

Do you have legacy addresses but don’t want the hassle of selling them? Give them to Public Resource, I’ll sell them, you’ll get a tax donation for your in-kind contribution (the bill of sale sufficient proof for the IRS for you to claim them, I’ll handle all the registry formalities).

Carl Malamud

Wondering if there are pockets of legacy IP resources sitting out there like mine were? These things are hard to dispose of, but perhaps some oldtimers would give them to Public Resource, claim the tax deduction, and then we'll use your $$ to buy all standards with the force of law and open source them. Bonus point: this is all legal, I got the papers to prove it.

Carl Malamud

This is like a really unique fundraising model for a nonprofit. I think I'm the only one who could credibly say "give my your old IP addresses, I'll sell them, use the proceeds for charity (buying ISO standards!), you'll get a tax deduction." I'm imagining there's probably some pools of legacy addresses out there and I'll bet you money that I might even know the registrants personally. I like this idea very much.

John Kristoff

@carlmalamud Interesting idea! I think I might be able to credibly do with some .edu colleagues as well. However, are you going to be disappointed if I take your idea to selfishly help fund another non-profit, one I'm involved in? Or maybe we could share the proceeds if I have your backing/help and I can facilitate a legacy donation?



This sounds like a great idea! Good creative thinking. I admire you.


@carlmalamud 1-800-CIDRS-4Kids 🎶🎶🎶,
Donate your CIDR todayyyyy.


@carlmalamud How does this "buying ISO Standards" work? Are you buying the ownership, so that they can be freely distributed, or just copies? If copies, you can't legally place it online or distribute more copies, correct? So what do you do with what you purchase?

Daniel AJ Sokolov

@carlmalamud Are you aware of a similar thing in other jurisdictions? This one is only for US tax deductions, obviously.


@carlmalamud I thought selling address space was against the rules? I used to manage a couple /19s and a couple /21s and a /23. What’s 20,992 IPv4 addresses worth these days?

matthew -
I'm interested in knowing more. I have a connection with an organization who is sitting on subnets they are not using.
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