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Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I think it's a hangover from the 2010s.

Like we put stuff up on the web, and built APIs and asked for public data to be available via API, bus schedules, twitter embeds, Facebook,etc.

So there's the mindset that if it's on the web it's open.

On Fedi, the cultures a bit different.

Yes we're in public. That doesn't mean you can just post our writings elsewhere. Ask first.

@nexusofprivacy has a good guide for developers to consider.

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Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I know my profile is discoverable. But then I post under my real name.

I work with a FOSS project. I do talks and posts about online privacy and the risks of the virtual panopticon. So I know they are public .

But I'm also choosing how I present that.

Maven grabbed those posts , Librecasts and Dentangles while randomly assigning tags and ignoring other tags.

Without making it opt in.

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