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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

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Jobu Tupaki


YES! this is a huge issue for me. ADHD diagnosis escalated my exhausted annoyance at flashing ads and wiggling UI elements, up to an indignant outrage at the arrogant robbery of my precious limited attention. it very literally impairs my ability to function with digital interfaces — and i'm an information technologist! i can't imagine surviving these days without uBlock Origin's element zapper rules.


I've been calling advertising a form of psychological warfare for years. Can we get advertising executives and executives of ad-funded big tech charged with crimes against humanity and tried in the ICC?

It's too bad you can't try a corporation and give it the death sentence, because there's a good case to be made for doing that to advertising companies, including Google and Facebook.

Alex Schroeder

The "Recall can't record DRMed video content" thing is because DRMed video content is entirely invisible to the OS. The OS passes the encrypted content to your GPU and tells it where to draw it, and the GPU decrypts it and displays it there. It's not a policy decision on the Recall side, it's just how computers work.

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The Doctor

@mjg59 Thank you for explaining that. Now it makes more sense.

Pusher of Pixels

@mjg59 Interesting. So 'recall' still does the screen capture but the parts that are DRM'd just aren't visible?

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

@mjg59 It is a hardware design decision that tells you where their priorities lie and who they are willing to protect.

Alex Schroeder

Most of the *people* in Silicon Valley, vote Dem.

But most of the *money* in Silicon Valley, votes GOP.

Some of these VCs sit around in online chat rooms with alt-right reactionaries and real life nazis. Some of them hold little public meetings, where they talk about ending democracy and great replacement theory. Some of them write books on why diversity is bad, and should be avoided. Most of them cheer on Elon's anti-woke, fashy push.

And y''all are surprised that they support Trump?


Alex Schroeder

The insanity of WSL and Windows… if you have a directory that you would like to access from outside of WSL and inside of WSL, then it's internally some sort of share and access from the WSL is insanely slow. Like… git, for example. So if I have a Perl script that calls git a dozen times for very big repos… I can have lunch. And outside of WSL, I don't have Perl so I can do hyper-focused clickety-doo session with Git Extensions and achieve brainless nirvana, but when I wake up the sun is cold, the coffee is gone and my love life in shambles. This won't do. So now: do I switch from native Emacs to WSL Emacs? Do I drop all pretence of working with Windows and just work in WSL? Do I piss off the IT department and push for Linux laptops, joining the ranks of broken hearts?
Or maybe I'll just have a late lunch instead. 🤨

The insanity of WSL and Windows… if you have a directory that you would like to access from outside of WSL and inside of WSL, then it's internally some sort of share and access from the WSL is insanely slow. Like… git, for example. So if I have a Perl script that calls git a dozen times for very big repos… I can have lunch. And outside of WSL, I don't have Perl so I can do hyper-focused clickety-doo session with Git Extensions and achieve brainless nirvana, but when I wake up the sun is cold, the...

Alex Schroeder

Good to know that at least in the U.S, copyright is held by persons, not names, and so pseudonyms are perfectly fine.

A copyright notice, if present, may specify a pseudonym, a business name, or a form of the author's name other than his or her legal name. The validity of the copyright does not depend on the name in the notice. This is true in all Berne Convention countries. []

Unrelated but also learned there's a reason why licenses will screech at you in all caps:

Under US law, disclaimers must be "conspicuous" (UCC 2-316). So you can talk regularly when you're just stating the terms, but if you're disclaiming liability, YOU MUST BE CONSPICUOUS ("to exclude or modify the implied warranty of merchantability or any part of it the language must mention merchantability and in case of a writing must be conspicuous, and to exclude or modify any implied warranty of fitness the exclusion must be by a writing and conspicuous"). []

Good to know that at least in the U.S, copyright is held by persons, not names, and so pseudonyms are perfectly fine.

A copyright notice, if present, may specify a pseudonym, a business name, or a form of the author's name other than his or her legal name. The validity of the copyright does not depend on the name in the notice. This is true in all Berne Convention countries. []

Alex Schroeder

the MNT Pocket Reform Operator Handbook is out as a free PDF:

edited and illustrated by @holo_memory and me, pixel tina graphic by @theawesomerandomness


@mntmn @holo_memory @theawesomerandomness

Love it. It is always great to see work of such quality and care.

Jonathan Frederickson

@mntmn @holo_memory @theawesomerandomness Is this right, that the left mouse button is not the leftmost button?


@mntmn @holo_memory @theawesomerandomness see this is why I love your company. Everything is open, now I really want to buy the handbook separately just to support your teams efforts.

Alex Schroeder

A platform for old Swiss prints. This is where I found a map for the corner of Zürich where I live, from 1925. So much green.
I added the picture to a short blog post about a slow worm (content warning: picture of a snake-like reptile between my feet).

Alex Schroeder

I've been looking at Harfbuzz support in different programming languages. One of them is Go, since I'm quite happy with how my second Go project turned out.
I was looking at three frameworks. All of them promise multi-platform native apps and all that. All of them offer examples and showcases. The only thing that made me blink is that one of them showcases, among other projects, a desktop wallet, another wallet for the Decred cryptocurrency, a Dero wallet… I felt immediate aversion. Truly, cryptocurrency support these days can be damaging to your reputation in some (my) circles.

I've been looking at Harfbuzz support in different programming languages. One of them is Go, since I'm quite happy with how my second Go project turned out.
I was looking at three frameworks. All of them promise multi-platform native apps and all that. All of them offer examples and showcases. The only thing that made me blink is that one of them showcases, among other projects, a desktop wallet, another wallet for the Decred cryptocurrency, a Dero wallet… I felt immediate aversion. Truly, cryptocurrency...

Alex Schroeder

@pvonhellermannn for me, the key reflection is that information is not what we’re lacking.

I find that particularly hard to accept because my career is about providing information

Alex Schroeder

Seeing this game of Snake on automatic going up to 4160 points is mesmerizing.

Alex Schroeder

Interesting project on GitHub, by Jeremiah Cheatham: A game called "Yellow Snow", implemented in various languages. I was interested in the Gforth + SDL2 code but ended up unable to install it. I'm on Debian and sadly installing libsdl2-mixer-dev (which I need for this project) then decides to uninstall a bunch of stuff including some SuperCollider stuff that I want to keep.


Alex Schroeder

Very nice blog post on the hardware of the #CanonCat:

What I find interesting every time I read about it, is how close it’s conceptually to #Emacs.


Alex Schroeder

I feel seen. And i feel bad, and dejected, and angry, and like we to it all, both ways, but it probably requires sacrificing half the planet. Fuuck.
“Stop basking in the righteousness of your superiority and realize that you’re chained to him, like a positive to a negative. You’re the whipping boy in this scenario, except no one forced you here. They seduced you, with promises of a world made better by your personal responsibility, of a consciousness free of guilt.”

I feel seen. And i feel bad, and dejected, and angry, and like we to it all, both ways, but it probably requires sacrificing half the planet. Fuuck.
“Stop basking in the righteousness of your superiority and realize that you’re chained to him, like a positive to a negative. You’re the whipping boy in this scenario, except no one forced you here. They seduced you, with promises of a world made better by your personal responsibility, of a consciousness free of guilt.”

Alex Schroeder

Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison. But he only served 9 months due to a sympathetic judiciary and massive public outcry from his political supporters. If that sounds uncomfortably familiar, it should.

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lord pthenq1

"Hitler fue condenado a 5 años de prisión. Pero sólo cumplió nueve meses debido a la simpatía de un poder judicial y a la protesta pública masiva de sus partidarios políticos. Si esto le resulta incómodamente familiar, debería serlo."

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom 🕯️

@shoq And that was not just some missbooking of hush money for a porn star, that was an attempted coup, people died, leftists doing the same thing would have been executed. So more like January 6th.


@shoq @patmadigan Trump has many more indictments to go. Our Court system should get those trials over with before the election. Trump is a convicted criminal and liar, but is he the most corrupt American who ever lived? America needs to know.

Alex Schroeder

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!

Blog post:

#linux #x11 #wayland #debian #fedora #krita #plasma #kde

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!

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@davidrevoy : Merci David, ce genre de post est essentiel. Et tu pointes bien les problèmes de Wayland que les geeks en console comme moi ne voient pas (je ne sais même pas ce que c’est la calibration d’un écran).

Au fait, bienvenue sous Debian !


@davidrevoy loved this article. I also installed #debian12 with #gnome but I may switch after reading!

Alex Schroeder

so apparently kyoto university lets students wear literally anything they want to their graduation and its best thing any university has ever done

Alex Schroeder

It takes 20 tons of earth to make one gold ring.

In a handful of soil there are more than 50 billion life forms.

There are 5,000 handfuls of soil in one ton.

100,000 in 20 ton.

5,000,000,000,000,000 life forms poisoned by mercury and cyanide to make one gold ring.

80% of gold is for vanity.

10% is for speculation

10% for industry.

Gold mining is environmentally devastating

Alex Schroeder

lots of reform parts and expansions now available at crowd supply: incl very good deals on a311d processor upgrade (rcm4-bpi) and standalone keyboard



My next laptop will be definitely a MNT Reform. I love the idea, the hackability, that's it's open... and the fact that I can have one with a trackball!

Alex Schroeder

Visited the National Museum of Computing today. I've been to plenty of computer museums – but this one is special: Almost everything works!

You can type on an Enigma, and then see how a bombe helped decipher it. It's *loud*!!

They also have a computer from 1951, the "Witch", which still works! It had 340 bytes of RAM, could calculate five values per second, and punch them out on paper tape!

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