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Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

At a time when The EU is seeking to cut FOSS funding to funds like @NGIZero

Perhaps we need to ask the EU to fund smaller, more communal projects, rather than seeking to create Unicorns.

"The report highlighted how 30% of EU startup businesses that had grown to be valued at more than €1bn – known as unicorns – had moved abroad, and mostly to list on stock markets in the US."

#FossSustainability #NGI

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Xerz! :blobcathearttrans:

@onepict @NGIZero worth noting the funding is supposed to mostly come from private investors too… which is not necessarily helping :blobcatderpy:

from what I’ve seen in Spanish leftists (including internal documents from parties) and from what I can infer from policies everywhere, the only concern is scaling and nothing else matters, which is exactly the fundamental problem with today’s economy ‒ I get the reason (scaling up is the only way anything resembling trickle down economics might work, using growth to let everyone get wealthier while not annoying those powerful enough to go after politicians that might even slightly threaten their interests and lifestyles, which would thus be counterproductive), but somehow everyone likes to pretend that we haven’t gone past a point of no return in regards to resource usage, the climate and unaccountable inequality, and are too comfortable within the status quo, thus being #ambitious within limits…

would be nice if at least they could let others give different ideas a try, but everything is too bureaucratic and restrictive for everyone but the richest… who then go for projects like Neom or seasteading :blobcatgooglyheadache:

@onepict @NGIZero worth noting the funding is supposed to mostly come from private investors too… which is not necessarily helping :blobcatderpy:

from what I’ve seen in Spanish leftists (including internal documents from parties) and from what I can infer from policies everywhere, the only concern is scaling and nothing else matters, which is exactly the fundamental problem with today’s economy ‒ I get the reason (scaling up is the only way anything resembling trickle down economics might work, using...

Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot

@onepict @NGIZero A better question is: do we want critical funding for a large number of free software projects to be subject to the whims of the European Commission, who are not directly elected by citizens and whom our adversaries have much more sway over?

I think it should be national governments paying into a consortium that we control, diversifying the fund; national government is more accountable.

NGI is great but the EC is a huge single point of failure, and the EU has been fracturing.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Last week @hackstub made many of the folks in #ngizero funded projects aware of the fact that there was no space in the 2025 budget for @EC_NGI funding.

This will be a threat to #fosssustainability for many of us working in Europe in #FOSS.

@nlnet and @NGIZero has funded many #fediverse apps and other awesome software for the commons.

@ow2 has published an English language version of the open letter that @ps published last week.

Consider signing.


Last week @hackstub made many of the folks in #ngizero funded projects aware of the fact that there was no space in the 2025 budget for @EC_NGI funding.

This will be a threat to #fosssustainability for many of us working in Europe in #FOSS.

@nlnet and @NGIZero has funded many #fediverse apps and other awesome software for the commons.


@onepict @EC_NGI @NGIZero @ow2 @ps Just to be more specific: it doesn't cancel currently running fundings but those won't be renewed after 2026 AFAIK.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@renchap , @jens and @andre

There's an English language version of the letter now, published by @ow2

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

We have feral cats round our sheds.

This little one was alone yesterday, but it's mother was looking after it today.


A tiny new born grey tortoiseshell kitten waiting for its mother to come back.  It's surrounded by Horse shit.

There's a bowl of water.
Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

"At the moment the investigation starts, you have nothing more you can “just explain”. But you are in all kinds of databases. And I want to come back to that. The people at Europol have already said, “We are going to keep that database.” Including all the things that turned out to be unjust.

Because they said, “Who knows? Maybe we can do something with it.”"


As Bert points out false positives have further consequences than an investigation.


"At the moment the investigation starts, you have nothing more you can “just explain”. But you are in all kinds of databases. And I want to come back to that. The people at Europol have already said, “We are going to keep that database.” Including all the things that turned out to be unjust.

Because they said, “Who knows? Maybe we can do something with it.”"

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I think it's a hangover from the 2010s.

Like we put stuff up on the web, and built APIs and asked for public data to be available via API, bus schedules, twitter embeds, Facebook,etc.

So there's the mindset that if it's on the web it's open.

On Fedi, the cultures a bit different.

Yes we're in public. That doesn't mean you can just post our writings elsewhere. Ask first.

@nexusofprivacy has a good guide for developers to consider.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I know my profile is discoverable. But then I post under my real name.

I work with a FOSS project. I do talks and posts about online privacy and the risks of the virtual panopticon. So I know they are public .

But I'm also choosing how I present that.

Maven grabbed those posts , Librecasts and Dentangles while randomly assigning tags and ignoring other tags.

Without making it opt in.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Monarchy has no place in a democracy. Remember this while we have an old King.

A Welcome to Louis Philippe
by Charles Mackay

Mitch Effendi (ميتش أفندي)

@onepict it always drives me a little nuts when i hear monarchists say that democracy cannot exist without a monarchal head of state. it happened here in the US without a "good king." 🤷‍♂️

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

On any online space, you should consider who you give power to. Who has the control over who you choose to associate with? Power doesn't corrupt. It reveals.

People in real life do choose to avoid dangerous or toxic places.

All that the instances who sign the fedipact are doing is signalling to some of us that somewhere is safe for folk who don't want to engage with Facebook at all.

This is a Freedom of Association issue, not a Freedom of Speech issue.

#threads #fedipact



> On any online space, you should consider who you give power to. Who has the control over who you choose to associate with?

I concur 100% with this assertion.

> All that the instances who sign the fedipact are doing is signalling to some of us that somewhere is safe for folk who don't want to engage with Facebook at all.

I don't think that's all, and actually, What those instances may (inadvertently) be signalling is that they will take it upon themselves to remove the Freedom of Association from the user themselves, without prior expectation or consultation.

I don't know where "Freedom of Speech" entered the conversation, but the notion of "Freedom of Association" has indeed been taken from those who have chosen to excercise those privileges belonging to the users themselves. Waking up and realizing that you can no longer communicate and share recipes with grandma, without evern having been consulted, is an affront to the Freedom of Association - it's inclusive of an even larger issue surrounding the reasons that *smolweb and single-user and self-hosted platforms are protective of such principles Freedom of Association.

Further, it serves to create an environment (especially when so many platforms now support migration ingress) where one's Fediverse accounts are considered ever more transient, as the realization that having an account on a silo based Fediverse instance is the antipathy of #Fediverse and #DeSoc philosophies.

It also erodes the trust between the average user and administrators that you thought you could entrust with respecting your freedom of association with.

> This is a Freedom of Association issue, ...

it is indeed, and a betrayal of trust for anyone who realizes that it is the overreach by someone else to decide that you should not have the Freedom of Association that likely brought most folks to the Fediverse in the first place.

I did a little non-scientific, anecdotal survey by contacting people I know on many of the instances that arbitrarily decided to remove those freedoms from their users overnight, and discovered that many have already migrated to other instances, or are contemplating it - the interesting thing? Many of my acquaintances had already decided to, or even configured their accounts to block #Threads; but to have someone else tell them what they're allowed, or not allowed to do, is a violation of someone's freedom to choose for themselves by despot personalities who dismiss the relevance of a right to choose for oneself.

It's a simple matter, to block instances, at the domain level, from one's own user account, and on most Fediverse platforms, there's actually an announcement utility (usually only used to beg for donations) whereby administrative staff can inform their user base of their own ability to control how they themselves choose to exercise their own preferences with respect to #Freedom_of_Association.

Ironically, when perusing the stats, it's the very largest (deprecated, monolithic silo oriented) Fediverse instances (in terms of the # of user accounts and MAU) that have chosen NOT to trample upon the individual user's Freedom to Associate with whom they themselves decide.

NOTE to Fediverse instance admins: Please take under consideration the trust that has been placed in you with respect to the freedoms all individuals are entitled to determine for themselves - reach out to your user base, deploy surveys, collect votes, whatever, but please don't just decide for someone else what you decide is good for people who are NOT YOU.

Subjugation and assimilation into the Borg Collective goes both ways folks.

#AYBABTU (All Your Base Are Belong To Us)

#tallship #despotism #dystopian #authoritarianism



> On any online space, you should consider who you give power to. Who has the control over who you choose to associate with?

I concur 100% with this assertion.

> All that the instances who sign the fedipact are doing is signalling to some of us that somewhere is safe for folk who don't want to engage with Facebook at all.

Cover of Boardwatch Magazine from the early 90's featuring Bill Gatus of Borg - "You will be assimilated".
Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Here's an essay on my thoughts on Biden's executive order to ban the sale of sensitive personal data to "Countries of Concern".

Kinda too late to close the barn door now. What counts as a "Country of Concern?" US companies already cannot trade with sanctioned regimes.

Frankly folks should be more concerned about the "Opt-out culture" of US Tech Companies with #MassDataCollection which endangers our privacy.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

One of the reasons I want UBI is because I want us to create art and technology for everyone, not who ever the modern Nepobaby equivalent of Cesare Borgia is.

Ben Cox

@onepict I also want everyone to have enough time and food-security that we can all devote time and energy to creating it.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I have thoughts.

Consent and the Fediverse part deux: The Opt-out two-shuffle

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I just reminded myself of the date of the Open Source Boob project.

April 2008.

So 15 years down the line and we're still in a place where I wouldn't recommend STEM to some folks.

Because the attitude is still the same, the lack of care, the casual objectification. Now with added super spreader casual ignorance.

The just not getting it.

Why on earth would I want anyone near that? Especially if they wanted room to safely interact?

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Oh yeah no sexism here. We're feminists.

It's just there's less women in computer science , women aren't interested, and they have other burdens 🤪

Much feminism 🐶

Some folks literally need a clue 🏏

Wren Reilly

@onepict Humans reproduce by parthenogenesis, too. That’s why having a uterus means no programming, because no one else bears aaaaaany responsibility for child rearing.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

And by the way, this is the male locker room in affect as well. There is no difference.

Objectification and ignoring folks boundaries is the same over the Internet as it is in a locker room.

Systematic harms aren't just in specific places. It's everywhere. Including FOSS.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Essentially what alot of admins and users are having a conversation about is consent.

With the November Influx and now this, I can see that Power absolutely reveals.

By supporting the fedipact we are signalling that we don't consent to interacting with a known abusive actor who revels in their power.

Regardless if they can get at our messages, informed consent is important. If a bad actor gets our data without consent reveals just that.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

Getting caught up in the language and going " oh call it a list, I don't like the idea of a pact, it's like forcing language", reveals alot to me.

Calling it a list instead undermines the very idea of what the pact is.

It's a promise. The language is deliberate, much like informed consent should be as well.

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