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Adam :prami:

Every time I receive a request to delete an account, I’m donating to the Trans Lifeline. :prami_pride_trans:


@adam don’t make me delete to recreate

Adam :prami:

It’s been a couple of weeks since I called out another developer for their disingenuous cries of being “cancelled” after a trans person learned that the dev is anti-LGBTQ+ and left that dev’s blogging service.

Three people left as a result. One of them even moved *to* the anti-LGBTQ+ dev’s service. 😲

Anyway, as promised, I’ve made a donation to Trans Lifeline for a year of for each cancellation, plus transaction fees.

Adam :prami:

I feel bad that even in our fun corner of the internet—the IndieWeb—there are people who can’t accept others for who they are or who they love.

I’ll continue to call out bad actors when I see them acting badly. I won’t honor their requests to “do it quietly” and send emails that can be ignored and hidden. Sorry, you don’t get to hide your hate and intolerance and only show one side of yourself to the public.

Lou Plummer :prami:

@adam I'm saddened by the folks leaving but I'm not going anywhere. I sent the developer a message of support w/out knowing the whole story because he has always been nice to me and I am a supportive person. I also sent Melanie a public note of support tonight once the whole story came out for the same reason. I'm not on anyone's team, I'm cool with pronouns and I am all about forgiveness because I've had some ugly fuck-ups in my time. I got enough love to go around.

Adam :prami:

@amerpie You’re the real deal, Lou. ❤️

Kerri Ann :prami_pride_bi:

@adam I’m also sticking around. As someone who identifies as enby, I appreciate you, your values, and your support :prami_pride:

Matthew G. 🏳️‍🌈 🏴‍☠️ ⛦ 🤘

@adam I'm sticking around, and be damned to the bigots.

(If you want me gone, hire an exorcist.)

Triptych 🌱

@adam I have this account for 18 years, I just added another year. Please keep being your authentic self and I hope that someone who needs a place to call home sees this post and joins to replace the folks who want to leave.

Inês :prami:

@adam I wasn't aware of this happening, but I'm glad you stood up :heart_transgender:


@adam Respect on taking a stand there and making the web more inclusive.

The developer did later publicly apologise and express remorse—whether that was good enough is subjective—on their Mastodon and their blog. Someone who is coming across your post for the first time will take away the impression that the developer has stuck to their original opinions, which unless I’m mistaken is not the case.


@adam re: “coming across your post for the first time”

I meant to actually say:

“coming across this incident through your post”

jden :prami:

@adam I was very pleasantly surprised to see you pop up and explicitly state that they were an member and then defend them. I like that you stood by your user base, and went into battle for them unprompted.

I will also note, I was uncomfortable about the comments from the developer and where that conversation was going and had made me really question continued use of their products when you see two very clear different approaches to community building by yourself and them.

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