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Adam :prami:

It’s been a couple of weeks since I called out another developer for their disingenuous cries of being “cancelled” after a trans person learned that the dev is anti-LGBTQ+ and left that dev’s blogging service.

Three people left as a result. One of them even moved *to* the anti-LGBTQ+ dev’s service. 😲

Anyway, as promised, I’ve made a donation to Trans Lifeline for a year of for each cancellation, plus transaction fees.

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Adam :prami:

I feel bad that even in our fun corner of the internet—the IndieWeb—there are people who can’t accept others for who they are or who they love.

I’ll continue to call out bad actors when I see them acting badly. I won’t honor their requests to “do it quietly” and send emails that can be ignored and hidden. Sorry, you don’t get to hide your hate and intolerance and only show one side of yourself to the public.

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