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Carl Malamud

This is like a really unique fundraising model for a nonprofit. I think I'm the only one who could credibly say "give my your old IP addresses, I'll sell them, use the proceeds for charity (buying ISO standards!), you'll get a tax deduction." I'm imagining there's probably some pools of legacy addresses out there and I'll bet you money that I might even know the registrants personally. I like this idea very much.

John Kristoff

@carlmalamud Interesting idea! I think I might be able to credibly do with some .edu colleagues as well. However, are you going to be disappointed if I take your idea to selfishly help fund another non-profit, one I'm involved in? Or maybe we could share the proceeds if I have your backing/help and I can facilitate a legacy donation?



This sounds like a great idea! Good creative thinking. I admire you.


@carlmalamud 1-800-CIDRS-4Kids 🎶🎶🎶,
Donate your CIDR todayyyyy.

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