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Here is yon:

it's a little UI to take notes, all contained in a single .html file. It reuses ACME/Grid's layout (mostly) but goes deeper on navigation and exploration.

Hope you like it!

la ninpre

@m15o this is so cool, thank you!

i've tweaked mine slightly, because i wanted to try to make it work from something like a mobile phone. i've replaced mouse events with pointer events and made resize thingy slightly wider, so resizing columns now works. but i'm not sure how to make clicking links work...


@la_ninpre wow, I really love to hear that! Clicking on mobile might definitely be a challenge! I am experimenting with having a "view" mode (where you can just browse, with normal a href links) and an "edit" mode with the textarea

la ninpre

@m15o might be a way to go :)
i also thought of adding an 'open' button to the menu, that would open a link at cursor position.

la ninpre

@m15o ...and i did exactly that.

(i put js into its own file so that csp works)


@la_ninpre what a great idea!!! thanks for sharing! is there a csp problem when everything is in the same file?

la ninpre

@m15o it's only my settings i guess. i think inline js requires "style-src 'unsafe-inline'" enabled, but i didn't want to enable it, because that whole point of setting up csp in the first place is avoiding inline js :)

i think it's possible to also use sha256 hash and keep everything inline, but editing is harder then.

i uploaded yon to my server just to share, i think i prefer using it locally from a single file.

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