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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

Les femmes préfèreraient croiser un ours qu’un homme.

Je ne sais pas si c’est vrai mais je pense que les hommes n’imaginent pas à quel point les femmes ont peur.

Alex Schroeder

I'd like 365/366 lines of text, each describing the current weather in human language, for a particular location (for an in-game weather generator). I looked around and found numerical data, and references to private weather diaries, but no transcriptions of these for download, ideally in a spreadsheet where one of the columns is exactly what I need. I see a lot of publications by Stefan Brönnimann who compared "synthetic" weather diaries to historical data including the weather during Lord Byron's travel from Lake Geneva to the Bernese Oberland in September 1816. Does anybody know a good link?

I'd like 365/366 lines of text, each describing the current weather in human language, for a particular location (for an in-game weather generator). I looked around and found numerical data, and references to private weather diaries, but no transcriptions of these for download, ideally in a spreadsheet where one of the columns is exactly what I need. I see a lot of publications by Stefan Brönnimann who compared "synthetic" weather diaries to historical data including the weather during Lord Byron's...

Alex Schroeder

It's not getting any easier if I search for German keywords like "Wettertagebücher", "Witterungsaufzeichnungen" in various combinations with "historisch" and "Archiv"… I can find blog posts and University and reports about the people that did it, and some of the examples, and read up on the importance for climate change, but nobody seems to be willing or able to just post a transcript of the data.

Alex Schroeder

I managed to pick a good favicon for the internal documentation site I'm writing for… Anyway, feel free to take and do whatever you want with them.
Source files:

Alex Schroeder

I managed to pick a good favicon for the internal documentation site I'm writing for…

Alex Schroeder

Stack Overflow announced that they are partnering with OpenAI, so I tried to delete my highest-rated answers.

Stack Overflow does not let you delete questions that have accepted answers and many upvotes because it would remove knowledge from the community.

So instead I changed my highest-rated answers to a protest message.

Within an hour mods had changed the questions back and suspended my account for 7 days.

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@ben I agree with you in principle, but I’m pretty sure AI models were/would be trained on SO, no matter if they signed a deal or not.

Cal Alaera

@ben @PurpleJillybeans They really show their hand with just how easily they lie. "Extensive deletions" clearly don't take a lot of effort to repair: they can just roll them back with a few clicks.

Fabian Transchel

@ben It's awful business practice, but not surprising at all. SO is tanking because of CoPilot/ChatGPT et al.
They have two options, and I'm sure this means they've decided not to try and sue big tech.

Alex Schroeder

A reader wrote in asking why I hate Mastodon’s “explore” tab so much:

Alex Schroeder

Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

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Jason Hunter

@nixCraft I never expected to get paid for my SO answers. I wrote them so freeloading developers could freeload on me. I always expected SO as a site would make a few bucks to run the show. My answers were my donation to the universe. What’s the problem here again?

Len Frankel

@nixCraft a potential alternative is Codidact, which is essentially a Stack Exchange clone only open source and run by a not-for-profit. It was started up a few years back by ex StackOverflow moderator Monica Cellio (who was fired by SO in another one of their faux pas moments).

Oh FFS. Can we stop this LLM/data-hoovering rubbish already 🤦
Alex Schroeder

Ohhh, this is so good. And a nice ending, too!
"You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you saw in the window. When you download a second app the prices are different again. You ring the restaurant directly and it says the number is no longer in service…"

Alex Schroeder

Monarchy has no place in a democracy. Remember this while we have an old King.

A Welcome to Louis Philippe
by Charles Mackay

Mitch Effendi (ميتش أفندي)

@onepict it always drives me a little nuts when i hear monarchists say that democracy cannot exist without a monarchal head of state. it happened here in the US without a "good king." 🤷‍♂️

Alex Schroeder

This guy spent all day with us, hanging out in the lone tree on the edge of our chicken coop. I feel like my life will never be the same again.

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What a testament to your custodianship of that land.
Well done, Tracy!
(How cute is that guy?! 🙂)

Hamburg zu Fuß

@TraRay I'd probably spent all day staring at them :)

Alex Schroeder

Ugh, I had never read the Futurist Manifesto before. The first page in English:

More info about it and it's author and Italian fascism on Wikipedia:

The article Futurism and Women is hidden behind a paywall by JSTOR (which would have been of interest because of the pretty damning articles 9 and 10 but I guess those articles will have to speak for themselves, now):

And here's your reminder that Aaron Swartz downloaded articles from JSTOR using a guest user account leading to charges against him in a world high on copyright and eager for blood, threatening him with a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and more, in a heartless, vindictive and cruel society, driving him to suicide.

Ugh, I had never read the Futurist Manifesto before. The first page in English:

More info about it and it's author and Italian fascism on Wikipedia:

The article Futurism and Women is hidden behind a paywall by JSTOR (which would have been of interest because of the pretty damning articles 9 and 10 but I guess those articles will have to speak for themselves, now):

Alex Schroeder

For those of you still wondering about Futurism and Women, the article is a literary review of various books on the period that shows how attitudes changed over time, how Marinetti was driven, how futurism was a powerful artistic force that men and women would join and that Marinetti did support women in his publication efforts, and changed his tune, and the Great War led to a lot of gains for women, and then it got lost again, and there was a lot of frustration, women left futurism… The bitter fruit of that fascist seed is not discussed. The feminist position is shown to be more nuanced but still not great.

To support all that, let me quote the closing paragraphs by Günther Berghaus:

« Futurism was largely given shape by the personality of its founder F. T. Marinetti. He had extremely contradictory attitudes to women, and his views were not necessarily shared by other Futurists. This is why there never existed an orthodox Futurist position on the women's question. A handful of women emerged in its midst with original ideas and great creativity; but their influence in the movement was rather limited. These women of talent and intellectual acumen joined the Futurist movement for pragmatic reasons, because at this point, Futurism was the most progressive, unorthodox, and liberal-minded organization on the Italian scene. Like Marinetti, they felt disdain for most of the female population in their country. They wanted to become culturally literate like the pre-eminent male artists of the period. They were individualists and elitists and had little sympathy for the passeist majority of the country, be they men or women.

Lack of will and/or inability to extract themselves from the surrounding misogynist culture prevented male Futurists from forging a coherent programme that gave women an emancipated role in their vision of a future world. A few exceptionally gifted and resilient women introduced some feminist demands into the Futurist agenda. But their image of the donna futurista never became adopted as a model for the Tuturistically refashioned universe'. »

For those of you still wondering about Futurism and Women, the article is a literary review of various books on the period that shows how attitudes changed over time, how Marinetti was driven, how futurism was a powerful artistic force that men and women would join and that Marinetti did support women in his publication efforts, and changed his tune, and the Great War led to a lot of gains for women, and then it got lost again, and there was a lot of frustration, women left futurism… The bitter fruit...

Alex Schroeder

Next time someone calls themselves a 'futurist', maybe read the futurist manifesto they're alluding to..
"We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.
We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice."

Btw the techno-optimist manifesto quotes and references Marinetti who wrote both the futurist and fascist manifestos

Next time someone calls themselves a 'futurist', maybe read the futurist manifesto they're alluding to..
"We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.
We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice."

Luka Prinčič

@yaxu I agree, and I would never.

but what about afrofuturism then? has this term escaped the Italian fascist load?

Alex Schroeder

I knew it. I’m listening to episode 7 of The Big Dig (about America infrastructure projects) and … Robert Moses of The Power Broker shows up! 🤩

Alex Schroeder

For 2024, I've subscribed my email address to Dracula Daily to receive Dracula novel segments on the dates they occur in the novel. I've read Dracula before but I've always wanted to read it "by date entry." This service tracks that bit for me.

Dracula starts in May and ends in November. So, you know, if you want to read Dracula by email...

#DraculaDaily #Dracula
#Vampire #Vampires
#Novel #EMail #EpistolaryNovel

For 2024, I've subscribed my email address to Dracula Daily to receive Dracula novel segments on the dates they occur in the novel. I've read Dracula before but I've always wanted to read it "by date entry." This service tracks that bit for me.

Dracula starts in May and ends in November. So, you know, if you want to read Dracula by email...


@munroe Nice touch, but unfortunately on Substack. No nazi website for me.

Wolf Munroe ☎

Today is the first day of Dracula Daily for 2024. I just got the first entry in my inbox.

If you want to read Dracula bit-by-bit by date, today is the starting date of the novel.

(Dracula is an epistolary novel. It is told as a collection of letters, journal entries, and newspaper clippings, so Dracula Daily is designed to mail the entries on the dates of the entries in the novel.)

#DraculaDaily #Dracula
#Vampire #Vampires
#Novel #Email #EpistolaryNovel

Today is the first day of Dracula Daily for 2024. I just got the first entry in my inbox.

If you want to read Dracula bit-by-bit by date, today is the starting date of the novel.

(Dracula is an epistolary novel. It is told as a collection of letters, journal entries, and newspaper clippings, so Dracula Daily is designed to mail the entries on the dates of the entries in the novel.)

Alex Schroeder

My wife and I are privileged to be mentioned in Peter Bach’s cri de coeur against European and UK immigration policies, The Geopolitics of Cynicism — the latest in his series of weekly columns, Letter from London, published today in the US-based magazine, @counterpunch.

Alex Schroeder

My wife and I are privileged to be mentioned in Peter Bach’s cri de coeur against European and UK immigration policies, The Geopolitics of Cynicism — the latest in his series of weekly columns, Letter from London, published today in the US-based magazine, @counterpunch.

Alex Schroeder

« React and the component model standardises the software developer and reduces their individual bargaining power excluding them from a proportional share in the gains. »

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